
Journal’s content № 4 2024

Actual theme: Methodological potential of a modern school history textbook

M.V. Korotkova. Method of approach and discussion problems of modern history textbook: native and foreign experience.
The article is devoted to the problems of method of approach for creation of modern school textbook. The author discloses different points of view of long standing discussion about modern history textbook. The article considers classifications, structure, functions of modern history school textbook, demands of its creation. The author adduces examples of native and foreign experience.
Keywords: history school textbook, structure elements, functions history school textbook, discussion about modern history textbook, tendency of development textbook, demands of its creation textbook.

I.S. Mayorov. Methodological approaches to the use of visual sources in a modern history textbook.
This article addresses the relevance and legitimacy of using visual sources in a modern history textbook. It is noted that the introduction of visual sources into textbooks allows students to better understand and study the theoretical material presented in the textbook. An attempt has been made to systematize the currently existing methodological approaches to the use of visual sources in a history textbook.
Keywords: visual sources, pictorial sources, history textbook, research skills, visual aid, visibility, historical sources.

V.Z. Tsvetkov. Experience of classroom activities and extracurricular forms of work as an addition to a basic history textbook (using the example of the pedagogical practice of the people’s teacher of the USSR T.I. Goncharova).
The article examines the problems of using a variety of regular and extracurricular forms of educational activity in the process of teaching Russian history in secondary schools. It is noted that despite the importance of such a format of work, one of the important basic elements for teaching remains a history textbook. Nevertheless, its importance should not be exaggerated, since for a full-fledged perception of history, a comprehensive, diverse study of educational material on national history is necessary. In this regard, the experience of innovative teachers of the 1980s of the Soviet school, in particular the pedagogical practice of the People’s Teacher of the USSR Tatyana Ivanovna Goncharova, can be very useful. The article gives a brief description of the teaching methods and educational techniques used by her. This is relevant from the point of view of deep understanding, understanding of the topics that are taught in the textbook. This experience also makes it possible to establish a more productive teacher-student contact in the context of the ongoing educational process.
Keywords: textbook of national history, Goncharova Tatyana Ivanovna, scheduled activities, extracurricular activities, teachers-innovators.

History and Society

S.E. Lazarev. «They moved, so to speak, by touch»: How do former schoolchildren and students perceive the events of perestroika today.
The author of this article, devoted to the last years of the existence of the USSR, conducted a survey of eyewitnesses of that time — former schoolchildren and students, and now responsible workers in various spheres of life and pensions. It follows from the results of the survey that all respondents received a pre-red education in 1982-1991, are nostalgic for their childhood, friendship at school, pioneer and Komsomol youth. Despite the recognition that certain mistakes were made by the leadership in those years, the majority of respondents believe that the Soviet Union could have been saved if the country had been more fortunate with a political leader and there would have been less trust in the West.
Keywords: Chernobyl accident, anti-alcohol campaign, Afghan war, glasnost, Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, scientific and technological progress, national movements, education, space exploration, abolition of censorship, perestroika, period of stagnation, collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, school.

V.L. Danoyan. Development and introduction of the City Regulations of 1846 for St. Petersburg.
In the article the state activity on preparation and adoption of the new city statute of 1846 in St. Petersburg is studied. The author analyses the main points of the «Provisions on the new public regulations of 1846 in St. Petersburg» and other documents related to the reform of public administration in the capital.
Keywords: urban public self-government, legislation, city council, reforms, complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire, city regulations, commissions, Nicholas I.

S.V. Dzhundzhuzov, S.V. Lyubichankovskiy. Educational and methodological support of the topic of the school history course: «Orenburg Region during the Revolution and the Civil War (1917-1920)».
Using the example of the topic «Orenburg Region during the Revolution and Civil War (1917-1920)», the content of the relevant chapters and paragraphs of the textbook «History of the Orenburg Region» and the anthology «Orenburg region in the XX — early XXI century» is characterized. The review of the educational material allows us to conclude about an integrated approach to the educational and methodological support of teaching historical local lore in educational institutions of the Orenburg region. The integration of the regional component into the school course of the history of Russia is aimed at updating the evaluative attitude of students to events significant for the history of their native land. The section «Saved time» and a thematic selection of historical sources are aimed at acquiring the skills of independent analysis of documents and involvement in research activities.
Keywords: civil war, history, local history, Orenburg Region, revolution, textbook, textbook.


N.G. Masyukova, A.B. Anisimova. Formation of students’ ability to work with visual sources of historical information.
The authors of the article introduce the experience of working on the formation of students’ ability to work with images (using the example of postage stamps).
Keywords: the ability to work with images, postage stamps, the siege of Leningrad.

S.A. Fokina. Formation of reading literacy in history lessons through the use of figurative speech means.
The article discusses a way to develop reading literacy in history lessons in grades V-XI using phraseology.
Keywords: reading literacy, proverbs, sayings, catchphrases, idioms.

I.N. Burganova. Methodological aspects of using an online course within school history education.
This article offers a developed and tested author’s open educational online course «General History. Short course» based on the Stepik platform.
Keywords: Stepik, digitalization of education, online course, electronic educational resources, educational platforms, online learning, massive open online course.

Young scientists’ works

Yu.O. Sorozhkina. Changing the appearance of Belgrade in the context of Serbia’s modernization at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.
In 1878 Serbia finally became an independent state, which forced it to take the path of modernization. Belgrade was the first to experience attempts at comprehensive transformation.
Keywords: Belgrade, political processes, modernization, Serbia.

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