Actual theme: Designing the process of teaching history: scientific and methodological approaches
N.N. Lazukova. The interdisciplinary skills development process design in history teaching.
The article is devoted to the problem of developing interdisciplinary skills in teaching history. The article is written on the basis of scientific and methodological studies.
Keywords: interdisciplinary skills in training of history, interdisciplinary connections, stages of development skills, transition of skills.
L.N. Aleksashkina. The disclosure of the line «man in history» as a cognitive resource of the school course.
The article proposes a scientific and methodological approach to the design of the learning process based on the disclosure of the line «personal in history».
Keywords: a contents line (aspect), personal existence in history, a person in contemporaries and next generations judgements, learning activities of pupils.
History and Society
E.A. Andreenko. February 1917 in Russia: figuring out patterns, we form
critical thinking skills.
The article presents the author’s experience of studying at school the theme of the laws of the great Russian revolution of 1917. This experience concretizes the use of problem-based learning technology through the analysis of historical sources.
Keywords: causality of the 1917 revolution in Russia, document analysis, problem-based learning technology.
A.S. Dikun. The study of the merchant dynasty Sibiryakovs’s activity: regional aspect.
The author notes the changes of views and opinions about the merchantry, its place and role in the life of Russia taking place in modern science on the basis of the study of previously inaccessible or closed sources.
Keywords: regional history, merchantry, the Sibiryakovs, patrionship of arts.
A.V. Kovalev. The tradition of the enlightenment in foreign history textbooks.
he article examines the contents of history textbooks for secondary schools. The tradition of the Enlightenment is analyzed. The author focuses on the main ideas of English and French thinkers.
Keywords: the Enlightenment, ideas, the XVIII century, school textbooks, history studying.
V.V. Goncharov. The Role of Visual Communication in formation of political Worldview through Textbooks (on the example «Wczoraj I dzis » in Poland)
This Article discusses the Role of Visual Communication in shaping the political Worldview of students through a Textbook. The Object was the Textbooks «Wczoraj I dzis» series.
Keywords: visual communication, framing, patterns, images, school books, Poland, conservatism, historical politics, political worldview.
O.Yu. Strelova, E.E. Vyazemskiy. The Day of Russian science: the methodical scenario.
The methodical scenario of the day of Russian science is presented in the article as an educational event that opens the way for schoolchildren to their own project activities (research).
Keywords: Day of Russian science, Calendar of educational events, educational project, civic and Patriotic education of youth.
Today in jornal — tomorrow in class
I.V. Krutova, R.V. Pazin. Organizational and legal forms of business: materials to the lesson of social studies.
The article provides the scheme and table with relevant material for social science lesson in high school for the study of the theme «Organizational and legal forms of business».
Keywords: tables and schemes, organizational and legal forms of business, Uniform State Exam.
Uniform State Exam
V.P. Kyselev. Civil law: training in preparation for the exam.
This training is dedicated to consolidating theoretical knowledge in civil law to the extent defined by the school standard, as well as necessary for developing skills tested on the exam.
Keywords: civil law, Uniform State Exam, training.
R.V. Pazin, P.A. Ushakov. Cartographic practicum on the history of Russia: Time of Troubles.
The article presents the set of tasks for working with maps and schemes.
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, maps and schemes, interdisciplinary connections.
Young scientists’ works
A.S. Odinokov. Relations of Russia and Turkey under the conditions of the Syrian crisis.
The article gives an overview of relations between Russia and Turkey during the Syrian crisis.
So, the policy of Russia and Turkey should be implemented in the development of a common crisis response strategy, covering military, economic, humanitarian and other areas of stability and security.
Keywords: politics, Russia, Turkey, Syria, crisis, relations.
M.V. Rychkova. Student construction brigades as 1980s youth culture phenomenon by example of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
This article examines public work done by construction brigades formed from Moscow State University’ students that took place in 1980s. We look into their structure, management and financing. We emphasize work done by non-building units as a special kind of brigade.
Keywords: Student construction brigades, public work, students policy, the student body, Moscow university.
O.Yu. Kamenskaya. Vladimir Afanasyevich Obruchev: a unique person and researcher. Horizons of the possible.
The article considers the biography and professional activity of the famous researcher in the field of geography and Geology, teacher V. A. Obruchev, whose uniqueness deserves close attention. The innovative nature of his approaches to scientific research, pedagogical activity, contribution to the development of the genre of science fiction is revealed by the author when considering specific periods of life and activity of the scientist.
Keywords: teaching, Russian history of the twentieth century, Church-state relations.
I.A. Chernyshev. Church-state relations as a criterion periodization of history of Russia in the twentieth century.
The article examines the problem of periodization of Russian history. As a criterion of periodization proposes a change in Church-state relations. This method is used in the course of Russian history in the twentieth century.
Keywords: teaching, Russian history of the twentieth century, Church-state relations.
D.V. Lobanov. Georgian ancestral heraldry in a necropolis of Donskoy monastery.
The article is devoted to insufficiently studied Georgian ancestral heraldry, present on the tombstones in a necropolis of Donskoy monastery. The author gives a number of clarifications in the description ancestral coats of arms, more accurate their attribution.
Кeywords: Donskoy monastery, necropolis, Georgian ancestral heraldry, Sretensky church, tomb.
Index of articles published in the journal in 2018.
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