
Journal’s content № 10 2021

Actual theme: Visual sources of information in history lessons

O.V. Nefedova. Caricature as a means of achieving subject and metasubject results in history lessons.
The article suggests different methods of using caricatures in history lessons. Motivation of students is the most important condition for an activity-based approach. The caricature method is one of the ways to increase cognitive activity.
Key words: caricature, visualization method, subject and metasubject results, systematization, classification.

O.V. Yablonskaya. Visual sources in the formation of functional literacy of schoolchildren: analysis of «Smolyanki» by D. G. Levitsky.
The article presents an algorithm for analyzing paintings used in in art history classes. The algorithm meets the requirements of educational standards and the goals of PISA.
Key words: «Smolyanki», D.G. Levitsky, historical source, PISA, reader’s literacy, functional literacy.

History and Society

E.I. Schulepnikova. The origin of man: what a teacher of history and social studies needs to know.
This article examines the approaches of modern science to the problem of the origin of intelligent man and human society. Recommendations on the use of popular science literature and Internet resources are given.
Keywords: evolution, anthropogenesis, teaching, social studies, biosocial being.

G.G. Pikov. Can you talk about the existence of the phenomenon of the Eurasian medieval Renaissance?
The article deals with two medieval Eurasian Renaissance periods — within the European Carolingian and Asian Khitan empires (VIII-XII centuries). They well illustrate the phenomenon of «Renaissance» as a feature of cultural development. During the rise of culture in these States, many foundations were laid for the subsequent national development of the peoples of Europe and East Asia.
Key words: «Renaissance», culture, Europe, humanism, middle ages.

A.B. Sokolov. British educationalists about body punishments (XVIII — first half of the XIX cc.)
Spanking was one of the pedagogical tools in schools in some countries, including Britain, till recent times. Though in the history of pedagogic this topic is mainly ignored, there were discussions about it in pedagogical literature. In this article the works of the representatives of the so called «moral philosophy» of the XVIII-XIX cc. are regarded. Part of the authors, after J. Locke, insisted on moderate and infrequent use of spanking, The others, including many school directors, claimed that it was effective instrument of education. The idea of full prohibition of body punishment didn’t have many supporters.
Key words: school system, «moral philosophy», XVIII-XIX centuries, discipline, body punishment, history of childhood.

N.S. Tunev. Training of the command staff of the Red Army rifle troops in the second period of the Great Patriotic War.
The topic under study has an actual military-historical importance. The author of the publication researched the peculiarities of the training of commanders of infantry troops of the Red Army in 1942-1943 during The Great Patriotic War. The researcher proved on the basis of various publications that the training of commanders of infantry troops in the second period of the war was a further process of gradual mastering, development, development and improvement of the knowledge, skills and skills of performing combat tasks.
Key words: the Red army, training of commanders, infantry troops, war experience, combat readiness, military schools, officers` training courses.

O.A. Zakirov. K.K. Shirinya (1921-2020): warrior, teacher, scientist.
The article is dedicated to the memory of Professor K. K. Shirinya. The article describes the stages of his biography and analyzes his main research. The article is addressed to teachers, historians, organizers of educational work.
Key words: K.K. Shirinya, history, the Great Patriotic war, the Comintern, anti-fascism, science, teaching, patriotic education.


E.A. Shumaeva. Artistic images as a means of development interest in learning 5th grade students.
In the article, the author suggests an approach that focuses on the organization of students’ activities to analyze works of art in a historical context. The use of these techniques can be useful when designing lessons of the humanities cycle.
Key words: interest in knowledge, teaching, lesson, analysis of poems.

EA. Igumnova, I. Yu. Soroka. Experience in using quest technology in additional education in local history.
The article analyzes the experience of using quest technology as a modern educational technology in the process of organizing classes within the system of additional education in local history. The article describes the local history educational quest «Towards the Sun», dedicated to the history of development of the Trans-Baikal territory by Cossacks-explorers in the XVII century.
Key words: local history, educational technologies, quest technology, additional education of children.

T.A. Kibardina. Quest «Journey through the Russian principalities of Ancient Russia».
Methodological development is an unconventional form of conducting classes in the form of a quest-a journey through the ancient Russian principalities. Students will be able to consolidate their knowledge in non-standard situations and show the ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals, including alternative ones, and consciously choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive tasks.
Key words: period of feudal partition, domestic policy, person in history, projects, IT, high school.

Young scientists’ works

N.S. Donskaya. Scientific and methodological heritage of professor P.V. Gora: results of historical and methodological research.
The article presents the results of a historical and methodological study of the formation and development of the scientific and methodological school of P. V. Gora at the Department of Methods of Teaching History of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V. I. Lenin (modern MPSU).
Key words: scientific and methodological school of Professor P.V. Gora, history of teaching methods, teaching methods, scientific and methodological heritage.

A.I. Gromova. The contribution of the doctor M.M. Volkova in «protecting the health of women» in pre-revolutionary Russia.
This study focuses on the contribution of the physician M.M. Volkova in «protecting the health of women» in pre-revolutionary Russia. The article analyzes the main views of Volkova on the physical education of girls in women’s educational institutions, which, in her opinion, should be aimed primarily at preserving their reproductive health; the study also examines the point of view of a woman doctor on the state of her modern ladies’ clothing, which she called for a radical reform.
Keywords: Russian empire, physical education, women’s health, motherhood.

U.J. Atambaeva. The period of formation of the Osh State Teachers’ Institute as the beginning period of the history of the Osh State University.
The article is devoted to the beginning period of history of the Osh State University which is wide recognized leader of education and science system in Modern Kyrgyzstan. Based on the different type documents the author of the article tries to clear how the beginning period of the University contributed to its further successful development.
Key words: teachers, institute, orders, qualitative staff, number of students, material base.

Опубликовано в Журнал в 2021 году.

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