Actual theme: Creative activities in the classroom
M.V. Korotkova. The technique of design, development and use of creative tasks in history.
Article is devoted to the development of diverse creative tasks in history for students. The author offers a modern classification tasks and gives examples.
The article is devoted projecting of creative history tasks for pupils. The author proposes classification of history tasks and cites examples.
Keywords: creative tasks, problem teaching, images reconstruction, figurative tasks, intellectual tasks, discussion, connection of history and modernity.
O.A. Gorokhova. The use of creative tasks in the classroom practitioner history teacher.
The author of the article concentrates his attention on creative approach in teaching history. Creative type logical and game tasks are covered in this article.
Keywords: creative tasks, game tasks, logical tasks.
E.N. Abdulaev. Algorithmization training activities during the creative tasks.
The article addresses the issues of organization and implementation of crwweative tasks in the process of stwudying history. Attention is drawn to the need for a clear elaboration of the educational elements of creative tasks. Author provides specific examples of creative tasks and their algorithmization.
Keywords: creative tasks, problem-solving activities, verbal reconstruction, the organization of academic activities, algorithmization.
T.F. Grigorenko. Especially the use of creative tasks and project activities students aware of social science.
Article is devoted to a specific usage of creative tasks and project activities in the course of social science. The author emphasizes the social and practical orientation of creative tasks, their relationship with the design.
Keywords: creative task, creative designing of, project activity, insight, interviews, business game, cognitive the task of, essays.
History and Society
I.E. Barykina. Historical and cultural standard as a «mirror» of modern Russian historiography.
The article discusses the main approaches to the content of history education proposed in the historical and cultural standards and concepts of the new educational complex of history.
Keywords: Russian Empire, domestic policy, Historical and cultural standards, historiography.
D.V. Maslov. Ukraine, Russia (USSR) in the XX century in school history of Ukraine.
The author analyzes the Ukrainian history textbook on the subject of falsification and distortion common historical memory.
Keywords: history textbook, Ukraine, USSR, Russia.
I.Y. Zaya. Influence of ancient philosophy on the European social thought of the Middle Ages.
The Article is devoted to influence of heritage of an antique civilization on the European medieval social thought. According to author’s opinion its most achievements played an important role during the next period of development of social thought.
Keywords: Middle Ages, scholasticism, fideism, realism, nominalism.
Tetuev A.I. Unity of Soviet Union people’s as the most important factor of victory in the great patriotic war 1941-1945.
The forms and methods of Soviet people’s national unity during the Great Patriotic War are investigated. A special attention is paid to the problems of people’s consolidation on the modern stage.
Keywords: war, politics, unity, people, patriotism, falsification, history, civil values, consolidation.
O.L. Pigoreva. The Study of Life and Exploit of Russian New martyrs and Confessors of the XXieth century at school: difficulties, criterions and perspectives.
Analysis and study of life and self-sacrifice of Russian new martyrs and confessors. The criterions of study of this problem are detaily based and studied, the themes are represented with a series of lectures (lessons). The themes are worked out with the application of micro-territorial approach and a method of oral history.
Keywords: sentience, repression, Russian new martyrs and confessors, canonization, Orthodoxy, micro-territorial approach, a method of oral history.
I.V. Krutova, R.V. Pazin. The systematic approach to the implementation of the requirements for the educational results of FGOS general education (for example of history and society).
The article presents the author’s vision of possibilities of design and implementation of training programs on subjects on the basis of the system approach, which is, along with the activity approach, the methodological basis of the FGOS general education.
Keywords: federal state educational standards, systematic approach, exemplary educational program of general education, metaobject, personal, substantive educational results, universal learning activities.
E.A. Kryuchkova. Formation evaluation skills in the V-IX classes of primary school.
The article is devoted to development in students of forms V-IX of skills to formulate and reason evaluative judgements on key events of national and world history.
Keywords: assessment activity, assessment knowledge, assessment skills, assessment activity types.
N.A. Yuzhakova. The use of business games on the lessons of history and law.
The article presents the author’s methodical development on the use of business games on the lessons of history and law.
Keywords: interactive techniques, role play, debate.
Uniform State Exam
A.Y. Morozov. Historical and geographical training on anti-fascist coalition and territorial growth of the USSR at the end of the Second World War.
Geographically oriented training to prepare for the Uniform State Exam and the GIA.
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, interdisciplinary connections.
In Journal
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