
Magazine’s content № 6 2019

Actual theme: Social design in primary school

A.N. Ioffe. Social design: a common approach and value bases of pedagogical activity.
The article considers the project activity of students as an important tool for changing the educational environment. The key differences between the projects are shown, the main elements and effects are highlighted. On the example of the «Citizen» project, the potential of social design in modern education is considered.
Keywords: project, social design, project activity, types of projects, research, project roles, rules, social interaction.

L.V. Bychkova. Social projecting in primary school: features of methodical training of teachers.
In the article deals with the issues of methodological preparation of a teacher for the organization of independent project activities of students. A set of teaching and learning materials is proposed, allowing students in grades VII-VIII to form primary skills necessary for organizing their independent activities during the development of a social project.
Keywords: social project, key problem, project activity, research, independence.

History and Society

M.L. Nesmelova. Digital resources in teaching social and humanitarian subjects at school: problems and prospects.
The article is devoted to the problem of using modern digital resources in the teaching of history and social studies. The article reveals the problems of using the already developed educational digital resources and the prospects for using the Internet resources in the in the «digital generation» training.
Keywords: digital educational resources, digital educational environment, history, history teaching, social studies, teaching social studies.

M.A. Ponochevny. The experience of the school’s historical journal as a creative project and an integrated means of forming competences.
The article analyses the experience of creating a school menґs magazine on historical topics. Modern conditions for the implementation of pedagogical innovations and opportunities provided by the format of popular science magazine in the context of complex formation of competences are considered.
Keywords: project training, competence approach, universal learning activities, school magazine.

E.I. Schulepnikova. The tyrant and his subjects in the Russian literature of XV-XVI centuries.
This article deals with the problems of the relationship between society and power in the Russian literature of the XV-XVI centuries. It shows how the artistic image of a cruel ruler changed.
Keywords: history of literature, political power, tyranny.

D.M. Kotyshev. The Formation of the State of «Rus» in IX-X centuries.
The article deals with a problem of the uprising of the Eastern Slavic statehood in IX-X centuries. The author comes to conclusion that the core of the pro-cess included turning prestate formations in Middle Dnieper Lands into an early state, which according to the sources was called the «Russian Land».
Keywords: Ancient Rus, Kiev Rus, Russian land, Middle Dnieper lands, poliudie, Konstantin Porphyrogennetos, Vladimir Svyatoslavich.

E.A. Omelchenko. Teacher’s intercultural competence for successful work at a multicultural class.
Many classes in Russian schools are multinational. The requirements of the FSES and professional standards require the subject teacher to work with different categories of children, including children from migrant families, ethnic minorities and children for whom Russian is not native. To do this, the teacher must have intercultural competence, the possible approaches to the diagnosis of which are described in this article.
Keywords: multicultural class, intercultural competence, multicultural education, structure of the competence, diagnostics of the competence.


E.A. Shumaeva. «O thread running through time!» (technological lesson of a history lesson in class V).
The lesson is aimed at summarizing and seeing the new knowledge in the structure of the course «History of the Ancient World». It was successfully presented at the All-Russian stage of the contest «Pedagogical Debut 2017».
Keywords: Ancient world, teaching, school, lesson.

A.E. Petrov. The algorithm of formation of interdisciplinary concepts and the OOD history lessons in the V grade.
The article presents a practical approach to the implementation of the rear, in which you want to establish a causal relationship. The article presents a step-by-step algorithm for the mental activity of students, which will allow them to independently perform similar tasks.
Keywords: interdisciplinary concepts of universal educational action (UUD), algorithm of cognitive activity of students, teaching materials, FSES, FIPI, the continuity between the stages of the educational process.

S.A. Bezlyudnaya. Assessment of the level of development of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century (outline of a history lesson).
Original methodological development (lesson of generalization of historical material) with handouts.
Keywords: Russian empire, modernization, Nikolay II, S.Yu. Witte, P.A. Stolypin.

Young scientists’ works

R.A. Kolesnikov. History of Soviet-Russian-Israeli Relations (1948-2018).
The article is devoted to one of the most interesting pages in the history of Soviet and Russian foreign policy — relations with Israel. Special attention is paid to the Russian-Israeli cooperation from 2008 to 2018.
Keywords: Russia, Israel, Russian-Israeli Relations.

Ch.T. Tsyrenov. The struggle of the court clans of the period Eastern Jin (317-420 AD)
The article based on the historical and biographical data of the official Chinese dynastic chronicle «Jin Shu» («History of the Jin Dynasty») briefly reviewed and systematized information about the struggle of the southern and northern court clans of the troubled era Eastern Jin.
Keywords: South China, Eastern Jin (317-420 AD), court clans.

A.A. Pedko. «Uniform obsession» as a symbol of the Imperial period.
The article describes the intense interest of Russian monarchs to reformation of military and bureaucracy uniform and the perception of uniform by contemporaries.
Keywords: uniform, military uniform, reforms of clothing, Russian Empire, bureaucracy, semiotics.

A.P. Selivanova. Opportunities to explore the nobility of the Russian Empire through the prism of personal history.
The article describes a new direction of historical science — personal history. Also it shows the possibilities of studying the Russian nobility within the framework of personal history on the example of M. I. Vorontsov’s biography.
Keywords: Russian empire, personal history, nobility, person in history.

D.A. Buyukli. The contribution of the Russian Orthodox Church to the organization of religious education in Russia in the context of world trends at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries.
The article is devoted to the problem of defining the concept of «religious education» in the modern educational field in Russia and abroad. The experience of including elements of religious education in the compulsory school curriculum is considered.
Keywords: religion, religious education, spiritual and moral development, non-formal education, religion at school.

Опубликовано в Журнал в 2019 году.

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