Actual theme: Regional history and its study
Highlights determined decision III Congress of teachers of history and social science
I.A. Mishina, M.G. Tsyrenova. Methodological approaches to teaching courses of the federal, regional and local history in the conditions of realization of the new CMO for the concept of national and world history.
The article examines the current challenges and new methodological approaches to the conjunction, construction and teaching of school courses of national, regional and local history in the context of implementation of the concept of a new educational-methodical complex on national and world history.
Keywords: federal, regional and local history, multi-level teaching of history, methodological approaches.
V.M. Kuznetsov. Models of local history education in schools (in the Chelyabinsk region material).
The article summarizes the experience of teachers of the Chelyabinsk region on teaching local history in individual lessons , training modules and elective courses . Submitted by developing problem- hike in the study of the history and culture of the peoples of the Southern Urals.
Keywords: local history, ethnos and national relationships, textbooks, elective courses.
Eremina T.Yu. The use of regional publications on the history of the Vyatka region, the history and culture of the peoples of Russia at the basic school.
The article analyzes the content and use of regional publications on the history of the Vyatka region, the history and culture of the peoples of Russia at the II stage of education in the context of the introduction of the concept of a new educational complex on Russian history.
Keywords: the concept of a new educational complex on national history, regional publications on the history of the Vyatka region, the history and culture of the peoples of Russia.
V.G. Petrovich. Regional history: to be or not to be?
The article is devoted to the experience of the creation of the modern benefits of regional history of the Saratov region. To make an offer on the basis of discussing the problems of the teaching of regional history at the Third All-Russian Congress of history teachers.
Keywords: regional history, historical and cultural standard, GEF, CMD.
V.A. Kumpan. International Trends in regional studies courses in general education as an example kubanovedeniya in the Krasnodar territory.
This article is devoted to study the state and prospects of development of teaching cubanamerica in basic education. The integration of regional studies disciplines, which include various areas suggests the extension of educational content by exploring the role of regions in international processes.
Keywords: regional studies, international relations, Krasnodar Krai, history, foreign economic activity, migration processes, national policy, basic education.
History and Society
A.A. Turygin. Historical reconstruction and its potentials in education by history.
In the article it is about pedagogical opportunities of a method of historical reconstruction at history lessons. The author analyzes types of historical reconstruction which exist in modern society.
Keywords: reconstruction, education, history, types, public history, history lesson.
V.V. Tikhonov. The February revolution in the historical politics of XX — beginning of XXI century.
The article describes the evolution of the assessment of the February Revolution by the Soviet and then the Russian ruling elites. Showing particular places this event in the historical policy of both regimes.
Keywords: the February revolution, the Soviet Union, Russian Federation, historical policy.
I.A. Shchurinova, Y.I. Belyankova. Figures of Speech at the Lessons of History and Social Studies: Functions and Methodical Aspects of their Selection and Usage.
In the article the author studies the functions of the figures of speech in the process of teaching History and Social Studies. The metodical aspects of the figures of speech usage are in the focus of studies in the article. The examples of tasks are provided. The author suggests the criteria for the selection of the figures of speech to be used in the educational process.
Keywords: teaching methods, History, Social studies, figures of speech, Uniform State Exam, visual teaching resources.
A.V. Polovnikova, A.A. Sorokin, V.V. Shapoval. Historical and Cultural Standard of Russian History as a Tool for Assessment and Planning of a Curriculum Content Complexity.
The article shows the way how the new Historical and Cultural Standard of Russian History could serve as a very accurate tool for measure and assess the complexity of chosen historical materials when planning and leveling the content of a school curriculum.
Keywords: historical and cultural standard of russian history, curriculum content, complexity assessment.
Young scientists’ works
M.A. Bordakov. Becoming the first censorial service in the Far East of Russia in 1901-1905 years.
The article considers poorly studied subject of history — the development of the institute of censorship in the Far East of Russia. On the basis of archival sources recreated unknown episodes censorial practice first censorship authority in the region.
Keywords: censorship, Far East, East institute, periodicals, Department of press.
V.Y. Bochko. The development of education system in Texas as a segment of integration process to USA (the 1820-s-1861).
This article describes the development of Texas school system before the American Civil War. In the article we have reviewed the conceptual approaches to education policy in Texas. The development of Texas school system has been considered as an element of integration of Texas in the USA.
Keywords: Texas, regional history, antebellum USA, school education, integration.
D.V. Kiryukhin. Secondary School of Bolshoe Murashkino before the start of the Great Patriotic War: materials of R.S. Grazhdaninov’s school diary for VIII class (1940-1941 academic year).
The article discusses the development of a new Soviet school to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War at the rural school example. Particular attention is paid to the school diary for cl VIII, which was first introduced in the scientific revolution as a historical source for the study of the history of the Soviet school of pre-war period.
Keywords: Soviet school of pre-war period, Bolshoe Murashkino, R.S. Grazhdaninov.
Y.A. Tuchina. The journal «Russkaya beseda» and his publisher A. I. Koshelev.
The article is devoted to the history of the publication of the journal of Slavophiles, «Russkaya beseda» and the work of A. I. Koshelev as publisher of the journal.
Keywords: slavophiles, journal «Russkaya beseda», A.I. Koshelev.
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