Actual theme: Uniform State Exam
A.Y. Morozov. Instructions for the assignment 25 (historical composition) exam on history.
Methodical instructions to prepare for the writing of historical essays.
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, composition.
O.B. Soboleva. How to improve the exam results of the social studies and go to university?
The paper makes recommendations with specific examples to improve the training of the social studies exam.
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, social studies, interdisciplinary communication.
Ya.V. Solovyov. Problems on the job 24 argument Uniform State Exam examination work on the history in the reflection guidelines FIPI for the regional commissions of experts.
Methodological material for improving the formulation of criteria and to prepare for the delivery of Uniform State Exam.
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, story, argument, criteria formulation.
O.V. Vorobyova, A.A. Domahin. The problem of preparation for writing historical essays in the Uniform State Exam.
This article deals with the problem of preparation for the writing of historical essays in the exam format. The results of testing of the author’s technique based on the use of the problematic method of teaching in history lessons.
Keywords: historical work, Uniform State Exam, problem-based learning, the history of Russia.
History and Society
O.V. Sdvizhkov. Either something happened here, or one or another. On consideration of the case by special US congressional committee, «Katyn» in 1952.
The article provides a critical analysis of the part of materials published by Select Committee of US Congress on Katyn Forest massacre.
Keywords: Katyn, Select Committee of US Congress, polish war prisoners in USSR, execution of polish officers, Smolensk, NKVD.
Zaya I.Yu., Brushkova L.A. Adaptation of rationalistic and enlightenment ideas to sociocultural conditions of Russia in wrightings of V. N. Tatishchev
Тhis paper is devoted to V.N. Tatishchev, the very famous Russian historiographer and social innovator as well. Emphasized that Tatishchev contributed significantly in spreading of European Enlightenment ideas in Russia, development of Russian social thought and formation of the ideology of reforms of the Peter the Great.
Keywords: modernization, reforms by Peter I, Enlightenment, empathy, rationalism, utilitarianism, natural law, public contract, social mobility.
A.B. Sokolov. Norman conquest of England in British history textbooks.
Methodological and didactical principles that lay in the foundation of the British school history textbooks are regarded in this article by analysis of the paragraphs on the Norman conquest of England. The battle of Hastings and the Norman conquest takes one the main places of memory in English national consciousness.
Keywords: school history textbook, 1066, the Norman conquest of England.
A.B. Ananchenko, V.P. Popov, V.G. Tsvetkov, D.O. Churakov. Difficult questions of the XX century Russian history.
Article reveals some aspects of the discussion of issues of modern historical scholarship and school history.
Keywords: difficult issues of Russian history, reorganization, dissolution of the USSR.
A.S. Bozhich. Country-seat as museum: history of cultural environment.
The article is devoted the place of country-seat in history of cultural environment.
Keywords: cultural environment, country-seat, nobility, museum.
I.V. Krutova, R.V. Pazin. The Federal state educational standards and Historic-cultural standard of history: problems of implementation of system-activity approach.
The article indicated by informative and didactic contradictions the Federal state educational standards and Historic-cultural standard regarding the study of school history courses, offered some concrete ways to overcome them.
Keywords: Federal state educational standards, Conception of the new educational and methodological
complex in national history, Historic-cultural standard, system-activity approach.
V.O. Gusakova. Forming of vital strategy of leader in the process of the spiritual and moral education of the pupils (based on the example to fleet admiral Fedor Ushakov).
In the article are revealed the possibilities of education the quality of the leader to the pupils VII-IX of classes in the process of studying of life and exploits of fleet admiral F. Ushakov, avowed hero and saint.
Keywords: ideal, anthropological model, person, the leader, spiritual and moral education.
A.N. Egorov. Uncomfortable questions Russian-Horde relations and answers history teacher.
The article is devoted to topical issues of the Russian-Horde relations that can occur in students of VI class of secondary school when meeting with the learning material.
Keywords: Rus, the Golden Horde, the russian-horde relations, cooperative learning, ethnogenesis, religious policy.
O.A. Volgin. Discussions about nature of documentary photo and their meaning for history teaching.
Some theoretical approaches to define nature of documentary photography will be considered through theoretical framework suggested by Swedish semiologist G. Sonesson. Practical conclusions for history teaching will be made from these approaches.
Keywords: documentary photos, history teaching methods, lesson, demonstrativeness.
Young scientists’ works
P.M. Elchaninov. Unemployment in the years of the NEP in the USSR (1921-1928 годы).
This article is dedicated to one of the most complex and controversial periods of modern history of Russia — the period of the New Economic Policy. The phenomenon of wide distribution in the Soviet province.
Keywords: NEP, unemployment, crime, hooliganism, the Soviet province.
J.A. Tuchina. Fundamentals of state-public system of Russia in the views of A.I. Koshelev.
The article is devoted to views of prominent Slavophile A.I. Koshelev on the state-public system of Russia.
Keywords: slavophiles, social system, identity, the Russian idea, A.I. Koshelev.
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