
Magazine’s content № 4 2010

Annotation #4, 2010

Actual theme: History of Society

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V.B. Perkhavko. Social structure: from the Ancient world to the Middle Ages

Author of the article analyzes the basic principles of social structure of antagonistic societies beginning from the Ancient world to the Middle Ages, paying attention to the vertical hierarchy and the horizontal relations.

Keywords: social structure, classes, estates, corporations, associations.

I.A. Ustinova. Prikaz bureaucracy in pre-Peter Russia

Article considers the problem of formation of Russian bureaucracy.

Keywords: bureaucracy, Prikaz, management.

V.A. Ivanov. Pre-reformian Russian regional officialdom

The author of the article gives quantitative description of major social qualities (social origin, educational level, welfare standards) of different categories of the Russian local officials from governors to the lowest rank officials.

Keywords: officialdom, regional administraition, social composition, education, incomes.

N.P. Popov. Classes in modern Russia and USA

Author characterizes the features of the middle class and compares the incomes  of different social groups in modern Russia and USA.

Keywords: the middle class, Russia, USA.

S.V. Vetrova. Medieval society of the Western Europe (lesson for 6th form)

Author of the article representatives the lesson-play, which allows to lighten for pupils to assimilate the problem of differentiation of medieval society of the Western Europe.

Keywords: lesson, the Middle Ages, society, structure, estates.

T.B. Koval. Social structure of Soviet society in 1930s.

Article is devoted to methods of teaching in school the problem of social structure of soviet society during 1930.

Keywords: the USSR, social structure.

E.N. Belsky. History of Russian society in schemes

Author’s schemes are representing social structure of Russian society since Kievan Rus’ to the Modern times.


History and Society

V.G. Petrovich. Phenomenon of V.S. Abakumov

Material concerns the biography of V.S. Abakumov in historical context of Stalin’s Russia.

Keywords: Intelligence service, power.


S.A. Rafikova. Historical and genealogical methods in studying

Material considers the use of genealogical methods in organization of studying.

Keywords: familistika, genealogy, family history, daily occurrence history, local history, teaching of humanitarian disciplines, innovative methods of training.

E.P. Razinkina. Law and responsibility (resulting-lesson on Society for 7th form)

Methodical development helps to organize the resulting-type of lesson on Society for 7th form on law problems.

Keywords: crime, legal liability, minors.

E.V. Nikitina. Out-of-class action “Young jurisprudent – ‘Juristic’”

Methodical development helps to organize the out-of-class action on law problems.


Uniform State Exam

S.A. Fomin. Schemes and tests on history of 17th century Russia.

This methodical development targets on training of pupils for part C of Integral testing. Authors develop the model of training based on schemes with short text comments.

Key words: scheme, symbols, first Romanovs.

Today in magazine – Tomorrow in class

O.N. Machehina. What is political culture? (lesson on Society for 11th form)

Methodical development of lesson on Society helps to organize the group work.

Keywords: political culture, group work.

Young scientists’ works

I.I. Nazipov. Whether the political power of Ulus Dzhuchi (Horde) over the land of Northeast Russia was state

To authors opinion, since 1242 till 80th years of XIII century when in Russian lands there were horde officers, the power of the Horde over Russian lands was state, but later its character became another.

Keywords: the political power, the Horde, Russian lands.

A.P. Skorik, T.V. Pankova-Kozochkina. Cossacks spells and fortunetelling

Article considers Cossacks spells and fortunetelling in social and historical contexts.

Keywords: Cossacks, divination, popular belief.

L.I. Evsyukova. The problems of formation of civil position of a school-leaver in modern school

The author touches upon the problem of civil education of pupils. The author shows complication, contradiction and reality of this progress in modern conditions.

Keywords: a civil position, a person, a school-leaver, the things of social cycle, morals.

In journal:

  • Between books and magazines: Who and how should write local history textbooks? (Reflections upon textbooks on History of Khimki and Klin)
  • News of science

Опубликовано в Журнал в 2010 году.

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