Actual theme: November 16 — International Day of Tolerance: education of tolerance in school
I.V. Krutova. Tolerance education as an urgent task of school liberal arts education.
The article examines the relevance, essence and methodological ways of forming a value attitude to tolerance by means of school humanitarian education.
Key words: tolerance, value relationships, school liberal arts education.
O.N. Cvetkova. «Island of security» or «deferred hell»: features of the Holocaust in Hungary and the role of the Red army in rescuing the jewish population (methodological development of an extracurricular event).
The author proposes a methodological development of an extracurricular activity on the role of the Red Army in the rescue of the Jewish population on the territory of Hungary.
Key words: Holocaust, Red Army, Hungary, death camp, ghetto.
N.V. Ostanina. «Remain human where there are no people left…»: methodological development of extracurricular activities (X-XI grades).
The author offers a model of a extracurricular activity, where students will have the opportunity to discuss the circumstances of the emergence and exclusivity of the phenomenon of the Righteous among the Nations of the world in the context of the Holocaust.
Keywords: Righteous people of the world, Holocaust, psychological roots of genocide, hard times, demonization of the image of the enemy, moral categories, good, self-sacrifice, responsibility.
History and Society
A.S. Ischenko. Vladimir Monomakh in Modern Russian publicism: the phenomenon of folk-history
The article is dedicated to the monograph of S. N. Chernyavsky «Vladimir Monomakh. A Byzantine on the Russian throne». It is shown that this book is a typical example of the so-called folk-history. The author is poorly acquainted with modern scientific research on the chosen topic, most of his conclusions are not confirmed in the sources and cause serious objections.
Key words: S.N. Chernyavsky, Vladimir Monomakh, Russia, Byzantium, historiography, folk-history.
V.N. Zakharov, Ya.V. Soloviev. Taxes in Russia in the XVIII-early XX century. Part 1: The Era of Peter the Great.
The article is the first in a series of articles on taxes in the Russian Empire. The article examines the development of the tax system under Peter I, concludes that from a simple increase in existing taxes and the introduction of new emergency taxes at the beginning of the reign, Peter moved to fundamentally new approaches to taxation.
Keywords: taxes, tax system, poll tax, Russian Empire, Peter the Great.
P.N. Aleshin. Nursery as a form of assistance to peasants in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century (on the example of the Ufa province).
The article is devoted to the analysis of the activities of the zemstvo institutions of the Russian Empire, which in the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries played a great role in supporting the peasant population. Over several decades, zemstvo schools, hospitals, and libraries were opened throughout Russia. The zemstvos were also engaged in seasonal work to support peasant families — the organization of nurseries to look after infant children during the hardships.
Key words: nurseries, zemstvos, Russian Empire, Ufa province, education.
D.V. Kirilyuk. The theme of the war on lessons of Ugra schools in 1941-1945.
The article is devoted to the problem of restructuring the teaching of school subjects in the Khanty-Mansi national okrug during the Great Patriotic War. The author analyzes the new tasks for the patriotic education of young people that the government has set for the school, and the real practice of the teacher’s work in the Soviet province. An attempt is being made to identify the reasons for the discrepancy between the state goals and the potential skills of local schools.
Key words: Great Patriotic war, school, Ugra, teacher, qualification level, lesson, patriotic education.
N.A. Kopylov. Contemporary russian historiography on Russian-Serbian relations during the First world war and the revolution.
Currently, one of the promising areas of modern historiography of war and revolution can be considered the Slavic question, which in many respects served as one of the reasons for the outbreak of the world conflict, and, in particular, its Balkan direction. In this regard, special attention of researchers is drawn to Russian-Serbian relations of the beginning and the first quarter of the twentieth century.
Key words: World war I, Serbia, historiography, Balkans, Sarajevo.
A.V. Damdinov, T.Ts. Dugarova. Educational potential of school museums as a factor in the formation of student’s civic identity.
The article presents methodological guidelines to the organization of educational work of school museums: as a system and as an interaction of subjects of educational activity. The authors prove that the educational potential of school museums as a factor in the formation of students ‘ civic identity can be realized on the basis of methodological guidelines: systematization, value bases of behavior, technological efficiency, taking into account individual age characteristics, emotional involvement and the environmental effect.
Key words: the Russian empire, the State council, anniversary, discussion, historiography.
N.V. Chernikova. When the State Council was founded or Dispute over anniversary.
The State council of the Russian empire had the dual occurrences of its birthday – 1801 and 1810, and there are a lot of arguments in favour of both points of view. The article analyses the cause of the discussion, phases of its development and prospect of its coming to an end.
Key words: the Russian empire, the State council, anniversary, discussion, historiography.
E.V. Dilmukhamedov. Fiction as an instrument of teaching history: traditions and innovations of the Russian school.
The article presents a teaching method based on the use of works of art in the educational process, summarizes the experience gained in the domestic school of its use, and identifies the characteristic features and key views of domestic methodologists on the problem. Based on the work done, methodological recommendations for the use of this method in a modern lesson are formulated.
Key words: interdisciplinary connections, history teaching methodology, educational activity, fiction.
Yu.K. Vasyukhina. The word and the image in the social studies lesson as a means of forming family and social values
A cultural text (a work of fiction) in a social studies lesson becomes the basis of a productive polylogue of a teacher and students. The article reveals various techniques (semantic, structural, hedonistic, comparative analysis of the text, «semantic constructor»), which contribute to the formation of family and social values among students.
Key words: cultural text, family and social values, teaching methods.
S.P. Bezolyuk, O.A. Yeldinov. «Semantic essay»: didactic possibilities of application in the lessons of history and social studies.
The authors consider a meaning oriented approach to teaching at the lessons of history and social studies. The novelty of this research is in the use of the «meaning essay» technology as an effective meaning technique that helps to increase the educational motivation of students, the development of the meaning sphere, the disclosure of internal potential, and the increase of interest in the subject. The article presents the author’s tables: the possibilities of using the «meaning essay» technology at various stages of the lesson in general education institutions, possible topics of meaning essays, in relation to history and social studies lessons.
Key words: meaning essay, semantic didactics, meaning didactic approach, meaning engineering, psycholinguistics.
N.V. Voroshilova. On the problem of using film sources in teaching history: experience in implementing the project «Evolution of the image of the Great russian revolution in russian art cinema».
In the article analyzes the experience of implementing a project to study the evolution of the image of the Great Russian Revolution in Russian cinema. Various options for the use of the analyzed material in the classroom and in extracurricular activities of students are offered.
Key words: movie source, The Great Russian revolution, project, historical and revolutionary cinema.
T.V. Linhoboeva. Formation of reading literacy among schoolchildren on the example of studying the Great Patriotic war.
The article presents tasks on the formation of reading literacy in the framework of the subject «History» on the example of the study of «The Great Patriotic war».
Key words: reading literacy, reading skills, the Great Patriotic war, assignments, text.
Books, journals and sites
P.A. Puchkov. Autobiographical sources of international law (review of the book by F. Sands «East-West Street. Origin terms genocide and crime against humanity»).
Book review.
Key words: genocide, crime against humanity, G. Lauter-pacht, R. Lemkin.
Young scientists’ works
E.Yu. Bartanova. History of combating crime in Buryatia in 1953-1964.
The article deals with criminal crime in Buryatia in 1953-1964. The paper presents statistical data on the basis of archival data, traces the dynamics of crime in the region. The author analyzes such types of crimes as hooliganism, theft, robbery, banditry against the historical background of the «Khrushchev» rule. Along with this, the normative legal acts that had a significant impact on the activities of law enforcement agencies, and the Decree «On amnesty» of March 27, 1953, the consequences of its adoption are considered.
Key words: crime, criminal liability, amnesty, convict, «Khrushchev thaw», Buryat-Mongolian ASSR, criminogenic situation.
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