Actual theme: Education at school and in the lessons of history and social science
E.E. Vyazemsky, R.V. Pazin, M.G. Tsyrenova. Education at school and in the lessons of history and social science: a review of the discussion platform on topical issues of historical education.
The article provides an overview of the interregional discussion platform on topical issues of education in the context of historical education. The participants of the discussion in the online format discussed the most difficult issues of the practice of education in a modern school, identified problems, made suggestions.
Keywords: educational ideal, upbringing and socialization, work program of education, basic values, personal development of students, forms of education.
H.Ed. Davidovskaya, T.I. Shumel. Creative reconstruction of the historical past based on the structured drama method.
The structured drama method aims to teach history through direct experience. From personal experiences, learners pass to the study of a deeper and broader context of the historical past and through this to a better understanding not only of the historical event being studied, but also of the entire historical situation of that time. During the implementation of the method, a creative reconstruction of the historical past occurs, which c fits the idea of figurative learning of history. The method provides intensive interaction of all participants, each of whom has the opportunity to prove self-dependence, initiative and personal interest in the educational process.
Keywords: figurative learning of history, creative reconstruction, structured drama.
History and Society
Yu.N. Krasnikova. Specific economy in the first half of the 19th century: why it is worth paying attention to this in a school course.
The article discusses the appanages management system, which was created to provide the younger members of the imperial family with cash. To replenish the appanage budget, the Department of Аppanages was given various property and peasants, who were called appanages. The material of this article can be used in a school course on the history of Russia in the 19th century or when compiling tasks of a high level of complexity.
Keywords: specific peasants, Russian empire, first half of the 19th century, Department of appanages.
V.V. Goncharov. Die Neuausrichtung der schulischen Ausbildung in konflikttrachtigen Regionen: Fallstudie von Bosnien-Herzegowina.
Diese Untersuchung der schulischen Ausbildung in konflikttrachtigen Regionen basiert auf die quantitative Analyse der Schulbucher aus Bosnien-Herzegowina. Die Neuausrichtung der schulischen Ausbildung ist durch die Vergleichs- und Quantitative Methoden dargestellt worden. Diese Forschung hat nicht nur prognostische Funktion, sondern konnen der Einfluss der Ausbildungsmanagement auf die Schulbucher aus der Geschichte in Bosnien-Herzegowina zu klaren.
Schlussworte: Ausbildung in konflikttrachtigen Regi-onen, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Vergleichs- und Quantitative Methoden, Schulbucher.
L.N. Orlova, M.V. Martynova, E.A. Tsygankova. Practice-oriented technologies of labor education of the pioneers in 1950-1980: a historical review.
The article presents the experience of labor education of pioneers in our country in the 50-80s of the XX century. The main forms and directions of labor education of children and adolescents during the educational process and during the summer holidays are revealed.
Keywords: pioneer, technology, education, work.
O.P. Okopnaya. The relationship between church and state in the era of Peter I: dialogue or confrontation?
The article reveals the problems of the relationship between church and state during the reign of Peter I. The state of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian clergy has changed: the patriarchate was abolished, the Holy Synod was established. The Russian tsar became chairman and judge of church affairs. The author comes to the conclusion that the result of the Petrine reforms was the elimination of the administrative and economic independence of the church.
Keywords: Church, transformations, abolition of the patriarchate, practical benefits, dependent position, unlimited power of the monarch.
Goncharuk E.I. Historical science in Donetsk: the historiography of the issue.
In this article is considered the degree of reasoned state of development of history science in Donetsk National University (DonNU) in the 1950th — 1980th years. Special stress is laid on the analysis of scientific literature on the matter, where the strategic point is taken by bibliographic characterizations, textual and conceptual fullness of material.
Keywords: Donetsk State University; history, scientific literature, monograph, article.
S.V. Tokmyanina, O.S. Ukolova. Studying the era of Alexander Nevsky in history lessons and in preparation for the Olympiads: work with historical sources, illustrative material and historiography.
The article is devoted to the study of the image of Prince Alexander Nevsky in history lessons. The forms and methods of organizing the activities of students when working with historical sources, illustrative material and historiography in history lessons and Olympiad preparation classes are considered.
Keywords: Alexander Nevsky at history lessons, historical source, monuments to Alexander Nevsky, historical essay.
A.B. Drahler. «Newspaper from the military front»: work on the project continues.
The article, using concrete examples, shows the experience of searching work with schoolchildren with the involvement of front-line newspapers from the times of the Great Patriotic War. The algorithm and difficulties of this work are shown.
Keywords: Great Patriotic war, front-line press, design and research work of schoolchildren, Presidential Grants Fund.
N.S. Kalmykova. Formation of students’ value judgments in the process of multi-level analysis of the source (from the standpoint of the hermeneutic approach).
The article is devoted to the problem of interpretation of a historical source. The author, through an appeal to the ideas of G. G. Gadamer, examines the structure of the hermeneutic circle, the result of which is the (re)construction of an image that includes essential and personal-evaluative components.
Keywords: hermeneutics, interpretation, value judgments, understanding, source, analysis.
A.A. Dorofeeva. Review of Internet resources in the field of improving the financial literacy of students as part of the lessons of history and social science.
Modern society is associated with the age of information and technology, with the «world of the Internet», in which the global computer network has become the most important part of any sphere of human activity, including education. There are Internet resources that have a didactic nature, which can be used in the classroom or after hours, be a methodological tool or a source of self-education. In this article, we will consider universal Internet resources and mobile applications that can become effective means of improving the financial literacy of high school students (as part of the study of history or social studies).
Keywords: digital transformation of education, methodological tool, electronic educational resources, Internet resources, mobile application, financial literacy, gamification.
Young scientists’ works
A.M. Shvetsov. V.O. Klyuchevsky in Soviet historiography.
The article determines the features of V.O. Klyuchevsky, his role in Soviet historiography in the 20-30s of the 20th century. Analyzes the views of historians on the work of V.O. Klyuchevsky. The research resulted in the identification of the main directions of V.O. Klyuchevsky, the events that the scientist touched upon in his works, his role in Soviet historiography.
Keywords: scientific school, V.O. Klyuchevsky school, Russian historiography, intellectual tradition, modern historiographic practice.
T.S. Krasilnikov. The role of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) in the development of Soviet sports in the second half of the 1930s — 1940s.
The article examines the role of the supreme political body of the USSR — the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) in establishing international relations of Soviet sports in the second half of the 1930s — 1940s. It is noted that during this period the Soviet Union begins to emerge from international isolation, and sport begins to be seen as a means of propaganda of the Soviet state and the Soviet way of life. The article reveals the role of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) in the management of Soviet sports in the pre-war and first post-war years.
Keywords: Politburo, international cooperation in sports, Soviet society, breaking out of international isolation.
A.V. Azarova. Features of representation of the First World War in Russian children’s illustrated magazines.
Children’s illustrated magazines during the First World War covered events from the front, thereby forming images of war, heroes, prisoners, sisters of mercy from the younger generation, and forming a sense of patriotism among children. The article examines the features of the representation of the First World War in the children’s illustrated magazines «Sunshine», «Spring», «Mayak», «Firefly», «Sunrises».
Keywords: World War I, periodical printing, children of war, illustrations.
V.V. Egorov, A.F. Gavrilenkov. Significance of the Decree on the separation of church from state and school from church of January 23, 1918 for the development of the anti-religious course of the Soviet government in 1918-1930.
This article is devoted to the study of the significance of the Decree on the separation of church from state and school from church of January 23, 1918 as the most important source of religious discrimination against the Russian Orthodox Church by the Soviet authorities. The key questions this article answers are: why the Soviet government chose the path of discrimination against the ROC and why the Decree of January 23, 1918 became the main legal act regulating the relationship between the Soviet government and the ROC.
Keywords: Russian Orthodox Church, Soviet power, anti-religious policy.
A.N. Abyanova. The process of the creation of the soviet higher medical school in the 1920s.
This article discusses the process of creating a soviet higher medical education in the 1920s as part of the creation of a new healthcare model. The author focuses on the key stages and activities in the creation of a new system of higher medical education.
Keywords: people’s commissariat of health, soviet higher medical school, soviet doctor, preventive measures.
V.A. Ivashchenko. Relations between the Soviet state and the church (on the example of the decision to destroy the Assumption Cathedral in Khabarovsk).
The article discusses the relationship between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Soviet state (the relation of the state to the church) in the early 1930s on the example of the decision to destruct the Uspensky cathedral in Khabarovsk.
Keywords: USSR, Khabarovsk, life and mores, religion, city Council, Uspensky cathedral.
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