Annotation #8, 2009
Actual theme: State standards (National Curriculum)
Y.Y. Vyazemsky. National Curriculum of second generation: innovational character, functions, features.
This material considers the content of new state educational standard (National Curriculum) and some questions connected with it.
Keywords: education, state, new, standard, changes.
History and Society
I.V. Kucheruk. An American mindset: yesterday and today
Article concerns the basic elements of American mindset, history of its formation and exogenous factors influenced on them.
Keywords: mentality, messianism, individualism, United States history, migration.
I.I. Nazipov. Legitimacy of the power of Ulusa Dzhuchi (Horde) over Russian lands
In the article arguments in favour of that the power of khans of Ulusa Dzhuchi over Russian lands was legitimate are resulted. It means, it was perceived as lawful. In submissions of that time about legitimacy, as about the Divine craft in businesses terrestrial. If the power was lawful this power, the person to be subject, has been obliged with total dedication. In many respects it long term of submission of Russian lands to the khans, insufficient activity of Russia in struggle for independence. Arguments are constructed basically on the analysis of sources in which contemporaries of events by the statements and behaviour prove a hypothesis about legitimacy of the power of khans of Ulusa over Russian lands.
Key words: the political power, the Horde, annals, tsar, Russian lands, legitimacy.
Y.A. Kozhin. Making of legal education doctrine in modern Russia.
Article considers the main stages of formation of legal education doctrine and its components.
Keywords: law, legal education, the doctrine.
Y.Y. Vyazemsky, O.Y. Strelova. Dictionary of terms of historical education. Textbook on history in modern world
Article considers the modern understanding of terminological base used by teachers and Methodists.
Keywords: dictionary, terms, history.
A.V. Lukutin. Essay upon love’s craft
Author reflects on the problem of foster patriotism in process of school history education and new textbooks on the modern Russian history.
Keywords: school history education, textbooks on the history, foster patriotism.
Foreign experience
V.V. Goncharov. Formation of new historical memory of frontiersmen through the school history education: the Polish experience.
Abstract analyzes the Polish experience of new historical memory formation and the promotion of ideas which helps to form new national self-identification of frontiersmen.
Keywords: Germany, Poland, school books.
Integrate testing
S.A. Fomin. Schemes and tests on history of the beginning of fragmentation and the Mongol invasion for training for part C of Integral testing
This methodical development targets on training of pupils for part C of Integral testing. Authors develop the model of training based on schemes with short text comments.
Key words: scheme, symbols, fragmentation, Mongol invasion.
Today in magazine – Tomorrow in class
E.V. Kololeeva. Homer’s epic poems and Ancient Greek religion (lesson on repeating and fixing for 5th form)
Methodical development provides the using of Homer’s epic poems in history lessons for 5th form for repeating and fixing of material.
Keywords: lesson, Ancient Greece, myths, Homer.
Y.G. Gavrilina. Popular regimentation and the end of The Time of Troubles (lesson of group work for 7th form)
Methodical development provides the organization of work in groups during the study of role of popular regimentation in theme “The Time of Troubles”.
Keywords: group work, Time of Troubles, the technique.
O.N. Kamakin. Teenager’s economic activity (Society lesson for 6th form)
Methodical development provides the organization of Society lesson for 6th form on theme “Teenager’s economic activity”.
Keywords: lesson, entrepreneurship, youth Economy.
Young scientists’ works
O.E. Nazarieva. The problems of people’s education in early 20th century
Abstract concerns the main problems in people’s education in early 20th century Russia.
Keywords: revolution, public education, political party, civil society organization, elementary education, specialized school, the Higher School, reform of education, Temporary government, teaching stuff, discussion.
A.Y. Gavrilov. Mensheviks emigration and the rethinking of the results of Russian revolutions of the beginning of 20th century.
Author of this article defines the key problems of the Mensheviks emigration and the rethinking of the results of Russian revolutions of the beginning of 20th century.
Keywords: the Mensheviks, the October Revolution, the National Bolsheviks, white emigration.
P.A. Severinets. The Soviet agitation in Baltic republics in 1940-1941
The author of this article has adverted to a complicated, poorly known problem of carrying out the Soviet agitational work among people in such countries as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in 1940-1941. For a long time the problem of agitational work in Baltic countries practically hadn’t been studying as it didn’t answer the purpose of the social and political development. Nevertheless the author managed to mark out the experience of carrying on the Soviet political campaign and found out the local peculiarities of propaganda. Besides there were also mentioned disadvantages of the work with people of these countries. Just these drawbacks one could clearly see in the term of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.
Keywords: soviet agitation, propaganda, Baltic republics, before the Great Patriotic War.
In journal:
- Fundamental core of content on History and Society (the project)
- Changes in Integrate testing’ 2010
- Letter: E.V. Trifonova. The miss stone in foundation of school history education
- Animal farm – 2
- Between books and magazines: New quality textbook for civil education
- News of science: Ancient Rus’
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