Actual theme: Functional literacy in history lessons
O.S. Nagornaya, V.V. Kumskov. Didactic techniques for the formation of functional literacy in history lessons.
Based on the analysis of the normative foundations, the methodological experiences of the predecessors and the authors themselves in developing and trying out didactic solutions, the article systematises the requirements for shaping the functional context of reading literacy in history teaching and presents three concrete techniques for working with multiplicative historical texts.
Keywords: reading literacy, functional context, multiple texts, didactic solutions.
G.N. Muradyan. Problems of the formation of reading literacy in secondary school and possible ways to solve them in history lessons.
A methodological development devoted to the methods of developing reading literacy with specific examples to help the history teacher.
Keywords: functional literacy, reading literacy, continuous text, non-continuous text, mixed text.
History and Society
V.L. Danoyan. Peter the Great’s reform of urban public administration.
The article analyzes the reform activities of Peter I in the field of urban public administration in the first quarter of the XVIII century.
Keywords: City government, town hall, state, zemstvo huts, Peter I, reforms.
I.A. Potemkin. Armored trains of the NKVD troops on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.
The article highlights the stages of the activity of armored trains as part of the regiments of the NKVD troops of the USSR and separate units (BEPO) during the Great Patriotic War. A brief description of their combat work at three stages of the war is given: in the first period — from June 1941 to November 1942, the second period — from November 19, 1942 to December 31, 1943 and in the third period — from January 1, 1944. to May 9, 1945 For each period, separate characteristic examples of participation in hostilities are given.
Keywords: armored train, NKVD troops, the Great Patriotic War, front, security, defense, military operations, railways.
O.A. Zakirov. Historical research and scientific and methodological works of V.V. Kirillov.
The article is devoted to the scientific works of the famous historian and educator V.V. Kirillov. The material is prepared for his 70th birthday. His contribution to modern Russian historiography and methods of teaching history is investigated.
Keywords: V.V. Kirillov, history, teaching methods, humanities, diagrams, tables, textbooks.
M.A. Sharonov, E.A. Manuilova, I.Yu. Zaya, S.I. Grandova. Experience of professional development of history teachers in the context of the new Federal State Educational Standard.
The article is based on the experience of teaching on the professional development courses, organized in the Academy of Public Administration for school teachers from the Moscow area who are mastering the requirements of the new educational standard. The authors of the article try to represent some efficient training technologies for achieving the goals provided by the new educational standard.
Keywords: Federal State Educational Standard, school history teachers, literary source, system-activity approach, meta-subject connections, over-subject goals, ontodidactic approach, reading and functional literacy, interdisciplinary factor of the educational trajectory, Exam on Social Studies, Exam on History, «The song about Kupz Kalashnikov», the epoch of Ivan the Terrible.
I.E. Barykina, V.M. Kuznetsov. Why and how to teach history: approaches to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the light of V.I. Kareev’s.
The article deals with the problem of building a general history course in secondary vocational education organizations in accordance with the updated Federal State Educational Standards. Based on the ideas of the outstanding methodologist of the early twentieth century V.I. Kareev about historical education, the authors reveal, using concrete examples, ways to achieve metasubject results — the formation of such aspects of emotional intelligence as self-awareness, self-regulation, internal motivation, empathy and social skills.
Keywords: historical education, historical education, methods of teaching history, secondary vocational education, Federal state educational standards, emotional intelligence, technological map of the lesson.
E.K. Kalutskaya. Creativity of a teacher of social studies in the context of standardization of education.
The material of the publication is devoted to the analysis of the requirements for the teacher’s activity. How much creativity is possible in the conditions of standardization? In what way can the creativity of a teacher manifest itself in a specific activity? We are looking for an answer to these questions and consider the difficulties that arise in the creative process of a teacher.
Keywords: content-language integration, concept, history of everyday life, methodology.
V.N. Andreev, E.V. Simonova. The Conceptual foundations of content and language integrated teaching of history and english in secondary schools.
The article examines the conceptual foundations of the content and language integrated learning and teaching of History and English, and, in addition to that, presents the outline of an integrated lesson on the topic «Everyday Life in Russia in the XIX century».
Keywords: content-language integration, concept, history of everyday life, methodology.
Uniform State Exam
V.P. Kiselyov. Training on labor law in preparation for the Uniform State Exam.
This training is dedicated to consolidating theoretical knowledge of labor law to the extent necessary for general education, as well as developing skills that are tested at the Uniform State Exam.
Keywords: civil law, Uniform State Exam, training.
R.V. Pazin, P.A. Ushakov. Cartographic practicum on the history of Russia: the reign of Alexander II.
The article presents the set of tasks for working with maps and schemes.
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, maps and schemes, interdisciplinary connections.
Young scientists’ works
E.V. Gres. M.N. Pokrovsky in Russian historiography of the mid-1990s — early XXI century.
The article considers the opinions of scientists of the late XX — early XXI centuries. about the work of M.N. Pokrovsky. The researchers turned to various areas, stages of life and work of M.N. Pokrovsky. The main aspects concerning the role of the theory of commercial capital in the development of market relations and Russia’s entry into the world capitalist system, Pokrovsky’s ideological views and adherence to principles, his concept of Russian history are considered. Aspects of the class nature of historical science, the significance of the Pokrovsky school, and the development of Soviet historiography are touched upon. Along with positive feedback on the activities of M.N. Pokrovsky also reflects criticisms from scientists. In conclusion, a comparison is made with earlier works on Pokrovsky, on the basis of which a conclusion is drawn.
Keywords: M.N. Pokrovsky, historical science, modern historiography, opinions of scientists, positive assessment, critical remarks, transformation of views, Pokrovsky’s school.
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