
Magazine’s content № 2 2012

Actual theme: «Uniform State Exam in History in 2012»

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I.A. Artasov
Features of assessment assignments C4, C5 and C6 Uniform State Exam on the history exam in 2012
The material on specific examples of the problem of evaluating the implementation of new types of jobs, part C Uniform State Exam in history.

A.M. Adamenko
Notes on the results of testing new KIM Uniform State Exam in the Kemerovo region
Brief description of the results of testing new KIM Uniform State Exam.

S.A. Fomin
Working with the concepts and terms in preparation for the Uniform State Exam
Training in historical terms and concepts to prepare for the Uniform State Exam.

A.Y. Morozov
Historical and geographical training in foreign policy of Catherine II
Geographically oriented training to prepare for the Uniform State Exam.

V.V. Zverev
From a letter to the Scientific and Methodological Council about new model FIPI KIM Uniform State Exam in history
The author describes the highly critical of the new model of Uniform State Exam on the history exam, and points to possible problems with its implementation.

History and Society

V.B. Stolov
The Russian fleet on the eve of and during First World War
In the first part of the article the author describes the changes in the military and naval matters before the First World War, and adaptation to Russia, but also characterizes the military operations in the Baltic Sea in 1914–1916-s.


M.G. Tsyrenova, T.A. Bogomoeva
Formation of ideas and knowledge about religion in social studies classes in high school social-humanities
We consider the problem of the study of religious beliefs in high profile school.

A.N. Ioffe, V.P. Pakhomov, M.D. Pokatovich
Social engineering based on the experience of All-Russian action «I — a citizen of Russia»
The article deals with the stages of preparation of social projects and a specific example of one of them in the Tula region.

I.Y. Maslova

Russia in First World War (lesson in IX class)
Develop a lesson for Russia’s participation in hostilities in First World War and its internal political development.

E.M. Ugolev
Experience of Living History Lessons in a School for Hearing Impaired Children
The article contains briefly considered topic of history teaching of children with hearing impairment. Also the experience of living history lessons in school for hearing-impaired children is presented.

Today in magazine – Tomorrow in class

L.A. Menshih
Why do people interact (social studies lesson in class VII)
Develop a lesson on the theme «Communication» with the use of pictorial and test material.

In Journal

  • Uniform State Exam in history in 2012 and the struggle around
  • The Great Spanish revolution – a new
  • Check your knowledge easily! (Gauging Materials publisher «Waco»)
  • Regulation on the All-Russian contest «Innovative practices civiland patriotic education of students»
  • Science News.

Опубликовано в Журнал в 2012 году.

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