
Journal’s content № 1 2022

Actual theme: The problem of the formation of historical memory

O.Yu. Strelova. «I remember everything that was not with me»: problems and resources of upbringing of historical memory in the «Twenties».
Historical memory as an object of formation / education in school history courses is not a «discovery» of the 21st century. But modern challenges to society, new ideas about the phenomenon of «historical memory», goals and methods of its retransmission in the world of information and cultural diversity make us delve deeper into the essence of «memory theory», extrapolate and substantiate scientific and methodological approaches to memory education in school history courses, in the system of training and advanced training of teachers. Three forms / levels of historical memory are analyzed in the article in two interrelated aspects: the purposes and resources of its formation in school history courses.
Key words: historical memory, theory of memory, education of the culture of memory.

S.V. Panov. School historical education in the Republic of Belarus: implementation of the function of formation of historical memory.
The article discusses some instrumental and substantive aspects of the formation of collective historical memory by means of school history education in the Republic of Belarus. The concept of the Belarusian national statehood is being actualized, which requires the consolidation of the actually Belarusian model of memory in the context of the implementation of the state historical policy. Specific examples of images of historical memory from educational literature, created with the participation of the author, are given.
Key words: school education, collective historical memory, history of Belarus.

S.A. Kurasov. Cinema and the historical memory of modern youth: from the search for ideas to implementation.
The paper examines conceptual approaches for using cinema as a text of culture for making historical memory of modern youth in the context of educational events. The proposed approaches formed the basis of a methodological guide written by a team of authors based on the film «Witnesses» directed by Konstantin Fam.
Key words: cinema, historical memory, text of culture, educational event, constructor of pedagogical ideas, Holocaust.

History and Society

S.A. Golovin. Patriotic war of 1812 in reviews of contemporaries.
This article turns to the pages of the history of the Patriotic War of 1812 and is devoted to highlighting the causes of the war in the reviews of its contemporaries. In the preparation and selection of the material, a wide and varied range of sources of historiographic, biographical and bibliographic content was used.
Key words: patriotic war, reasons, contemporaries, russian emperor Alexander I, emperor of France Napoleon I, field marshal Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov.

N.G. Masyukova. Preparation of an educational and methodological kit on regional history: the experience of Stavropol.
In this article the author examines the problem of studying regional history at school and also introduces the experience of the Stavropol Territory in preparing textbooks «History of Stavropol».
Key words: regional history, textbook «History of Stavropol».

M.M. Panteleev. How Paris helped Hitler (facts and hypotheses).
In article the author presents the arguments in favor of the hypothesis that the French government helped Hitler to come to power in 1933.
Key words: nazism, A. Hitler, France, 1933.

N.S. Tunev. The Improvement of the training of commanders of rifle units of the Red Army in the 3rd period of the Great Patriotic war.
The studied topic has an actual military-historical orientation. The author of the publication investigated the peculiarities of improving the training of the command staff of the Red Army rifle troops in 1944-1945. The researcher, based on various publications, showed that the improvement of the training of commanders of rifle troops in the third period of the war was a further process of gradual mastering, development, development and improvement of the trainees’ knowledge, skills and abilities to perform combat tasks based on the experience of previous periods of the war.
Key words: The Red army, improving the training of commanders, the 3rd period of the Great Patriotic war, rifle troops, war experience, military schools, officer training courses.


R.V. Pazin. The relationship between the USSR and the allies during the Second World War on the pages of modern textbooks on the history of Russia.
The article is devoted to the reflection of the interaction between the Soviet Union and the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition in modern textbooks on the history of Russia for high school students. The content and methodological apparatus of the four most common textbooks are analyzed. Methodological ways of improving the pedagogical practice of studying the topic of relations between the USSR and the allies during the Second World War are proposed.
Key words: history textbook, methodological apparatus, teaching history, anti-Hitler coalition.

E.A. Kalutskaya. The system of educational tasks in history lessons as a tool for the development of financial literacy of students.
Financial literacy of schoolchildren is one of the most important complex tasks. The formation of students not only a set of knowledge and facts, but the ability to use them in life situations-this is what the school should strive for. The article will consider effective methods of forming financial literacy in history, give recommendations for the design of educational tasks and tasks, as well as a «two — story» lesson-financial literacy in history using the UMK and the website.
Key words: financial literacy, history, mone, developmental learning, educational task.

J.V. Druzhinina, G.S. Khorokhordin. Cartographic materials of the XIX — early XX century in class of regional history (history of Siberia, history of Novosibirsk Region).
The authors of the article suggest using cartographic materials of the XX — early XX century when studying regional history. The paper offers options for map tasks that will expand the pupils’ knowledge about the settlement and residence sites of the indigenous peoples of Siberia, the development process of the Siberian region, the first settlements in the region, the specifics of the territorial division of Siberia in the studied periods, etc. The conclusion was reached about the importance of using cartographic material when studying regional history.
Key words: historical map, pupils’ skills, regional history, history of Siberia, history of Novosibirsk Region, motivation.

Uniform State Exam

Е.I. Belyankova. Preparation of students to perform tasks of the economic module on the state final examination in social studies (based on textbooks by O.A. Kotova, T.E. Liskova).
In the article the author attempts to summarize the tasks with a detailed answer of the economic module on social studies contained in the open bank of FIPI tasks. The article analyzes the content and methodological apparatus of textbooks of grades 6 and 8 of the author’s team of O.A. Kotova, I.E. Liskova for the possibilities of preparation for the successful completion of these tasks, gives methodological advice to the teacher on the organization of educational activities of students. The article does not address the tasks on the texts of economic content.
Key words: teaching methods, social studies, state final examination, economy, open task bank.

Young scientists’ works

A.I. Berezhnov. The role of the Orthodox Church in the development of Russian Alaska.
The article deals with the activity of the Orthodox Church in Alaska and examines the role of Orthodoxy in the development of this region by Russian industrialists. It is based on papers written by Russian scientists (R.V. Makarova and N.N. Bolkhovitinov) as well as by church leaders (I.E. Veniaminov, M.J. Oleksa, archimandrite Augustin).
Key words: Russian orthodox church in Alaska, Russian America, Alaska, the Russian-American company, aleut peoples, Kodiak island, German Alaskan.

Yu.V. Zhiltsov. The author focuses on the peculiarity of the organization and conduct of elections to the State Duma of the I-III convocation in Moscow. The author has made an attempt to study the electoral moods of Muscovites, the participation of political parties in the electoral process. The features and results of the organization of elections under the December (1905) electoral law and the third June electoral law are considered. The electoral preferences of Moscow voters are considered separately.
Key words: elections, The State duma, The Russian empire, electoral legislation, political parties, Moscow voters, Moscow city law.

A.I. Demidov. A.P. Molyavko-Vysotsky and teaching heraldry.
The article analyzes the course of heraldry, which was taught by A.P. Molyavko-Vysotsky at the Don Archaeological Institute in 1918-1922. It tells about its sources, structure, content, relationship with the cultural concept of the coat of arms of Yu.V. Arsenyev and the archaeological concept of the coat of arms of A.B. Lakier. It is concluded that the author proposed a new concept of teaching heraldry based on an expanded interpretation of the concept of «coat of arms».
Key words: A.P. Molyavko-Vysotsky, heraldry, coat of arms, Don Archaeological Institute, teaching of heraldry, European heraldry.

E.A. Bezina. Issues of female education in the Western Territory on the pages of the newspaper «Moskovskie vedomosti».
The article provides an analysis of female school education in pre-revolutionary Russia in the western region, taking into account the empire’s policy of russification.
Key words: women’s education in West region, M.N. Katkov, the newspaper «Moskovskie Vedomosti».

Опубликовано в Журнал в 2022 году.

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