Actual theme: Working with written historical sources
M.G. Tsyrenova, N.I. Golavskaya, T.A. Bogomoeva. The development of reading literacy among students when working with texts in history lessons: methodological emphasis.
The article describes the work with the text in history lessons as a context, the basis for the development of reading literacy among students. The methodological grounds are revealed, which must be taken into account when the teacher formulates tasks aimed at developing reading literacy among students.
Key words: reading literacy, educational text, educational situation, task, principle of dialogue.
E.C. Mandanova. The methodological aspects of studying historical sources in the course of the history of the Ancient world and the Middle ages.
The article deals with methodological methods for studying historical sources in the course of the history of the Ancient world and the Middle ages, which create conditions for the implementation of the activity approach in teaching history. Theproblemisrevealedintheoreticalandpracticalaspects.
Key words: cognitive activity, the activity approach, historical source, methodological techniques, task system for working with sources.
J.V. Dikaja. Adaptation of written historical sources for distance learning.
The article deals with the problems of distance learning organization. The article describes ways to adapt educational material, using written historical sources as an example, using electronic means for distance learning.
Key words: pedagogy, computerization, electronic teaching aids, written sources.
History and Society
G. Pikov. Is the «Renaissance» a feature of the development of European culture?
The article deals with the «Renaissance» as a feature of the development of European culture. Examples from the medieval cultural history of Europe show the specifics of this process and its specific manifestations. In such epochs, using the reference to «antiquity», various important tasks are solved, including not only cultural, but also social and political.
Key words: «Renaissance» culture, Europe, humanism, Middle Ages.
S.Yu. Boldyreva. Global problems of mankind (materials for the lesson of social science in grades 10-11).
This article contains actual and theoretical information about the global problems of mankind, as well as the main trends in the development of the modern world and international relations.
Key words: global issues, Sustainable Development Goals, urbanization, industrialization, United Nations, international terrorism.
A.V. Juravel. Traitors in the Russian land.
The treason in Russian history is the key problem of this article. This theme is unpopular in Russian historical discourses and public reflections, although it can be considered as everlasting one.
Key words: treason, deed, patriotism, europeanization.
O.A. Zkirov. Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk: to the 100th anniversary of his birth.
S.F. Bondarchuk’s films are widely used in the work of educational organizations. History teachers use them in their regular and extracurricular work. The purpose of the article is to draw the attention of the pedagogical community to some undeservedly little-known works of S.F. Bondarchuk.
Key words: S.F. Bondarchuk, history, screening, education, movie.
V.V. Sitdikov. Socio-political and historical-philosophical views of Lev Tikhomirov in foreign historiography.
The article deals with the problems of coverage of L.A. Tikhomirov’s socio-political and historiosophical heritage by foreign historiography. The author analyzes a wide range of historiographical sources-theses, monographs and articles by historians from the Poland, Switzerland, UK, USA and Japan. Foreign historiography has significantly outstripped domestic researchers in the study of the multifaceted legacy of L.A. Tikhomirov.
Key words: L.A. Tikhomirov, foreign historiography, conservatism, Narodism.
G.S. Shirokalova. Historical memory of the Great Patriotic War: factors of formation.
The article is devoted to comparing the historical memory of students who grew up in cities with over one million people and students from rural areas. And although the educational programs are the same for everyone, the territorial and informational isolation of rural territories has a impact on the worldview and life strategies of the villagers.
Key words: school, World War II, historical memory, students.
H.I. Dupate, G.K. Nagiev. The anti-fascist resistance of the Baltic peole during vazi occupation.
This article analyzes the anti-fascist partisan movement during the Nazi occupation of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The article attempts to study the activities of the anti-fascist partisan movement in the interests of ensuring the actions of the Red army to liberate the Baltic States from German invaders and the overall contribution of the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian partisans to the defeat of the Hitler`s Germany in the Baltic region.
Key words: Soviet Baltic States, German secret services, Hitler’s occupation regime, anti-fascist underground, partisans and underground fighters.
O.Yu. Oreshkin. Additional sources of financing for the industrialization of the USSR in the 1930s (on the example of the activities of the All-Union Association for Trade with Foreigners in the USSR in the Ivanovo Industrial Region in 1933-1935).
The article shows the relevance of this problem in the conditions of industrialization of the USSR in the 1930s. A brief history of the creation of the trade network Torgsin in the territory of the Ivanovo Industrial Region in the USSR is described. Information on the main currency values attracted by the Ivanovo Regional Office Torgsin in 1933-1935 was presented.
Key words: Ivanovo regional office TORGSIN, interdistrict base, trade point.
I.I. Barinova. Electronic school: advantages and disadvantages.
The article analyzes the experience of the e-school in a pandemic, shows the main positive and negative aspects of ES, the role of the teacher in the process of training and education.
Key words: electronic school (ES), electronic resources, ES material base, SanPin requirements, teaching load of teachers and students.
V.I. Varyushchenko, O.V. Gajkova. Educational kit on history for secondary schools in the UK.
The article describes a modern educational and methodological kit on history «Understanding history» for grades 7-9, which allows you to get a General idea of modern educational publications in the United Kingdom. The authors show how modern training materials can identify personally significant problems that can become the subject of discussion in the classroom, how a working hypothesis is formulated and an algorithm for preparing for the discussion is built.
Keywords: discussion, discussion question, critical thinking, pedagogical technology, educational and methodological kit.
O.D. Mishina. Joke in social studies.
The article describes the organization of the work with jokes to achieve objective results in social studies lessons.
Key words: social studies, joke, objective results.
A.N. Fedorov. Universal approach to the assessment of essays on the unified state exam in social science: reality or perspective?
The article discusses the prospects for developing a universal approach to evaluating essays. It is suggested that universality may depend on the comparison of verification criteria and their practical implementation.
Key words: teaching, state exam, generating sense.
Books, journals and sites
G.I. Kanevskaya. Russia and Oceania. Research and travel of Russians in the XIX — XXI centuries (popular science edition).
Book review.
Key words: Russia, Oceania, Miklouho-Maclay, exploration and travel.
A unique publication about the Pushkins.
Announcement of a unique publication.
Young scientists’ works
A.K. Mordovin-Zalessky. «Servise list as a historical source».
In the article, on the example of selected track records of some generals of the First World War, the history of the occurrence and changes of this type of sources is analyzed, its features are studied and the specifics of working with similar documents are demonstrated.
Key words: achievement list, command staff, military history of Russia XIX — beginning of XX centuries, historical source.
V.A. Dzyubinsky. Theological education in Podillia in the XVI-XVIII centuries.
This article is intended to describe the key issues related to religious education in Podillya in the XVI-XVIII centuries. Based on available sources, the author examines the activities of Catholic and Greek Catholic theological schools.
Keywords: theological education, rector, Podilsky Theological Seminary, Lviv Brotherhood School, Ostroh Academy.
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