
Journal’s content № 1 2023

Actual theme: Immersive Approach in history lessons

M.V. Korotkova. Immersion method of history teaching: concept, teaching organization and examples.
The article is devoted to the problems of immersion method of history teaching in different interpretations. The author discloses different points of view of immersion education in methods history teaching. On basis of learning problem the article considers immersion method on lesson devoted nobility culture. Using for this example immersion lesson permites on practice elements of immersion education.
Keywords: immersion, immersion method, immersion education, approach, immersion of epoch, immersion lesson of history.

I.S. Mayorov. Immersiveness as a Pedagogical Technology in Teaching Schoolchildren in the Museum Space.
The article deals with the issue of using immersive technologies in the educational environment of the museum. Particular attention is paid to the concept of immersion as a technology that immerses the student in the learning process. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the use of this technology are considered, an example from museum practice is given.
Keywords: immersion, immersive technologies, education, museum pedagogy, pedagogical technologies, immersive educational environment.

A. Samoylova. Gender aspects of the upbringing of boys and girls in the process of using immersive technologies in history lessons.
The article is devoted to the use of immersive technologies in the aspect of patriotic education of schoolchildren to identify psychoemotional and volitional differences in the reactions of boys and girls to the effect of «immersion» in the events of the Great Patriotic war.
Keywords: gender education, immersive technologies, museum lesson.

History and Society

A.S. Bozhich. About the question concerning the role of the randomness in the history.
The article is devoted to the question of the nature of randomness in history. It is postulated that solution-making at a certain level of the social hierarchy can be either deterministic or non-deterministic in relation to the logic of the development of the historical situation. In the latter case, conditions are created for the implementation of some randomness in the history.
Keywords: randomness, historical situation, deterministic solution, non-deterministic solution.

O.P. Okopnaya. About the arrest of N.E. Paramonov in 1918: details, facts, views.
The article attempts to summarize the available data on the arrest of the Don businessman N.E. Paramonov, which allow us to draw a conclusion about the political struggle, mistrust and intrigues in the Don government, the polarization of the Don elites during the civil war. The author relies on data from archives and periodicals. Arrest N.E. Paramonova demonstrates that despite the German occupation, a number of local public figures and business circles sought to maintain their role and position on the Don and actively participated in solving political, economic and other issues.
Keywords: civil war, German occupation of the Don, political struggle, split into the Don, polarization of the Don power.

B.B. Shagdarova. Reputation of the modern university.
The article provides a methodology for studying the theoretical foundations of the reputation of a modern university and identifying new methodological approaches to its understanding. Buryat State University named after D. Bazanov is given as an example.
Keywords: university, reputation, Internet, communication, symbolic capital, promotion.


L.N. Aleksashkina. The ideas of «unique» and «general» in history as benchmarks for students learning activities.
In the article the cognitive potential of categories «unique» and «general» in history is characterized, and means of its realization in studying history by scholars are pointed out. The author proves, that while looking into (investigating) concrete events students acquire both historical knowledge and personal reflections, emotions, evaluations. Besides the main types of general ideas included in the History courses are defined, as well as their worth for understanding a sense and correlations of historical events, phenomena, processes. Some examples of learning tasks for students activities with historical facts and concepts are presented.
Keywords: unique, dialectics of singular and general, terms and concepts, learning tasks.

N.S. Kalmykova. The formation of value judgements by students in the system of requirements for the subject’s results of mastering the history course.
The article is devoted to the problem of formation of value judgements by students in history classes. The author examines legal documents regulating requirements for the subject’s results of doing the course and offers options of formation of value judgements by students through organising studies with different types of historical sources.
Keywords: value judgments, argumentation, interpretation, historical versions.

O.I. Aleksandrova. A.A. Morozov. The problem of cartographic support of the theme «»Peloponnesian War» in the study of history in the 5th grade.
The article considers the problems of reflecting the history of the Peloponnesian War in current school textbooks. Special attention is paid to working with cartographic material. The author’s system of questions and tasks for the original map is proposed.
Keywords: historical education, historical maps, cognitive skills, history textbooks, Antiquity, Ancient Greece, educational literature.

E.A. Danilova, M.A. Artamonov. Examples of critical analysis of historical fiction on its historical authenticity in history lessons.
In the article, the authors offer examples of working with historical fiction in history lessons in order to form students’ critical thinking.
Keywords: critical analysis, fiction, history lesson.

E.K. Kalutskaya, A.G. Karpova. The possibilities of modern Russian cinema in the patriotic education of schoolchildren.
The article analyzes the possibilities of modern Russian cinema in educational work, the formation of patriotism of primary school students. The formed values are considered on the example of the inclusion of cartoons and films in the scheduled activity. General recommendations on the use of film fragments and films in scheduled and extracurricular activities are given.
Keywords: cinematography, patriotism, national idea, spiritual and moral development.

Uniform State Exam

V.P. Kiselyov. Family law training in preparation for the Unified State Exam.
The training is dedicated to consolidating theoretical knowledge of family law to the extent necessary for general education, as well as developing skills that are tested at the Unified State Exam.
Keywords: family law, Uniform State Exam, training.

Young scientists’ works

S.V. Chistyackov. M.N. Katkov on the problems of gymnasium education in the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century (based on the materials of the newspaper Moskovskie Vedomosti and the journal «Russian Vestnik»).
This article is devoted to the study of the perception of the well-known political figure and conservative journalist M.N. Katkov problems of the system of gymnasium education in the country and the analysis of ways to solve these problems, proposed by him on the pages of the newspaper «Moskovskie Vedomosti» and the magazine «Russian Bulletin». The article analyzes the polemical articles of M.N. Katkov and highlights the main components of his pedagogical theory in the framework of highlighting the problems of education in the gymnasiums of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century. The novelty of the study lies in a thorough analysis of the review by M.N. Katkov of the situation with the gymnasium education in Russia in the second half of the 19th century. and highlighting the main problems of gymnasiums in Russia.
Keywords: M.N. Katkov, Moscovskie Vedomosti, Russkij Vestnik, gymnasium reform, school education, classical education, personality education.

E.V. Gres. M.N. Pokrovsky in Soviet historiography of the 30-60s XX century.
Historians are among the most controversial figures. Each of them contributes to the formation of historical science and writes his own history, such as he sees it under the influence of time and ideology. The most difficult ideologically is the period of the formation of Soviet power. This period overthrew patriarchy and instrumental-technological evolution, issues of class struggle came to the fore, the ideas of Marxism-Leninism actively developed. It was during this difficult period that the peak of M.N. Pokrovsky. His fate is a vivid example of how overnight recognition can be replaced by rejection and oblivion. The article analyzes the assessments of the works of Mikhail Nikolaevich Pokrovsky by Soviet authors in the period of 1930-1960s. The influence of ideology on publications about the activities of the historian is characterized.
Keywords: M.N. Pokrovsky, domestic historical science, Soviet historiography, Marxist-Leninist ideology.

Опубликовано в Журнал в 2023 году, Содержание.

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