Editor-in-chief column
Interview with academician V. A. Tishkov.
Interview with academician V. A. Tishkov about school historical education.
Key words: interview, history textbook, regional history.
Actual theme: Mini essay on the exam in social studies
I.V. Krutova. Mini-essay on the Uniform State Exam in social studies (task 29): structure and writing algorithm.
The article discusses the criteria, the possible structure and algorithm for writing an examination mini-essay on social studies. Concrete examples of author’s statements and possible options for organizing work with them are given.
Key words: USE in social studies, mini-essay, methods of teaching social studies.
History and Society
R.V. Pazin. The heresy of the «Judaizers» in religious and political disputes of nestyazhateli and Josephine of the late XV — early XVI centuries.
The article reveals the religious and political disputes between the nestyazhateli and the Josephites, and also shows what role the heresy of the «Judaizers» played in them.
Keywords: heresy, nestyazhateli, Josephine.
E.V. Kurapina. Historical reconstruction as a socio-cultural phenomenon.
The article discusses scientific approaches to the definition of «historical reconstruction» as a multifunctional form of leisure of modern youth. The problem of purposeful use of historical reconstructions as an effective means in the process of Patriotic education of youth is emphasized.
Key words: historical reconstruction, social and cultural movement, historical festival.
K.D. Gulyaeva, D.V. Shmuratko. Is the such a profession arhival teacher? (Review of world experience in archival pedagogy).
The article provides an overview of the world practice in the interaction of archives and educational institutions. The processes that became the basis for the formation of a new direction in pedagogical science — archival pedagogy are indicated. For Russian schools, archival pedagogy can become an effective tool for implementing the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standard.
Key words: foreign experience, education, archival pedagogy, archival teacher, archival tutor, educational activities of the archive.
M.A. Artamonov. Formation of students inter-course cause-and-effect relationships in history lessons through work with a historical source.
The article is devoted to the problem of formation of cause-and-effect relations in history lessons. The typical problems of formation of cause-and-effect relations are considered and the work on their formation through the use of a historical source at the lesson is offered.
Key words: cause-and-effect relationships, historical source, socio-historical development.
O.N. Shaparina. The combination of game tasks and interdisciplinary connections in the modern history lesson.
The article considers the relevance of the use of interdisciplinary connections in the modern history lesson, offers types of tasks for the formation of subject and meta-subject competencies of students, shows the role of puzzles, crosswords, anagrams, game technologies in the process of teaching students.
Key words: gaming technology, puzzles, crosswords, activity approach, history lesson, fiction, inter-subject relations.
T.A. Pokovnikova. Possibilities for teaching the history of the Holocaust in the educational space of a modern St. Petersburg school (from work experience).
The author considers the problem of Holocaust education in the educational system of a modern school, describes the main activities and possible forms of work in this topic, and analyzes the importance of studying the topic for modern students.
Key words: the Holocaust, Auschwitz, Oswiecim, diaries, memorable dates, teaching, individual comprehension of history, Project Based Learning activities.
R.I. Popov. Didactic game «Thunderstorm of the twelfth year …».
This publication contains the description of the organization of the didactic game devoted to events of Patriotic war of 1812. The method of preparation and conduct of the game has been successfully tested, on its content can be used in the development of didactic games for history teachers and class teachers in extracurricular practice.
Keywords: didactic game, teaching, history, school.
R.V. Pazin, P.A. Ushakov. Cartographic practicum on the history of Russia: era of palace coups.
The article presents the set of tasks for working with maps and schemes.
Key words: Uniform State Exam, maps and schemes, interdisciplinary connections.
Books, journals and sites
A.S. Chernyshev. Book of the A.A. Fokin «»Communism is just around the corner.» Images of the future in power and the population of the USSR at the turn of 1950-1960″.
The review contains a detailed review of the monograph of the associate Professor of the Department of Russia and foreign countries of Chelyabinsk state University A. A. Fokin in the context of the latest historiography on the period of Khrushchev’s «thaw».
Key words: historiography, History of the Soviet Union, 1960s, USSR, Sovietology, Khrushchev Thaw.
Young scientists’ works
A.S. Odinokov. Middle eastern triangle: Russia — Turkey — Iran.
The article discusses a new format of strategic interaction within the Russia-Iran-Turkey triangle. The analysis of foreign policy interests and goals of Russia, Turkey and Iran in the region of the Middle East. Special attention is paid to the place of Russia in the «Middle Eastern triangle», in particular, analyzed the factors of Russia’s presence in the Middle East region and the possibility of interaction with Turkey and Iran.
Key words: Middle Eastern triangle, Russian Federation, Islamic Republic of Iran, Turkish Republic, Syria, regional players, regional leaders, Middle Eastern region, foreign policy strategy, coordination of positions, confrontation, cooperation, trilateral format.
A.Ju. Nefedov. White movement and Poland: confrontation and interaction.
The article is devoted to the relations the leaders of the White movement with Poland during the Civil War, including the attempts to invite to the side of the White Guards the Polish state to fight the Bolsheviks.
Key words: armed forces of Southern Russia, russification, independence, negotiation process, territorial integrity, political tension.
C. Ku. Anglo-Russian rivalry in Iran in the years 1820-1850 of the XIX century.
The article tells about the historical events of the first half of the 19th century, the result of which was the strengthening of Russia’s position in Iran, which was extremely important both for pacification in the Caucasus and for further advance to the East in the context of a tough geopolitical confrontation between England.
Key words: russian-persian war, Turkmanchay treaty, Transcaucasia, Crimean war, anglo-russian rivalry, East India company, Central Asia, Erzrum treaty.
A.N. Yakovlev. Homestead Act of Abraham Lincoln as a historical experience for the implementation of the program «Far Eastern hectare».
The article reviews Homestead Act from the historical experience point, applies the historical experience to the implementation of the «Far Eastern hectare» («Dalnevostochiy gektar») program.
Key words: Far East, agriculture, Homestead Act, USA.
I.N. Voropaeva. Violations and correction of letter at younger schoolchildren from ONR III level.
In the article the analysis of violations letters for children with the NRO level III identified specific features digravina errors specific to younger students, the proposed correction methods to overcome the identified deficiencies.
Key words: younger schoolchildren, General underdevelopment of speech III levels, dysgraphia, correction.
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