
Magazine’s content № 6 2013

Actual theme: Designing in history and social science

A.N. Joffe.
Designing for education and training projects in history.
The article gives examples of educational history projects with explanations and comments.

Keywords: project activities, training of students of independence, increase motivation.

T.F. Grigorenko.
The GEF requirements and problems of implementation of project activities in the school of social science course.
Material devoted to the process of reorientation of the school system with a predominantly znanievoy competence model.

Keywords: project activities, group projects, individual project.

M.A. Desyatnikova.
The development of the historical — cognitive, cultural and attitudinal competencies in implementing educational projects on the lessons of history.
The article presents the experience of work on the project activity organization of the students in the process of studying the history of Russia in the VI-XI grades. Describes the peculiarities of the implementation of research projects and their potential for forming subject related competences.

Keywords: History of Russia, teaching and research activities, competeence.

N.A. Baulina.
The research work of students — the disclosure of creative and intellectual potential of the young citizen.
The article presents a reflection on the possibilities offered by the design and research activities for the development of basic skills students.

Keywords: design and research activities, the development of innovative thinking of students, types of research, the terms of the success of research activities, the teacher as tutors.


History and Society

Conceptual models stories. Civilizational approach.
The author examines several concepts of historical development. Provides understanding of the laws of historical change formations.

Keywords: civilization, cycling, ethnicity.

N.S. Baykalov.
The Last Construction Project of Communism: Contentious Issues of the BAM History.
The article considers contentious views of the BAM construction history, analyzes the main trends in the evolution of Russian and foreign historiographies.

Keywords: construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM), stagnation in the USSR, developed socialism, working-class history.



D.V. Shmuratko.
Archaeological expedition as a form of organization of the children’s camp: benefits and features (for example, the work of the «School of young archaeologists» from Perm town).
The article presents a comparative analysis of the archaeological expedition as a particular form of organization of profile of children’s camp.

Keywords: archaeological expedition, children’s holiday, profile camp, additional education of children.

O.V. Gugnina.
Revival of painting in the teaching of history.
The article gives a history lesson algorithm using hermeneutic approach with elements of dramatization by the example of parsing painting P.A Fedotova «Courting Major».

Keywords: pedagogical hermeneutics, emotional atmosphere of the lesson, the historical movement.


Uniform State Exam


T.V. Sharmanova.
Materials on the history of culture to prepare for the Uniform State Exam. Topic 1. Culture Rus IX-XIII centuries.
The article is told about the culture ofRussia’s different periods of history: you find the tabl, the chronicle definiton’s and tests.

Keywords: Uniform State Exam, the culture of Russia.

A.Y. Morozov.
Historical and geographical training in the social movement in Russia in the second half of XIX — early XX century.
Geographically oriented training to prepare for the Uniform State Exam and the GIA.

Keywords: Uniform State Exam, interdisciplinary connections.


Young scientists’ works

V.D. Anisimov.
The organization of industrial policy in the USSR in the first postwar years.
The article provides a comparative analysis of the industrial policy of the USSR and Western countries in the early postwar years.

Keywords: industrial policy, heavy industry, light industry, competition, modernization, planned economy, market economy.

I.Y. Erohin.
Cossacks and statehood.
In the article the author examines the formation of Cossacks in the Russian state system, the influence of the frontier on his nature, especially the relationship of the state to the estate, the evolution of the relationship with the priorities of the state against the сossacks.

Keywords: government, statehood, cossacks, bar, frontier, empire.

N. I. Tribunskih.
The work of the government and party bodies to stuff training of the school teachers for work in the municipal and rural schools in 1920s — the middle 1930s at Stavropol territory.
This article is devoted to the training of school teachers for work in the municipal and rural schools in 1920s — the middle 1930s at Stavropol Territory. The mechanism of Soviet personnel policy in the period.

Keywords: Soviet education, pedagogical stuff, the Stavropol Territory.

M.G. Chogandaryan.
The image of an external enemy in the public consciousness of Soviet citizens in the second half of the 1920s.
The article deals with the foreign policy attitudes of Soviet citizens in connection with the foreign policy of the Soviet leadership in the second half of the 1920s.

Keywords: social consciousness, the image of the enemy, foreign affairs, war.


In Journal

  • Check your knowledge easily! (Gauging Materials publisher «Waco»)
  • News of science, history and archeology 

Опубликовано в Журнал в 2013 году.

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