
Magazine’s content № 3 2014

Actual theme: Cinema and history teaching

Cinema and history: Methodical problems of use of cinema and video in school historical education.
S.M.Eisenstein’s historical film «Alexander Nevsky».
Article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of methodical problems of use of films and materials of cinema and video in work of teachers of history. The second part of the great historical film is considered in the context of educational practice.
Keywords: teaching, history, screen, educational film.

Y.G. Grigoryan.
Development of the Russian cinema in the 1980-1990th.
This article is addressed to teachers and students of teacher’s training institutes. The author considers contradictory tendencies and films of the Soviet and Russian cinema of the end of the XX century.

Keywords: cinema, film, culture, teaching.

History and Society

D.N. Postnykov.
Split the Polish Socialist Party during the revolution of 1905-1907.
The article tells the story of the Polish Socialist Party in 1905-1907, it analyzes the causes of the split.
Keywords: Polish Socialist Party, split, independence, autocracy.

O.V. Sdvizhkov.
On devices create a negative image of the Red army in the modern Anglo-American historiography.
Copyright concrete example shows how modern Western historians form negative views of the Red Army during World War II.
Keywords: Contemporary history, manners, soldiery.

V.V. Efremenko.
The «brain drain» from Russia as a problem of development of Russian statehood.
This article attempts to draw parallels in the processes of emigration scientific intelligentsia of Russia after the revolution of 1917 and the events of 1991.

Keywords: emigration, scientific intelligentsia, national security, re-emigration, organization of Russian science.


R.I. Demidenko.
Implementation of student-centered approach to research students IXklassov history lessons.
Article is devoted to the organization of research activities with student-centered approach to the example of class IX seminar and practical laboratory work.
Keywords: personality oriented approach, research activity, seminar, practice lesson, laboratory lesson.

A.N. Gudkov, O.N. Gudkova.
Questions about the history of the First World War.
The material contained questions on the history of the First World War.
Keywords: The First World War, questions, answers.

Y.M. Kuzmin.
The problem of continuity in the teaching of modern history in the primary, secondary and tertiary education.
The author analyzes the problem of continuity in the transition from linear to concentric structure of subjects in primary and secondary school.

Keywords: continuity, concentric structure, the cognitive capabilities of students, educational standards, causal relationships, spatial thinking.

Uniform State Exam

T.V. Sharmanova.
Materials on the history of culture to prepare for the exam. Theme 6.
The article is told about the culture of Russia’s different periods of history: you find the tabl, the chronicle definiton’s and tests.
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, the culture of Russia.

A.Y. Morozov.
Historical and geographical training on the second and third periods of the Civil War.
Geographically oriented training to prepare for the Uniform State Exam and the GIA.

Keywords: Uniform State Exam, interdisciplinary connections.


Young scientists’ works

A.V. Vasilieva.
Image of Western Siberia in its representations of priests in the late XIX — early XX century.
The article deals with the conception of the clergy of the West Siberian Eparchy about Siberia.
Keywords: Siberia, clergy, conception.

A.G. Konstantinova.
Main goals of urban cultural policy in the 1990s (based on closed cities of the Ural region).
The article deals with some peculiarities of cultural policy making during the 1990s in the conditions of sociocultural environment of Ural «nuclear» closed administrative territorial formations (CATF).
Keywords: cultural policy, closed administrative territorial formations (CATF), closed nuclear cit

A.V. Provorny.
Newspaper-magazine «Grajdanin» in the debate on a noble subject.
This article analyzes the history of the news magazine «Grajdanin», and looks at V.Mescherski — the chief editor of this publication . The article also examines the «Grajdanin’s» position on the nobility’s issues including the debate with the «Novoe Vremya» newspaper.
Keywords: the nobility, the news magazine «Grajdanin», V.Meschersky, the newspaper «Novoe Vremya», A.Suvorin, F.Dostoevsky, K.Leontiev.

In Journal

  • Proposals to support the development of teacher education
  • School audience — one of the priorities of cinema museum (interview Director of the State Central Museum of Cinema N.I. Kleiman and Deputy Director of M.I. Pavlov)
  • Check your knowledge easily! (Gauging Materials publisher «Waco»)
  • Science News

Опубликовано в Журнал в 2014 году.

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