Actual theme: Social studies course in a modern school
R.V. Pazin. Reform of historical and social studies education at school: plan, risks and solutions.
The article examines the reform project of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in the field of teaching history, shows the difficulties of its implementation and suggests options for solving them.
Keywords: history, social studies, reform, risks.
I.V. Krutova. School social science education: current state.
The article actualizes the importance of school social science education, identifies the problems of the modern course in the subject «Social Studies» and suggests some ways to overcome them.
Keywords: school social science education, student development.
A.V. Klimenko, M.L. Nesmelova. The concept of teaching the subject «Social Studies»: analysis and approaches to improvement.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the current concept of teaching social studies in primary and secondary schools in the context of the requirements of modern society and the state to update the content of socio-humanitarian education. Directions for meaningful updating of the educational subject «Social Studies» are proposed for the design of a unified state textbook.
Keywords: social studies, civic education, social studies teaching concept.
M.V. Ponomarev. Conceptual space for the development of the social science education system.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the structural features of the Russian system of social science education and conceptual approaches to its reform.
Keywords: social studies, civic education, social competence, methodology, object approach, civilizational approach.
E.V. Saplina. Challenges of a modern social studies teacher.
In the article, the author analyzes the problems faced by a modern social studies teacher, gives specific examples of an algorithm for conducting a social studies lesson in the light of the recommendations of the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as taking into account personal experience.
Keywords: planned results, social studies textbook, modern lesson.
History and Society
V.D. Anisimov. Methods of organization of physical culture and sports (activity) of Soviet workers in the 1920s.
The article considers the main methods of organization of physical culture and sports activity of Soviet workers in the 1920s. The article analyses the goals of this work, problems in the implementation of projects related to the involvement of workers in physical training and sports, achievements of the Soviet power in improving the health and quality of life of the working class.
Keywords: physical culture, sports, organization methods, Soviet workers, sports section, international cooperation.
M.A. Bychkov. French radical right movement in the post-war period.
The article analyzes the development of the French right-wing radical movement in the post-war period. The reason for its development during the period under study was the struggle of the authorities of the Fourth Republic against communism and Gaullism. Right-wing radicalism focused on the country’s past and demanded the establishment of a strong government and the preservation of colonial possessions, therefore, right-wing radicals supported Charles de Gaulle. De Gaulle spoke out for the independence of Algeria, this became the reason for the transformation of right-wing radicalism into right-wing opposition to the authorities of the Fifth Republic. The use of terrorist methods by right-wing radicals became the reason for their crisis and transition to more moderate positions.
Keywords: de Gaulle Charles, Secret Army Organization, Fifth Republic, France, French right-wing radical movement, Fourth Republic.
A.O. Aksenichev. The Coalition Agreement of 2021 and the foreign policy strategy of the government of the new German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.
The article provides an analysis of the latest coalition agreement of the leading ruling parties of Germany: the SPD, the FDP and the Union of 90/»Greens». The purpose of the study was to update information about the current foreign policy course of Germany (the treaty, among other things, reflects this aspect), as well as to identify some fundamental vectors that the country will strictly follow in the next few years.
Keywords: Germany, the European Union, Olaf Scholz, the coalition agreement, foreign policy.
G.V. Eremenko, E.A. Shishkina. On the question of the real history of the setting up Alexandro-Mariinsky real school in Saratov.
The true date of the setting up Saratov Alexandero Mariinsky Real School has been revealed, previously unpublished information about the initial years of the school existence and its predecessor Alexander-Marien Schule has been collected and commented on, and the etymology and semantic meaning of the terms «school» and «college» have been analyzed.
Keywords: school, secondary school, St. Mary’s Church, Saratov, students.
S.V. Ermolenko, H.I. Dupate. Development of the organization of training of military personnel of foreign armies in military educational institutions of the USSR in 1949-1985.
Examining the development of the organization of training of military personnel of foreign armies in military educational institutions of the USSR in 1949-1985, the author of the article notes that it was of paramount importance in the work of military educational institutions and represented a complex structured process that included a set of organizational areas: management activities for the organization of training of officers of foreign armies; monitoring of the contingent of foreign military personnel who enrolled in military universities of the USSR for further study; management activities for the training of qualified teaching staff for the training of foreign military personnel and the improvement of the educational and material base for the educational process of foreign military specialists.
Keywords: development of training of military personnel of foreign armies; improvement of the quality of training; foreign military personnel; teachers; military educational institutions of the USSR; teaching effectiveness; pedagogical skills; Russian language.
D.V. Mefodin. The main factors and conditions that influenced the conduct of political and educational work in the Soviet troops in Afghanistan in 1979-1989.
The topic under study has a relevant historical and political orientation. The author of the publication analyzed the main factors and conditions that influenced the conduct of political and educational work among the Soviet troops in Afghanistan in 1979-1989. The organization and conduct of political educational work within the Soviet troops was influenced by various factors and conditions, the main of which were: legal regulation, which determined the place, content, organization and implementation of political educational work in formations and units of the 40th Army in DRA, the development of the military-political situation in the DRA and the features of combat operations of formations and units of the 40th Army.
Keywords: Afghanistan, main factors and conditions, conducting political and educational work, Islamic opposition, defense of rear facilities, political training classes, propaganda unit, Afghan population, countering enemy propaganda.
O.N. Sidorchuk, S.D. Sidorchuk. Everyday life in USSR in the 1930s: a children’s view.
The paper presents the options for the work of students with the visual sources of the constructed children’s everyday life of the 1930s (covers of children magazines, advertising, photographs, illustrations from textbooks, etc.). It was proposed the algorithm of the analysis of visual sources for the everyday life of the 1930s.
Keywords: visual source, Soviet everyday life, children’s magazine, advertising, illustrations, history lesson.
O.Y. Strelova. Formation and diagnostics of creative thinking of schoolchildren up to date with regional history.
In continuation of the «methodological consultation» on the formation of functional literacy in school history courses, the author of the article offers a thematic case for the development of schoolchildren’ creative thinking. Its practical significance is due to the regional textbook on the history of the Russian Far East, and its theoretical significance is due to the justification of the structure and content of the tasks included in the case, criteria for testing and diagnosing cognitive abilities, methods for correcting identified deficits and developing of schoolchildren’ creative thinking.
Keywords: creative thinking, regional history, case study of the formation and diagnosis of creative thinking.
I.I. Barinova. The mission of a modern teacher.
The author examines the issue of the features of a modern school, the role of the teacher in the formation of traditional values.
Keywords: teaching profession, traditional values, modern technologies.
Young scientists’ works
M.V. Mukhina. Application of the procedure for annulment of voting when summing up the results of elections to the Constituent Assembly in the province (using the example of Mosalsky district of Kaluga province).
The article considers the reasons for the cancellation of electoral notes in the Mosalsky district of the Kaluga constituency (Kaluga province). The author analyzed the voting protocols for 30 volosts that make up the county. When comparing archival materials with the published election results, it was found that the number of invalid votes exceeds the number indicated in the final protocols.
Keywords: Constituent assembly, elections, cancellation of votes, county commission.
S.N. Shteynikov. Formation and activity of gendarmerie teams of the Russian Empire on the example of Perm in 1817-1836.
This article discusses for the first time: the process of formation and activity of gendarmerie teams of the Russian Empire on the example of Perm from the moment of their formation as part of a Separate Corps of the Internal Guard until their transfer to the subordination of the Corps of Gendarmes. The general problems typical for many gendarmerie teams of the Russian Empire are revealed.
Keywords: Separate Internal Guard Corps, Gendarmes Corps, Perm Gendarme Team, Internal Gendarmes, Perm City Council.
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