
Magazine’s content № 8 2016

Actual theme: An alternative textbook history

E.N. Abdullaev, A.Y. Morozov. Alternative history textbook.
The article raises the theme of the crisis of the traditional history textbook that examines the causes of this crisis and the options and opportunities for the development of alternatives to the traditional textbook.
Keywords: history textbook, competency-based approach, activity approach, alternative.

History and Society

B.N. Mironov. The concepts and paradigms of modern historiography (extension).
The article describes the theoretical views, prevailing in the historic community.
Keywords: Russian empire, domestic policy, reform, revolution.

B.A. Ananchenko, V.P. Popov, V.G. Tsvetkov, D.O. Churakova. Difficult questions of the XX century Russian history.
Article reveals some aspects of the discussion of issues of modern historical scholarship and school history.
Keywords: difficult issues of Russian history, the price of victory in the Great Patriotic war.

A.A. Iserov. Slavery, Civil War and Reconstruction in the US.
The article based on contemporary scholarship presents an overview of the development of slavery in the nineteenth century in the United States, and the rise of sectional contradictions which were followed by the Civil War and Reconstruction.
Keywords: U.S. slavery, U.S. Civil War 1861–1865, U.S. Reconstruction 1865–1877.

S.E. Lazarev. The image of Stepan Razin in the visual arts.
The author presents a brief characterization of the most important, in his view, works of art dedicated to the Stepan Timofeyevich Razin. It is shown that the attitude of painters and sculptors to the identity of the don ataman was often in thrall to the political situation.
Keywords: Stepan Razin, the peasants ‘ revolt, the fine arts, the October revolution of 1917, the monuments.

A.I. Tetuev. Book of Memory as factor of patriotic education of youth.
The role of Book of Memory in the patriotic education of youth is examined in the paper. The contribution of the peoples of Kabardino-Balkaria in the rear and at the front in order to achieve victory in the Great Patriotic war is investigated.
Keywords: Great Patriotic War, front, rear, contribution, victory, formation, patriotism.


B.N. Naydenko. Actual issues of improving the professional competence of the teacher of history in the conditions of the implementation of the FSES and the HCS.
The article is devoted to improving the professional competence of history teachers of the Moscow region in connection with the implementation of the state educational standard on Russian history and General history, and — with the beginning of the transition to a new TMC in the history of Russia in accordance with historical-cultural standard 2014.
Keywords: professional competence of the teacher of history, systematic-activity approach, value-oriented approach, international cooperation.

E.K. Kalutskaya. Effective methods of organization of activity of pupils in the study course «Social Studies».
The article provides teaching material to work on the social studies lessons with concrete examples and exercises.
Keywords: Constitutional Court, the rights and obligations, law.

I.Y. Doluev. The study of history with a child, are on long-term treatment, and recovery of cognitive functions.
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the teaching of history students who are on long-term treatment in a hospital.
Keywords: teaching of history, cognitive function and rehabilitation.

X.P. Kurdyukova. Methodical organization learned techniques on the theme «Culture» in the school.
The article deals with methods of teaching cultural issues in Russian history lessons in high school according to the requirements of HCS. The author offers some options for lessons, consider the pros and cons of different technologies.
Keywords: historical and cultural standard, instructional techniques, system-activity approach, integrated lesson, games technology, multimedia presentation, synchronistic table.

S.V. Nikolaenko. Technique of formation of historical concepts from history.
The article examines the problem of the formation of historical concepts in the modern school. It analyzes concept of textbooks, considered the most encountered difficulties in using concepts. The author offers methods and techniques of forming concepts in the classroom.
Keywords: historical concepts, education trough problem solving, school history textbooks, methods of teaching.

Young scientists’ works

J.M. Sedykh. The perception of ethnicity among the teachers in the reorganized Moscow school with the eyes of their pupils.
The article aims to show how the teachers work and communicate with the pupils of different nationalities after the school with the ethnocultural Russian component of education was united with an average multinational school.
Keywords: school, reorganization, teacher, pupil, children, nationality, other nationality.

K.S. Barabanova. St. Petersburg’s merchantry and management during the Cholera epidemic of 1831.
The article addresses the issue of self-organization in the period of emergency.
Keywords: cholera, epidemic, merchants, St. Petersburg, 1831.

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Опубликовано в Журнал в 2016 году.

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