
Magazine’s content № 4 2019

Actual theme: Actual problems of teaching history and humanities

Y.Y. Vyazemskiy. Strategic priorities, key issues and leading trends in the development of school history education in modern Russia.
The article substantiates the conclusion that in the conditions of the information society, the development of «digital school» projects, the strategic priority of General historical education is the formation of the ideological, value-semantic sphere of students, civil identity.
Keywords: information society, historical education and «digital school», the problem of the gap between the theory and practice of historical education, trends of formalization and transformation of the system of General historical education.

M.V. Korotkova. Modern school lesson in context of development of teaching history.
The article is devoted to the research of influence modification of didactical principles for teaching history and modern lesson. The author shares main signs and lines of modern history lesson, brings examples of such lesson.
Keywords: didactical principles, teaching history, modern lesson, innovation creative environment, interaction, types of lessonы, pedagogical studio.

History and Society

A.B. Sokolov. «The snake has burned on its chest»: England’s policy towards Russia in the time of Peter the Great.
In this article the main tendencies of the policy of England towards Russia are regarded. The author challenges two opposite dominating positions.
Keywords: foreign policy of England, Anglo-Russian relations, the first quarter of the XVIII century, the Northern War, the War of the Spanish Succession, Peter I, George I, commerce, press.

I.L. Andreev. The position of the serf peasantry in the XVIII century.
The article is devoted to the problems of the formation and development of serfdom in Russia, which are the subject of controversy in the scientific literature, their echoes in school textbooks and in the practice of teaching history.
Keywords: serfdom, serfdom, reserved summer, patrimonial mode, corvee.

A.I. Tetuev. The participation of natives of Kabardino-Balkaria in the Great Patriotic war.
The article discusses the insufficiently studied issues: registration and mobilization measures, the formation of 115th Kabardino-Balkarian cavalry divisions on the territory of the republic, the 175th rifle division and other units.
Keywords: Great Patriotic war, people, Kabardino-Balkaria, mobilization, fighters. 115th cavalry division, fighting, casualties, awards.

S.V. Popov. The historical and cultural significance of the adoption of Christianity in Russia.
The article provides an overview of the historical and cultural consequences of the adoption of Christianity in Russia, on the influence of the Christian church on life in the ancient Russian state.
Keywords: prince Vladimir, the baptism of Russia, christianity, the orthodox church.

V.Ya. Khutorskoy. The economic policy of Michail Gorbachev.
The article examines the economic policy of Michail Gorbachev, analyzes the background of his reforms and the causes of their failure.
Keywords: socialism, market, reform, democracy.


O.V. Gugnina. To the question of the formation of universal educational actions in the history lesson.
The article discusses practical methodological techniques in history lessons on the formation of universal learning activities.
Keywords: FSES, description, synquain, drama-hermeneutics, historical composition, quiz, history lesson.

E.A. Zinoveva. The role of conditional graphic visualization in systematization of students’ knowledge and formation of metasubject competencies.
The article reveals the role of conditional graphic visualization using in social subjects teaching in the conditions of modern educational standards implementation. The examples of various tasks aimed at metasubject competences formation based on conditional graphic clarity are given.
Keywords: competency-based education, metasubject, symbolic and graphic vizualization.

S.S. Sychugova, V.V. Yevlantyeva. The model of a fragment of educational material on the history of Russia for class VI (Board of prince Vladimir) in the context of the requirements of the FSES.
This article discusses the requirements for a modern textbook in the context of the Federal State Educational Standards, such as the formulation of a system of objectives-results of studying materials, the presentation of content through modern means of providing visibility.
Keywords: the requirements of the FSES for the textbooks, objectives, results, problematic, individualization, coding styles, the rule of prince Vladimir.

 Young scientists’ works

A.S. Rusina. The role of studying the events of New history in the formation of electoral literacy of students.
Main content of the article represents the analysis of the training benefits and two textbooks in the context of opportunities for the formation of electoral literacy of students VII grade and VIII grade in the programs of basic General education.
Keywords: citizenship education, pupils, teaching of history in schools, history books.

А.А. Afanaseva. Development of Russian-Montenegro church communications in the 18th century
In article church communications of Russia with Montenegro in the 18th c. are considered. The role of Russia in maintaining of orthodox belief by Montenegrins in the conditions of Ottoman oppression, in strengthening of the Tsetinsky metropolitanate as main force in the course of internal consolidation of Montenegrins is characterized.
Keywords: Russian empire, Montenegro, church relations.

H.C. Tam. General I.E. Petrov – A great tactician during the repulse of the first Nazi-German invasion against Sevastopol (november 1941).
This article is mainly about the history of war-affairs of the commander of the Coastal Army-general-major I. E. Petrov during the Defense of Sevastopol in November 1941. Special attention is removed to his tactical decisions aimed at restoring the general battle order of the Maritime army.
Keywords: general I.E. Petrov, the Coastal army, Crimea, Sevastopol, Sevastopol’s defensive region.

M.B. Afanaseva. The school of guards and cavalry junkers as a component of military education and mentoring system in the time of nicholas I (1838-1855): the disciplinary aspect.
The article discusses transformation of system of military education under Nicholas I. The focus is on military mentoring and encouraging military discipline in the case of the School of guards and cavalry junkers.
Keywords: the mentoring committee, School of Guards and Cavalry Junkers, Nicholas Cavalry School, military education, Nicholas I.

Опубликовано в Журнал в 2019 году.

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