Actual theme: Historical and cultural standard
E.E. Vyazemsky, E.B. Evladova. Historical and cultural standard and school historical education: to comprehend the trends in the development of education.
The article discusses the development and implementation of historical and cultural standards as a factor of state educational policy and trends in the development of historical school education.
Keywords: historical and cultural standard, unified history textbook, the concept of the new UMK on national history.
M.V. Korotkova. Historical and cultural standard and teaching of culture in school courses of the National History.
The article is devoted different approaches for study culture in history school lessons, discovering culture with economy and politics of society. Analysis history culture standard on this context.
Keywords: culture, mode of life, values, history culture standard, teaching of culture on history school lessons.
E.A. Kryuchkova. Historical and cultural standard: methodological aspects of introduction into pedagogical practice.
The article discusses the content and structure of the school of historical education in accordance with the historical and cultural standard, methodical recommendations on teaching history in school in connection with the transition to a new structure and content of historical education.
Keywords: school historical education, historical and cultural standard, FSES, educational results, educational and methodical complex on national history.
History and Society
A.V. Juravel. «Brotherhood» contrary to «fatherhood»? Succession to power in Old Rus (9-15 century).
The article examines how the relationship between the terms «brotherhood» and «fatherhood» determined the course of the succession of power in Old Rus up to the 15th century.
Keywords: succession to power , testament, Yaroslav the Wise, otchina (patrimony), stareishinstvo (seniority in a clan), brotherhood, intestine wars, Yaroslav’sons, Vladimir Monomach.
V.N. Zamulin, V.V. Zamulin. How to liberate the city of the first salute.
In the article on extensive documentary material from the Russian and foreign archives, much of which is introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, analyzes the issues related to combat actions of the troops of the Steppe front for the liberation of Belgorod from the German invaders in August 1943.
Keywords: battle of Kursk, operation «Commander Rumyantsev», the liberation of Belgorod, the first salute, I.S. Konev.
E.I. Schulepnikova. Comparison of history and modernity in the historical course: the history of one discussion.
In the late 1940s in some pedagogical journals there was a discussion about the disirability of history and modernity’s comparison and drawing historical parallels took place. Some of the conclusions that were made by participants are also interesting for the teachers of the XXI century. This article is about the progress and the conclusions of the polemic.
Keywords: discussion, comparison, modernity, methodology.
B.A. Atchkinasi. Russia in the World War and the growing internal crisis (1914-1915).
In the article analyzes the situation of Russia’s accession to the world war and the reasons for the military failures that caused the crisis of the Empire to grow since the second half of 1915.
Keywords: world war, turmoil, internal crisis, army, front, rear, plan of war, military operation, breakthrough, catastrophe, culmination.
A.I. Prischepa. Surgut teacher Arkady Znamensky.
The article evaluates the multifaceted personality of A.S. Znamensky, who combined the talent of a bright teacher and the ability of an outstanding composer and performer of musical works. Examples of the personal destinies of his graduates show indelible beneficial pedagogical influence on the younger generation of the Siberian hinterland.
Keywords: school, local history, training, education, library, musician, archive, personality, creativity, students.
O.Y. Strelova. The centenary of the Russian revolution of 1917 and the actual problems of the historical education of schoolchildren (Part 3).
The author of the article continues to disclose the educational potential of the discourse «Centenary of the Russian Revolution of 1917 as a project of historical memory of schoolchildren». The forgotten artifacts are presented as additional information resources on history and social science, and on the example of political cartoons of 1917.
Keywords: century of Russian Revolution of 1917, project of memory, additional information resources, cartoons, research activities.
I.P. Eremetova. Tasks for the Regional Olympiad in History for pupils of the XI classes.
Variant of regional subject Olympiad on history.
Keywords: оlympic games, Ancient world, period of feudal partition, Moscovite period, Russian Empire, Soviet Union.
I.V. Krutova, R.V. Pazin, E.N. Abdulaev. Methodical quests of the modern lesson
The article deals with the problem of the use of teaching methods in the modern school.
Keywords: methods of teaching history and social science, teaching methods.
Young scientists’ works
A.S. Masjutin. The armed action in Vyatka 18 December 1905.
The article deals with the armed action of the socialists-revolutionaries fighting squads in Vyatka in December 1905 as one of the waves of armed uprisings in December 1905, according to many researchers, the peak of the First Russian revolution. The author analyzes the motives and reasons for the failure of the combat enterprise in Vyatka.
Keywords: the Socialist Revolutionary Party, the SRs, Vyatka, 1905, First Russian revolution.
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