Letter to the jornal
A. Buller. L.F. Ranke and N.I. Kareev or «lessons of history» of the XIX century.
The article analyzes the interpretation of two key concepts of the 19th century: «historical truth» and the idea of progress. The purpose of the article is to show the absolute relevance of these concepts for our time.
Key words: historical truth, progress, history of education.
Actual theme: «New» local history in history lessons and in extracurricular activities
M.V. Korotkova. New regional history in modern school: problems of content and form study.
The article outlines essence of regional history knowledge, local history, history from below, considers advantages of new regional history knowledge in school study. The author suggests example of successful expositions and research study of pupils in museum of local lore.
Key words: regional history knowledge, local history, new regional history knowledge,, history from below, methods of region study, levels of region study, museum of local lore.
N.N. Yurkina. The genesis of local history museums in Russia before the beginning of the twentieth century.
The article discusses the main milestones of the formation of local history museums of the Russian Empire with the appearance of private collections and local museums in the XVII century and until the beginning of the twentieth century, the ways of forming Museum collections and collections against the background of the formation of the Museum network of Russia, as well as the development of local history as a science.
Key words: museum of local lore, museum of local lore, provincial scientific commission, Free economic society, Archaeological society, Russian geographical society, collecting, pedagogical museum, departmental museum.
N.N. Maslova, I.A. Niderman. Approaches to teaching regional history in a modern school.
The article discusses approaches to the formation of a conceptual framework for teaching regional history, the methodological foundations of which are set out in the Concept of Teaching National History in 2020. The author analyzes the normative documents and publications that reflect the issues of teaching regional history. The article describes possible methodological solutions, forms and algorithms for working with the regional component in the organization of cognitive activities in the classroom and extracurricular activities, including with the involvement of electronic local history resources.
Key words: regional history, local history, local history, national history, concept; electronic sources, Moscow studies, methodology.
History and Society
E.E. Yamaeva. The motives of the creation and the great flood: a comparative study based on the materials of the epic of the peoples of the Ural-Altai.
The study of the most ancient archetypes in Turkic legends in a comparative aspect is a relevant topic. Comparison of the materials of the Bashkir and Altai epics and myths revealed the presence of such common motives. Ancient archetypes were transformed in the epic legends of the Tьrks, while maintaining a similar semantic basis, which indicates the formation of the plot of the Tьrkic epic at an early stage of development on the basis of universal mythological motives of the creation of the world.
Key words: flood, irregularities, swamp, living water, trees, swan, Humay, Ursa Major.
S.O. Abrasheva, A.K. Babalova, P.O. Kulakova. Impact of World War II on the Decolonization Process in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The article examines the impact of the course and results of the Second World War on the political development of Sub-Saharan Africa, and notes the key role of the world conflict in accelerating the processes of decolonization in the countries of the region.
Key words: Sub-Saharan Africa, decolonization, World war II, зan-фfricanism.
N.S. Tunev. Training of commanders of infantry units of the Red Army at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.
The analyzed topic is of an acute military-historical importance. The author of the publication studied the peculiarities of the training of commanders of rifle units of the Red army at the beginning of the Great Patriotic war. The researcher proved on the basis of various publications that the training of commanders was a purposeful and systematic process of step-by-step mastering, developing, developing and improving the knowledge, skills of performing combat tasks.
Key words: Red army, training of commanders, infantry troops, combat readiness, reserve officers, officer training courses, military schools.
E.K. Kalutskaya. How to make anti-corruption lessons interesting?
The article presents methodological recommendations for organizing the educational process when studying the issues of combating corruption in Russia and the world, presents a number of tasks (methodological constructor) that allow to form the personal attitude of students to the problem under study.
Key words: corruption, corruption perception index, anti-corruption, education, situational analysis.
A.V. Myzgina. Reconquista and the formation of centralized states in the Iberian Peninsula (history lesson in grade VI).
Methodical development of a lesson on the Reconquista and the formation of centralized states in the Iberian Peninsula.
Key words: reconquista, moor, Spain, Pyrenean peninsula, catholicism, islam, inquisition.
I.V. Kremer. Causes of the Northern war (history lesson in the 8th grade).
Methodical development of a lesson to identify the causes and prerequisites for the outbreak of the Northern War, allies and opponents of Russia.
Key words: Northern war, Russia, Sweden, economic and political interests.
A.S. Dotsenko, S.V. Dotsenko. Board game «Antiquity: Ancient Rome».
The material offers a game that can be used during a repetitive-generalizing lesson as an intermediate control for checking, as well as preparing and conducting extracurricular activities on the topic «Ancient Rome».
Key words: Ancient Rome, board game, intermediate control, repetitive-generalizing lesson.
Books, journals and sites
S.A. Tikhankina. The topic of the Holocaust in the proceedings of the conference «Teaching military history in Russia and abroad».
The author analyzes the articles of the collection from the point of view of reflecting the theme of the Holocaust in them, preserving the memory of the genocide of the Jewish people.
Key words: Holocaust, military history, education, culture of memory, the Great Patriotic war.
Young scientists’ works
N.A. Rostov. Historical Memory of the Second Spanish Republic and Modernity.
The article is concerned with the political processes in modern Spain related to the evolution of the historical memory of the Second Spanish Republic.
Key words: Spain, Second Spanish Republic, PSOE, Unidas Podemos, Vox, People’s Party, Historical Memory.
Sankarov A.O. The problem of formation of Muslim identity in the Republic of Bashkortostan.
The article analyzes the identity of Muslims in the Republic of Bashkortostan in order to establish the features of its formation. It is suggested that the design of the Muslim identity is incompleted due to the weak differentiation of religious and ethnic identities.
Key words: Muslim identity, discursive tradition, Muslimness, Bashkortostan, nation-building, subjectivity, tradition of islam, socio-cultural crisis, individual narratives, ethnic history.
A.I. Rozanov. A.I. Uspensky (1873-1938) — scientist, teacher, public figure.
Art historian Alexander Ivanovich Uspensky (1873-1938) is also known as the founder of the Moscow Archaeological Institute. He was also a professional archivist, which determined the methods of his research and the peculiarities of his pedagogical activity. The urgent task is to restore the name of A. I. Ouspensky, as one of the Russian enlighteners and creators of Russian historical sciences. This article serves precisely this purpose.
Key words: archeology, archaeologist, archivist, pre-revolutionary, art history, education, A.I. Ouspensky.
D.V. Lobanov. Necropolis of Golitsyn princes in the Donskoy monastery.
The article is devoted to the evolution and peculiarities of the formation of the family necropolis of the Princes Golitsyns in the Donskoy monastery. In his work, the author relies on a large range of archival sources, some of which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.
Кey words: Donskoy monastery, necropolis, princes Golitsyn, tomb.
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