
Magazine’s content № 1 2013

Letter to the Journal

I.S. Kuchanov.
In defense of teachers.
Letter about the status of teachers in the modern Russian school.

Keywords: teacher’s social status, attractiveness of pedagogical profession, quality of education.

Actual theme: Technology in education

O.V. Machekhina.
Technologization educational process — resource development of the school.
The article is dedicated to the explanation\exposition of the principle of openness of education, brief characteristics of open educational technologies and their place in organization of labour of a modern teacher.

Keywords: technology project activity, a way of self-realization, the fullness of content.
A.E. Karma.
Project activities in history class — from goal-setting to implementation.
In article questions of realization of design activity at modern school are consecrated. Forms of realization of design activity from work of scientific organization of pupils before use of elements of technology at a lesson are resulted.

Keywords: technology project activity, a way of self-realization, the fullness of content.

N.A. Bondarenko.
Educational technology workshops.
The author offers a form of organization of the educational process — teaching tehnologiyumasterskih. Zhannaya program promotes cognitive literacy, intellectual reflection, formiret culture and intellect of students.

Keywords: technology workshops, problem situation, the culmination of the creative process.

O.L. Petrenko.
Technology debate in history class.
This article covers the basics of intellectual games, debates, and its capacity for the implementation of the second generation of the GEF. Describes the organization of specific lesson on the history of technology with the debate for more effective learning.

Keywords: debates, intellectual game, competence of students, the argument counter-argument structure of the proof, the elements of the debate.

S.N. Ermakova.
«P.A. Stolypin — a hero or a villain. The lesson for class XI for technology-based «critical thinking».
The article describes the basic model technology «Critical Thinking Reading and Writing» and the possibility of its use in the implementation of the second generation of GEF. Describes the organization of specific lesson on the history of using the technology.

Keywords: technology of «critical thinking» person-oriented technology, P.A. Stolypin, personality assessment, the reformer.

A.E. Mitkinа, N.V. Kutalidi, M.V. Lewinskаyа.
Technology development of critical thinking through reading and writing in history lessons: from the simple — to the complex. The lesson for the class V «Мilitary campaigns of the Pharaohs».
The article presents a history lesson in class V in the technology development of critical thinking through reading and writing. In a lesson explores the idea of ??using technological methods to age-appropriate student learning.

Keywords: technology for the development of critical thinking, the history of ancient Egypt, the military campaigns of the Pharaohs.

I.V. Suvolokina, V.M. Sosnova.
Russia in the XVIII century. Design a lesson in class VII.
The author proposes the method of competence in children by introducing the lesson unobtrusive methods dating to specific historical events.

Keywords: troubled history lesson, Russia in the XVIII century, the task of the project.

History and Society

How to create a banner for Moscow: Notes participant.
The author gives an estimate of a banner on a sign of Moscow.

Keywords: the flag of Moscow, history of creation, natonal symbol.

T.V. Chernikova.
The creation of large factories in Russia in XVII century.
The article is devoted to the first steps of manufactories in Russia. The author asserts that in many respects the process of appearance manufacturies in Russia in the XVII century has predetermined futher development of Russian industry.

Keywords: Russia in the XVII century, creation big manufactures in Russia.

N.P. Androsenko.
Conservatism: from ideology to epistemology.
The article focouses on the definition of conservatism and his methodological grounds. It is based on the work of three key conservative scholars of K. Mannheim, S. Huntington and M.Oakeshott.

Keywords: conservatism, political ideology.


N.F. Kritskaya.
«Everyday life in Russia in the 1990s.» Elective classes for students IX (XI) classes.
In this article the development of extra-curricular activities with the research, design activities for students interested in the study of history.

Keywords: extracurricular activities, research students, working with documents, informal groups of young people.

Uniform State Exam

A.Y. Morozov.
Historical and geographical training for the abolition of serfdom and the development of the Russian economy in the post-reform period.
Geographically oriented training to prepare for the Uniform State Exam and the GIA.

Keywords: Uniform State Exam, interdisciplinary connections.

A.M. Mitkin.
Technology features «didactic cycle» in preparing students to pass the exam on the example set C6 «historical portrait.» The lesson for class X on «The Russian Empire during the reign of Paul I».
In the article on a tutorial on the «Russian empire during the reign of Paul I» disclosed technology prepare students for evaluating the historical figure for writing assignments C6 Uniform State Exam.

Keywords: Uniform State Exam, educational technology «didactic cycle», conceptual table, Paul I.

Today in magazine – Tomorrow in class

O.V. Gugnina.
Man and humanity on the product Antoine de Saint-Exupery «The Little Prince» in the teaching of social studies.
The author proposes the development of the social studies lesson on the basis of analysis of works by Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s «The Little Prince» with elements of staging.

Keywords: man, humanity, humanity, hermeneutics, dramogermenevtika.


Young scientists’ works

R.R. Kalimullin.
Organizational forms of scientific activity as a factor in the development of industry in 1950-1960 (on the example of the Middle Volga region).
The article considers the role of the Institute of the Kuibyshev and Ulyanovsk regions as the main form of organization of scientific activities in the period of the scientific and technological revolution in 1950-1960. The analysis of the reasons why the performance of research institutions in the region by the end of 1960.

Keywords: Research Institute, scientific-technical revolution, innovation, research and production association, science and design office, research development.

Union Mutual of Russian writers at the Russian literary society.
The article deals with the organizational and legal prerequisites for the development of the Union Mutual Russian writers at the Russian literary society in St. Petersburg in the late XIX — early XX century. The author reveals the objectives, forms and activities of the literary association.

Keywords: charity, public work, Russian Empire, union, charter.

P.G. Kim.
The origins of the Christianization of Korea at the turn of XIX-XX centuries.
The article analyzes the Christianization of Korea at the turn of XIX-XX centuries., Characteristics and objectives of the process, given its periodization. On the basis of archival documents shows the value of American Protestant missionaries in the development of Christianity, the development of culture and national identity of modern South Korea.

Keywords: USA, Korea, Protestantism, missionaries, evangelization.

In Journal

  • Check your knowledge easily! (Gauging Materials publisher «Waco»)
  • News of science, history and archeology



Опубликовано в Журнал в 2013 году.

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