Actual theme: Developing the potential of descriptive skills
I.V. Krutova. Formation of descriptive skills in teaching history and social science.
The article actualizes the importance of the formation of descriptive skills in teaching history and social science in a modern school.
Keywords: descriptive skills, narrative, retelling, characterization, planning, description.
O.T. Koveshnikova. Formation of students’ ability to describe the educational picture.
The article presents methodological ways of developing the ability of students to describe the educational picture.
Keywords: methods of teaching history, descriptive skills of students, educational picture.
History and Society
V.N. Zakharov, Ya.V. Soloviev. Taxes in Russia in the XVIII-early XX century. Part 2: after Peter I.
The article is the second in a series of articles on taxes in the Russian Empire. The article discusses the development of the tax system in the 18th century. after Peter I, it is concluded that under his successors there were no significant changes in the tax system, under Catherine II the system of tax authorities was only improved.
Keywords: taxes, tax system, poll tax, Russian Empire, reforms of Catherine II.
V.V. Tikhonov. Soviet society of the Brezhnev era in foreign historiography.
The paper examines a review of the foreign historiography of the Soviet society of the Brezhnev period (the second half of the 1960s — early 80s). The periodization is given, the main concepts are analyzed. It is concluded that historians have abandoned one-sided ideas and seek to consider the development of Soviet society in the context of global development.
Keywords: Brezhnev period, foreign historiography, Sovietology.
M.A. Bychkov. «The New Deal» by Sean Lemass.
The period of the government of Sean Lemass (1959-1966) was a time of significant changes in the life of the Irish state and society. The Irish policy of isolation during the Second World War caused a difficult economic and political situation. The aim of Lemass’s policy, dubbed the «New Deal», was to overcome problems by entering the global political and economic arena. The policy of the «New Deal» contributed to the modernization of Ireland.
Keywords: Ireland, Fianna Fail, Lemass Sean,»New Deal», Whitaker Thomas Kenneth.
N. Martinez-Varcarcel. Textbook and Student works: Contribution of Notes to the Recognition of Crises in educational Media.
In 2012-2016, a study of history teaching in secondary schools was conducted in the autonomous community of Murcia (Spain). It was attended by 200 students from 79 educational institutions of the province, as well as first-year undergraduate students. The analysis of the research results from the perspective of the predictive function of textbooks gives an affirmative answer to the question of whether textbooks can be a barometer of public sentiment and political views. But the question of crisis recognition indicators remains open. Based on the obtained visual and quantitative data, the scenarios of interpretation of work with the textbook were analyzed.
Keywords: History of Spain, history textbook, qualitative analysis.
A.S. Khripunov. Sanitary and preventive activities of zemstvo self-government at the beginning of the 20th century (on the example of the Shuya district of the Vladimir province).
The article deals with the main activities of the Shuya district zemstvo in preventing mass morbidity in the population of the district and combating epidemics that occurred quite regularly in the socio-economic and medical conditions of the Russian village in the early 20th century. This activity is evaluated. On the basis of the results achieved in the pre-revolutionary period, a conclusion is made about the effectiveness of the sanitary and preventive measures carried out by the Shuya district zemstvo.
Keywords: Russian Empire, Shuya district, local history, healthcare, local government.
A.I. Kostryukova. Historical documents as a means of communicative development of schoolchildren.
In order to improve the quality of historical education and the formation of meta-subject skills of students, the author suggests using the methodology of writing essays based on historical documents. The author gives a classification of historical documents by E.E. Vyazemsky and O.Y. Strelova, and also formulates a system of work on the creation of texts in the genres of notes and essays-arguments in history lessons for each type of historical documents on the example of fragments of historical sources from the textbook on the course of general history of the VIII class. The practical significance of the article consists in the development of a universal algorithm for working on a note and essay-reasoning based on all types of historical documents.
Keywords: historical documents, meta-subject skills, methods of working with historical documents, essay based on a historical document, note, essay-reasoning.
O.Yu. Uzhan. Forms and methods of forming the experience of creative activity of senior schoolchildren in the course of integrated learning.
The article presents a brief description of the program of the integrated course «Russia and the World» and outlines the stages of the formation of experience in the creative activity of older students in the process of integrated learning: stimulating-productive, accumulating and developing. The forms, methods and teaching techniques given in the fragments of the integrated lessons at each stage of the program reveal the internal structure of the process of forming the experience of the creative activity of older students, are responsible for adequate reproduction of the interaction between the elements of this process and have a functional purpose.
Keywords: method, technique, means, formation, experience, creative activity, integrated learning.
A.E. Larionov., O.Yu. Arend. Soviet poster and caricature of the Great Patriotic War period as a historical source and visual aid in history lessons.
The article is devoted to the problem of using posters and caricature of the Great Patriotic war period to improve the effectiveness of historical education and patriotic education in schools and institutions of secondary vocational education. The military poster is considered as a historical source and visual aid in the study of the events of 1941-1945. The variants of practical use of Soviet visual propaganda samples in the educational process are considered. The high role of the teacher in the study of posters and cartoons of wartime is indicated. The conclusion is made about the high cognitive and educational potential of this type of historical sources.
Keywords: the Great Patriotic war, propaganda, poster, caricature, patriotic education.
N.G. Masyukova. Methodological aspects of teaching the topic «Nazi occupation regime».
The author introduces the experience of teaching the topic «Nazi occupation regime».
Keywords: the Nazi occupation regime, the occupation of Stavropol, the Holocaust, scientific and methodological support of teachers.
Uniform State Exam
V.P. Kiselyov. Workshop on the topics «Citizenship» and «Military duty and alternative civilian service» in preparation for the Unified State Examination in social studies.
This workshop is dedicated to consolidating theoretical knowledge on the topic «citizenship» in the amount necessary for general education, as well as developing skills tested at the USE.
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, citizenship, military duty, the Constitution of the Russian Federation..
Young scientists’ works
S.N. Shteynikov. Spiritual life in the Perm province through the eyes of gendarmes.
The article examines the activities of the ranks of the Gendarmes Corps of the Russian Empire in the Perm province. Little consecrated activity of the gendarmes is revealed in relation to representatives of the Old Orthodox Church (Old Believers), sectarians and priests of the Synodal Church.
Keywords: Perm province, Old Believers, sectarians, Synodal Church, gendarmes.
V. A. Laptev. The process of formation of the shock units in the 11 army of the South-Western front (may — july 1917).
This article considers the peculiarities of formation of the shock units in Russian army from may to july 1917 in the 11 army of the South-Western front. The death troops were special military and political units that were recruited on a voluntary basis since late may. They played an important role in the initial success of the Summer offensive. It was in the 11 army of the South-Western front that the first volunteers began to enlist in the shock battalions and whole army forces joined in «death troops».
Keywords: 1917, South-Western front, 11 army, shock units, revolutionary battalions, summer offensive.
A.K. Bulgynbaeva. Implementation of the disenfranchisement policy in Kazakhstan in the 1920s-1930s of the 20th century.
The author examines the specifics of the election campaign in Kazakhstan, the electoral process in the country as a whole. The paper presents archival documents on the composition of the population deprived of the right to vote. The consequences of the restriction of political and socio-economic rights are analyzed.
Keywords: Kazakhstan, Central Election Commission, instructions, disenfranchisement, repression.
M.S. Malafay. Memoirs of P.P. Mendeleev as a source for the study of the nobility after 1917.
The article examines an analysis of the memoirs written by P.P. Mendeleev which was a Russian statesman, public figure and one of the leaders of the Union of Russian Nobles in Paris and the Committee of Russian Zemstvos and Municipalities for the Relief of Russian Citizens Abroad.
Keywords: Russian immigration, Russian nobility, P.P. Mendeleev, memoirs, historical source.
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