
Magazine’s content № 2 2017

Actual theme: On the 100th anniversary of the February Revolution in Russia

V.K. Romanovskii. «»February» was made of contradictions which doomed it. N.V. Ustryalov about liberal alternative and its bankruptcy in 1917».
On the basis of materials of the political thinker publications reveals contradictory socio-political situation in the country from February to October 1917 year, analyzed the activity of political forces and their leaders in this period.
Keywords: N.V. Ustyalov, February events, the period between February and October 1917, crisis, bankruptcy of liberal alternative.
V.V. Tikhonov. The Revolution of 1917 in foreign historical science.
The article shows the evolution of the foreign historiography of the Russian revolution of 1917. It shows main trends of historiographical process, the works and concepts.
Keywords: revolution of 1917, foreign historiography, Russian studies, sovietology.
E.N. Abdulaev, A.Y. Morozov. Russia from February to October 1917. Materials for the problem classes.
Methodical development in the period between the 1917 revolution.
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, composition.
S.V. Lyubichankovskiy. Revolution and Elections: why the Interim Government has experienced difficulties with self-government creation?
In this article results of elections to a volost zemstvo in the summer-fall of 1917 are analyzed (on the example of the Southeast of Russia). The objective reasons for the failure of this reform, the critical attitude towards her of the local population are called.
Keywords: revolution, volost zemstvo, elections, self-government.

History and Society

A.S. Khodnev. The First world war and the fate of the peoples of the Middle East: the Sykes-Picot agreement 1916.
The article is devoted to assessing the yaw Sykes-Picot agreement on the fate of the Middle East nations.
Keywords: the First world war, the Sykes-Picot agreement, the Ottoman empire, the Turkey’s partition, imperialism, the mandates of the League of Nations.
V.P. Bogdanov. What gave the Old Believers Russian culture?
Analyzing the histories of the creation (but sometimes also of functioning) of literary works, and also the monuments of depictive skill, the author attempts to answer a question, how old belief heritage was accessible to the well-known workers of Russian culture and science.
Keywords: оld believers, Russian culture, philosophy, painting, literature, reflection, tradition, expedition, the history of Russia.
O.Y. Bukharenkova. Peter I and the organization of craft production in Russia.
The article is dedicated to the issue of craftsmen’s guild organization legislative support in the first quarter of the XVIII century.
Keywords: craft, guild, master, apprentices, Peter I.
M.M. Kardanova, F.V. Etueva. Labour policy in Kabardino-Balkaria in the post-war years.
The article provides an analysis of personnel policy in the Kabardino-Balkaria in the postwar years.
Keywords: historical and cultural standard, labor policy, indigenization factor.


A.N. Ioffe. Structuring event history of XVII century Russia (after the Troubles) vectors and orientation of development.
The article provides an illustration of application for structuring of historical events in the civilizational and historical maps format. The possibility of methodical work of history teachers in the field of data analysis, identification of key trends, skills training selection of significant events.
Keywords: civilization-historical map, Smuta, methodical work.
I.V.Kucheruk. The interview as a kind of creative activity of pupils in history lessons in high school.
The article considers the technique of application interviews at the history lessons in high school.The author believes this method as the resource of formation of the creative personality graduate.
Keywords: an interview, an imaginary conversation, gaming devices, creativity, critical thinking person.
M.V. Koroleva. «The Cross against the Demon: Writer’s Findings and Faults» (Materials for the Study of «Difficult Question» of the HCS).
The article includes guidelines, texts and questions devoted to the study on the one of the mysterious events in history — the assumption of the Vasily Shuysky’s cross-kissing pledge.
Keywords: Time of Troubles; election of tsar; cross-kissing; Vasily Shuysky.
O.N. Zhuravleva, O.D. Fedorov. Humanitarian-axiological approach to financial competence studying in the modern school (on the example of the textbooks «Drofa — Ventana-Graf»).
In the article the authors reveal the methodological potential humanitarian and axiological approaches while financial competence studying is organized on the example of the textbook «Drofa — Ventana-Graf».
Keywords: financial competence, humanitarian and axiological approaches.

Young scientists’ works

M.R. Yafarova. Field clashes between Russian and Ottoman troops in July — early August 1678. On the history of the second Chigirinsky campaign.
The article considers the field battles between the Ottoman and the Russian-Ukrainean armies during the Second Chigirin campaign, in July and early August, 1678.
Keywords: financial competence, humanitarian and axiological approaches.
A.Y. Khoroshailo. Republic of Korea as a «new» Asian community of the XXI century.
The article examines the main social and cultural features for development of the Republic of Korea as a state «new» Asian type. Analyzes some historical and contemporary processes that influenced the formation of the specifics requests and the needs of the Republic of Korea.
Keywords: Republic of Korea, Asia, migration, culture, globalization, сonfucianism, korean wave.

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Опубликовано в Журнал в 2017 году.

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