Actual theme: Information and communication technology in the lessons
M.V. Korotkova. The method of application of interactive teaching in history lessons in the museum and school.
The article is devoted to the interact teaching of history. The author consideres problem correlation of technology and methods, differents of interact lesson in museum and school.
Keywords: сommunication metod, interact teaching, pedagogic technology, methods, interact book, interact exposition, personal contact, interaction, creative results.
M.V. Vinogradova. The «white sheet» effect or the modern methodical teaching resource in the History teacher’s work.
The article raises the problem of the effective using of the interactive board at the History and Social Science lessons. The author finds its solution in the creation of a technical support system for teachers and providing it with methodical manuals.
Keywords: interactive board, professional teacher standard, interactive technology.
S.I. Grandova. The impact of ICT on the psychophysical health of primary and secondary school students.
The article considers the main factors of negative influence of ICT on physical, spiritual and psychological state of the student.
Keywords: information technology, teaching, spiritual and intellectual development, computer, school.
M.L. Nesmelova. The use of interactive teaching technologies and techniques in the modern history lesson.
The article devoted to problem the application on the lessons of history of interactive teaching technologies and techniques, are disclosed process design history lesson in grade IX through the use of interactive reception «RAFT-technology».
Keywords: Federal state educational standard, educational standards, learning outcomes, history, lesson of history, interactive teaching technologies.
O.A. Gorohova. Interactive methods and the development of communicative abilities of pupils.
The article presents an actual problem of modern education: the development of communicative abilities. The author of the article concentrates his attention on interactive methods.
Keywords: communicative abilities, education, interactive method.
A.S. Gulin. The use of modern ICT and Internet resources in history class.
This article provides an overview of educational resources, eForms books, mobile apps, which can be used in history lessons and in extracurricular activities.
Keywords: e-books, e-courses, more reality.
History and Society
A.P. Sinelobov. Royal power and the nobles in the 17th century.
The article describes the approaches of Imperial authority in shaping the psychology of aristocratic life in Russia of the 17th century. These approaches are decided foreign circumstances, and the volumes of awarding the nobility depended on the capabilities of the state Treasury.
Keywords: Russia XVII century, the imperial power, Russia’s war, military service nobility, the royal decrees on the service of the nobility.
M.V. Yudin. Battle for Moscow: facts and figures.
The article provides facts and figures devoted to the Battle of Moscow in December 1941.
Keywords: Battle for Moscow, facts and figures, heroism.
N.V. Grishuk. Youth movements and organizations in Russia during First World War.
The article touches upon work of youth movements and organizations during First World War. The author analyzes main streams and peculiarities of youth movements at the military time.
Keywords: youth movements and organizations, patriotic work, charity.
I.V. Krutova, R.V. Pazin. The Federal state educational standards and Historic-cultural standard of history: problems of implementation of system-activity approach.
The article indicated by informative and didactic contradictions the Federal state educational standards and Historic-cultural standard regarding the study of school history courses, offered some concrete ways to overcome them.
Keywords: Federal state educational standards, Conception of the new educational and methodological
complex in national history, Historic-cultural standard, system-activity approach.
G.G. Lisman. Methodical outline of the social studies lesson in the 7th form — presentation of research projects «Money: yesterday, today, tomorrow».
This material is a methodical development of the social studies on the role and functions of money in human life.
Keywords: teaching, social studies, money.
Uniform State Exam
O.B. Soboleva. How to improve the exam results of the social studies and go to university?
The paper makes recommendations with specific examples to improve the training of the social studies exam.
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, social studies, interdisciplinary communication.
V.P. Kiselyov. Training of the Constitution in preparation for the exam.
Training for podgotvki for the Uniform State Exam.
Keywords: social science, textbook, Uniform State Exam.
Young scientists’ works
E.V. Fileva. The issue of housing and its aspects (for example, in Moscow late XIX — early XX centuries)
The article discusses the housing issue as a multi socio-economic phenomenon. The housing problem highlighted of the objective and subjective aspects.
Keywords: Russian Empire, manners, housing problem, Moscow.
P.V. Kononov. The monastery Solovetsky monastery servant Gregory Parfen’ev son Shushora.
The article demonstrated the possibility prosopographic research method for the study of the participation of the monastery servants in the economic activity of the Solovetsky Monastery, the ability to write their «business biographies», the example of servant Gregory Shushory.
Keywords: Solovetsky monastery, the monastery servants, «business biography» prosopographic research contributions, the abbot, tsren, old man, kind contribution, monetary contribution.
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Index of articles published in 2016
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