
Magazine’s content № 10 2014

Actual theme: Competition «Teacher of the Year»»

A.N. Joffe. Pelican in development. The contest «Teacher of the Year of Russia-2014»: tradition and design changes.
The article is devoted to the new format of the professional contest «Teacher of the Year of Russia». Provides assessment and analysis of the model contest.
Keywords: contest «Teacher of the Year of Russia», education, modernization processes.

History and Society

A.S. Bozic. The crisis of social class structure of Russian society at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries.
The article is devoted the problem of crisis estate structure of Russian society on boundary XIX and XX centuries.
Keywords: society, estate, crisis, monarchy.

E.A. Yalozina. Captive Russian teachers and educational community in the First World War.
The article is devoted teachers POWs during the First World War and the activities of the social and educational organizations to provide material and moral support to teachers, were captured.
Keywords: First World War, teachers in captivity, socio-pedagogical organizations.

A.I. Tetuev. Patriotic education of students on the materials of the Great Patriotic War.
The article investigates the legal framework of formation of youth civic values ??and methods of patriotic education of students on the materials of the Great Patriotic War in schkolah Kabardino-Balkaria.
Keywords: school, education, upbringing, lesson, historical subjects, the constitution of the Russian Federation, war, homeland, patriotism.


R.H. Abdullina. Social science lesson on «professional choice».
The article presents a methodical development of the lesson on «professional choice».
Keywords: profession, choice, resume.

D.A. Dmitriev. Synopsis of General History lesson for the X class.
The article presents a methodical development of the lesson on «industrial society».
Keywords: industrial society, posing the question of the problem, developing aspect.

E.Y. Petrenko. Lesson on social science in the VI class «conflict resolution in small social groups».
Methodological material dedicated phased development of the social studies lesson in the VI class.
Keywords: conflict situation, hypothesis, control.

L.V. Iskrovskaya. Formation of a meta-skills of students in learning history.
The material is devoted to the design of the system of formation and development of skills of cognitive activity of students.
Keywords: ameta-skills, cognitive activity, work with text.

Uniform State Exam

I.A. Ulyanov. Working with historical maps on «Combating Russia for independence in the XIII-XIV century beginning».
This article contains material for preparation for the State Exam in History. The topic «Struggle of Rus for it’s independents in XIII-XIV centuries».
Keywords: period of feudal partition, foreign affairs, Uniform State Exam.

M.V. Marus. Traditional and innovative methods of preparing for the exam on society.
The author shares the experience of work in preparation for the exam on society.
Keywords: preparation for the exam, the author’s technique, essay, study plan.

A.Y. Morozov. Historical and geographical training on turning point in the Great Patriotic War.
Geographically oriented training to prepare for the Uniform State Exam and the GIA.
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, interdisciplinary connections.

Today in magazine – Tomorrow in class

E.N. Belsky. Scheme in the history of the twentieth century Russia.
Schemes to prepare for the Uniform State Exam. 
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, interdisciplinary connections.

Young scientists’ works

M.A. Kindinov. «The daughter of Peter the Great»: Reflections on the work of KF Valishevsky.
This study is based on an analysis of the books KF Valishevsky and articles on his work.
Keywords: historiography, national history, Elizabeth Petrovna, Russian-French relations.

D.V. Postnikov. Activities militant organization of the Polish political party during the revolution of 1905-1907.
This article analyzes the structure of the military wing of the Polish Socialist Party. The examples of terrorist activity and to combat it.
Keywords: Polish Socialist Party, a militant organization, terrorist struggle.

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Опубликовано в Журнал в 2014 году.

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