
Magazine’s content № 1 2019

History and Society

V.G. Egorov. The Russian historical process of the era of feudalism and the contemporary socio-political process.
The article presents the author’s view on the historical and cultural basis of understanding of the modern Russian socio-political process, the formation of the strategy of social development, the relevance of institutions and practices borrowed from Western cultural experience in the process of reforming the Russian society.
Keywords: Genesis and peculiarities of Russian feudalism, system of serfdom, relations between society and power.

O.N. Naumov. Ancestral culture of the Russian nobility after 1917.
Еhe article analyzes the changes that have occurred in the ancestral culture of the nobility after October 1917: the formation of new branches, curb delivery because of the repression, the changing nature of marriages and others.
Keywords: nobility, genealogy, repression in the Soviet Union, genealogical culture, emigration.

V.Ya. Khutorskoy. The cause of Nina Andreeva.
The article examines the cause of Nina Andreeva — the first open appearance of conservatives against reconstruction policy of M.S. Gorbachev.
Keywords: socialism, newspaper, democracy, Stalin.

V.I. Gusarov. The Skobelev committee during the years of the First world war.
In the article the activity of the Skobelev committee as the all russian charitable organization during the First World War in years 1914-1918 is being analyzed. During these years it performed its cultural — instructive and healthcare function for the support of the Russian army and the wounded military men.
Keywords: world war, Skobelev сommittee, charitable activity.


E.K. Kalutskaya, I.A. Lobanov. The specifics of studying the module «Financial Literacy» in the course «Social Studies».
The article provides general recommendations for studying the topics of the module «Financial Literacy» in the course «Social Studies» in primary and high school. The didactic units to be studied are identified, effective methods, techniques, and technologies for organizing students activities are defined. Examples of practice-oriented tasks are given.
Keywords: financial literacy, case method, practice-oriented nature, project, social experience.

O.Yu. Strelova, L.G. Marinkina. Subject results of learning history detailed: what next to do the teacher and methodologist?
In the article presents the first experience of using detailed subject results of history teaching as a basis for the development of subject-methodological competences of teachers, identifies problems and prospects for improving the qualifications of history teachers in this area.
Keywords: subject results of history teaching, comprehensive results of general education, detailed elaboration of subject results, diagnostic tasks.

O.N. Shaparina, A.O. Karaseva. Tasks for excerpts from works of art as one of the techniques for the formation of universal educational activities of schoolchildren in history.
The article deals with the formation of universal educational activities of students by attracting belletristic literature to work in the classroom, focuses on the formation of cognitive interest in history through the study of excerpts from works of art. In the material the tasks for pupils of IX classes on integration of knowledge on history and literature are offered.
Keywords: modern history lesson, federal state educational standard, historical and cultural standard, system-activity approach, belletristic literature.

A.G. Mulyukova. The complex of historical information as a means of developing the analytical skills of high school students.
Methodical material to help the teacher to study the topic «The First russian revolution».
Keywords: complex of the historical information, sources of the historical information, historical sources, types of historical sources, analytical abilities, design activity.

Uniform State Exam

R.V. Pazin. Representations of high school graduates about the Great Patriotic War based on the analysis of the results of the unified state examination on history (2002-2018).
The article traces the evolution and dynamics of the USE results in history over 15 years (2003-2018) under the section «The Great Patriotic War». It also analyzed the main reasons for the prevailing historical knowledge and views of high school students on this topic and proposed methodological ways to improve them.
Keywords: historical views of schoolchildren, the Great Patriotic War, the results of the exam.

 Young scientists’ works

D.A. Pluzhnikov. The Independent State of Croatia: a recognition that did not happen.
The article covers controversies related to the failure of the Soviet Union leadership to recognize the Independent State of Croatia in years 1941 and 1944-1945.
Keywords: Yugoslavia, Independent state Croatia, USSR, World war II, nazi Germany, mass media, propaganda, foreign policy, diplomacy.

A.R. Psihomahova. The role of A to H. Kesheva in the transformation of the traditional culture of the Circassians.
The article highlights the main stages of the life and development of the Adyghe Enlightener A.-G. Keshev His contribution to the preservation of the traditional culture of the Circassians during the period of his work as the editor of the newspaper «Tverskie Vedomosti» is analyzed.
Keywords: enlightene, editor, language, Caucasus, folklore, culture.

D.G. Balashov. Socio-economic aspect of vocational education reform in the Soviet occupation zone of Germany (1945-1949).
The article presents the socio-economic aspect of the policy of the Soviet military administration in Germany (SMAG) aimed at reforming the vocational education of Germans in the Soviet occupation zone (SOZ) in 1945-1949.
Keywords: SMAG, SOZ, vocational education.

S. Zhuang. Agrarian policy of the soviet leadership in 1970-1986.
This article is devoted to an analysis of the 1970-1980 period, when the Soviet leadership significantly strengthened the administrative start in managing agriculture and launched its mechanization and chemicalization, but in this way could not overcome departmentalism, improve the economic situation of farms and solve the food problem.
Keywords: USSR, economy, agriculture, agro-industrial complex.

Опубликовано в Журнал в 2019 году.

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