
Magazine’s content № 5 2010

Annotation #5, 2010

Actual theme: Teaching of history of culture

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M.V. Korotkova. The Problem of teaching of history of culture in school history course: methodologist’s view

Article considers different ways of teaching of history of culture in school history course, with examples.

Keywords: sentience, culture, manners, educational activity.

E.N. Abdulaev. On some methods of studying history of culture

Author shares some experience of teaching of history of culture in school history course (World history & Russian history), with examples.

Keywords: sentience, culture, educational activity.

M.V. Korotkova. Modular program “Studying of everyday culture in school history course of Russian history”

The variant of organization of educational module on studying everyday culture.

Keywords: culture, manners, standards & programs.

A.A. Sorokin. Periodical press as a phenomenon of the Russian emigration culture in 1920–1930

Author of the article analyzes the periodical press of the Russian emigration in 1920–1930 as a cultural evidence.

Keywords: Contemporary history, Russian emigration, sentience.

A.Y. Morozov. Culture through the righteous men

Material describes the way to introduce contemporary culture through the stories about persons or phenomena falls out of modern cultural context.

Keywords: culture, sentience.

History and Society

V.I. Gulyaev. Scythians: myths and reality

The author describes the opinions of archaeologists and historians about the Scythian  state.

Keywords: Ancient world, state, domestic policy, Scythians.

I.I. Sharifzhanov. Russian history in modern French textbooks.

This article considers the problem of Russian history exposition in French textbooks.

Keywords: textbooks, foreign experience.


Y.A. Makarenko. The Formation of system of historical education on pre-profile and profile stages.

Article considers the problem of formation of system of historical education on pre-profile and profile stages.

Keywords: educational activity, profile education.

N.Y. Svist. Application of method of Edward de Bono for history lesson

Abstract describes application of Edward de Bono method of thinking (“Six Hats of Thinking”) in teaching History and Society.

Keywords: educational activity, thinking.

S.V. Fomenko. Arakcheev’s character: the portrait of lord Arakcheev and historical background

The author of the article representatives the methods of character in school of such odious and contradictory person as A.A. Arakcheev.

Keywords: Russian Empire, person in history.

Uniform State Exam

S.A. Fomin. Schemes and tests on history of 17th century Russia.

This methodical development targets on training of pupils for part C of Integral testing. Authors develop the model of training based on schemes with short text comments.

Keywords: scheme, symbols, Moscovite period, Uniform State Exam.

Young scientists’ works

S.A. Vlasov. How Vladivostok was build (to the 150th Anniversary of foundation)

The article is devoted to the construction of the city-port Vladivostok.

Keywords: local history, city, construction.

A.V. Sivkov. Interaction of political ideology  and political action (on the example of Indian fight for independent)

In this article the political ideology examines as the main tool of political action according to the example of the fight for independent in India.

Keywords: political ideology, Gandy, India.

In journal:

  • To the 65th Anniversary of Great Victory: A.A. Pechenkin. Victory parade commander: the portrait Marshal of the Soviet Union Konstantin Rokossovsky
  • Between books and magazines: O.V. Muromtseva. Socialist realism: inventory of the archive
  • News of science

Опубликовано в Журнал в 2010 году.

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