Actual theme: Teaching the History of Religion
T.I. Tyulyaeva. The history of the teaching of religion and of religious disciplines in secular educational organizations in Russia and abroad.
The article is about the history of the teaching of religion and religious studies, practice and experience of studying these subjects, on school policy on religious education and religious studies as a basis for educating the younger generation in different countries.
Keywords: religion, education and religion, spiritual and moral development, the history of the school — the history of the teaching of religion, the models Study of Religions.
T.D. Shaposhnikova, T.A. Kostyukova. Culture as a key concept in the teaching of the subject «Fundamentals of world religious cultures and secular ethics».
The material is devoted to reviewing books methodical complex ORKSE publishing house «Drofa», dedicated to the theme «Basics of world religious cultures and secular ethics».
Keywords: culture, religion, secular ethics.
A.N. Turukina. One hundred years ago, textbooks and manuals on the law of God and related subjects in the parochial schools of Moscow Province.
The material is devoted to the analysis of textbooks and teaching aids for the parochial schools of the Moscow province in the period from 1884 to 1908 year.
Keywords: Church Parish School, textbooks, training aids.
History and Society
K.A. Mamaev. Shifts in the inter-american sysyem of international relations under the impact of shale gas revolution in the USA.
The article dissects possible shifts in the inter-American system of international relations during Barack Obama’s presidency under the impact of shale gas revolution in the USA.
Keywords: the Inter-American system, shale gas revolution.
N.A. Lepikhina. October Manifesto in the history of Socialist-Revolutionary political terrorism.
The article is devoted to the influence of October Manifesto to changes in terrorist ideology and practice of the Socialist Revolutionary Party.
Keywords: First Russian Revolution, October Manifesto, political terrorism, Socialist-Revolutionary Party.
G.A. Semin. Officials of Moscow district police in the beginning XX centyry. Social aspect.
This article discusses the Moscow Province district police unit and its social structure at the beginning of the XX century.
Keywords: officials, police, social structure, the state apparatus, the interior ministry, the history of law enforcement.
A.B. Kornilaev. Epoch N.S. Khrushchev in the photo. Plan summary of the lesson for class IX.
Summary of the lesson using authentic documents of the school of historical and history and Museum. Explores photography as an important source of recreating a complete picture of everyday life of the Soviet people in the 1950.
Keywords: USSR, N. With. Khrushchev, school Museum, footstock, «thaw», «domestic revolution».
O.V. Gugnina. Game technology in the teaching of social studies in VIII-IX classes.
The article gives examples of gaming technology in the social studies lesson.
Keywords: gaming technology, social science, emotional.
Uniform State Exam
A.Y. Morozov. Historical and geographical training on the «space race» and «perestroika».
Geographically oriented training to prepare for the Uniform State Exam and the GIA.
I.S. Galushko, E.A. Opryshko. Working with illustrative material in preparing students to pass on the history of GIA.
The material is devoted to illustrative materials on the history of culture to prepare for the Uniform State Exam and the GIA.
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, interdisciplinary connections.
Today in magazine – Tomorrow in class
A.V. Zimin. Lesson summarizing lessons elective course on labor law in class XI.
Methodical development summarizing lessons elective course on labor law.
Keywords: labor law, conflict, brainstorm, labor disputes.
E.F. Grebenyuk. Lesson-debate for class X on «The Emperor Alexander I — a liberal reformer on the throne or conservative — strangler of freedom».
Methodical article on the analysis of foreign and domestic policy of Alexander I.
Keywords: Russia, libeoal, conservative.
Young scientists’ works
Chikanova N.A. Image of N. M. Yadrintsev in modern textbooks.
Article is devoted to cultural memory of N. M. Yadrintsev in modern educational literature.
Keywords: Yadrintsev, cultural memory, education, textbook.
V.E. Maryzhykhin. Modification of the military costume of the Russian Imperial Army late XIX — early XX century, the example of the Russian-Japanese war.
The article investigates the process of modifying military dress of the Russian Imperial army of the late XIX — early XX centuries. Special attention is paid to analysis of the experience of fighting the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905.
Keywords: modification, military vestimentary complex, regular and irregular parts, the Russo-Japanese war, the military reform.
In Journal
— Check knowledge is easy! (Teaching materials publishing «Waco»)
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