Actual theme: Visualization and ICT in Teaching History
A.A. Sorokin, G.V. Kalabukhova, O.A. Sergeeva. New information technologies on lessons of history: the experience of the use of the platform «Moscow Electronic School».
The article considers the experience of designing history lessons using the «Moscow Electronic School» platform. The authors analyze the possibilities of information technologies in the modern educational space.
Keywords: Moscow Electronic School, information technology, quality of education, renewal of the content of education.
M.V. Korotkova. A new way of teaching history in the context of information and visual challenges of the XXI century.
The article is devoted to the visual teaching of history. The author consideres problem correlation of technology and methods, connects with visual education.
Keywords: visualogy, history visibility, visual mentality, level visual activity, visual metod.
A.A. Ojo. Methodical possibilities of the organization of visualized teaching of Russian history in the 8th grade on the material of the culture of the XIX century.
The thesis of an effective use of visual educational methods being a factor in conducting of an efficient class is inarguable in modern educational technique. The article is dedicated to the educational value of visual teaching of Russian history with the use of XIX century culture tools and materials.
Keywords: visual teaching, teaching, culture, education, art, computer technologies.
History and Society
O.Y. Strelova. The centenary of the Russian revolution of 1917 and the problem of studying works of Soviet art as historical sources (second part).
The author continues to disclose the educational potential of the discourse given in the title of the article. At this time, examples for a multi-level source analysis of historical painting’ works were the well-known paintings of V.A. Serov and the forgotten canvas of N.M. Korchagin.
Keywords: century of Russian Revolution of 1917, project of memory, content line «History and Artist», multi-level source analysis.
N.A. Kutikova. Review of textbooks and educational methodical literature on the module «Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture» of the school course of BRCSE.
The article gives an overview of teaching aids for schools on the module «Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture».
Keywords: the fundamentals of Orthodox culture, the lives of saints, educational literature.
V.P. Bogdanov. Graffiti and records on books: an act of hooliganism or a legal document?
The Article is devoted to information potential of such interesting kind of historical sources, as writing on walls (graffiti) and books.
Keywords: graffiti, write on books, social history, genealogy, historical source.
G.A. Nazarov. «Tommorow will be a battle again!» There are few words about newcomer’s exhaustion.
The article is considered the exhaustion of newcomers. Also it proposes the solution of this problem.
Keywords: information revolution, generation Z, conservative paradigm, tradition, pedagogic heritage.
N.V. Ostanina. Some aspects of the implementation of the historical-cultural approach in the textbooks of publishing house «Drofa», «Education», «Russian word»
This article provides an interpretation of some events of Russian history from the position of historical-cultural approach in school textbooks of leading publishing houses. This approach is one of the educational priorities of a new Concept of teaching materials for Russian history.
Keywords: historical-cultural standard, historical-cultural approach, the state of Truth, the concept of Royal power, the Church split, samozvanets.
T.A. Kalmykova. Methodical development of the lesson on the topic «Elections. Suffrage. Electoral process» for the IX grade.
Author’s methodical development on the right to vote with elements of role-playing game.
Keywords: suffrage, referendum, role-playing game.
A.N. Turukina. A lesson on «Writing and knowledge of ancient Egyptians», grade V.
Author’s methodical material on the writing of Ancient Egypt for grade V.
Keywords: Ancient Egypt, writing, papyrus.
O.V. Vorobyova, Y.Y. Shamatova. Antiutopy as «bridge to the future» is in formation of civil education in the studyng of history and social science.
The article is devoted to the problems of civil education of the modern youth of the Russian Federation using the discussion method.
Keywords: civil education, ant-utopy, discussion.
Uniform State Exam
M.V. Vinogradova. New evaluation criteria of the task 29 — essay on Russian state social exam from the perspective of a practicing teacher.
The article touches upon the problem of evaluation quality of essays on social science exam. New evaluation criteria will make it impossible to evaluate students` works properly and the filling of appeals will be pointless.
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, essays on social science, oriented education.
Young scientists’ works
P.G. Dombaeva. The Taft-Katsura agreement of 1905 in the context of the dynamics of US policy in East Asia.
Based on the analysis of official diplomatic documents of the United States, as well as foreign literature, the changes in the foreign policy course of the United States at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries are narrated.
Keywords: US foreign policy, international relations, East Asia.
V.O. Kozlov. Formation of antitrust legislation in the United States in the late XIX century: prerequisites and lobby groups.
Based on the analysis of archival materials and texts of the discussions in the U.S. Congress, the article examines the issues associated with the formation of legislation against trusts associations.
Keywords: corporation, trust, corporate capital, anti-trust.
E.I. Fedyun. The role of supporting chairs in the development of historical education in the Donbass in 1950-1980 (exemplified by the universities of the Donetsk region.
This paper considers the role of Social Sciences Chairs (Marxism and Leninism, political economy, the foundations of scientific communism, history of the CPSU) in the formation and the development of the scientific knowledge in the Donetsk region in the «classic» Soviet period (1950-1980).
Keywords: Communist party of the Soviet Union, the institute of higher education, chair, ideology, lecture.
S.Yu. Kopytov. «The soldiers who compromise us all». Problems of discipline in the Guards detachment of the honorary convoy of Alexander II.
This article examines disciplinary problems in the Guards Detachment of Aleksandr II’s Honourable Escort, as well as the Emperor’s relations with his bodyguards.
Keywords: Alexander II, life guards, the russo-turkish war of 1877-1878.
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