
Magazine’s content № 6 2011

Actual theme: Democracy

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A.N. Ioffe
Demokratiya as an idea and a political reality.
Article is devoted to understanding the concept of democracy and recommendations on the subject for teachers. The basic controversial issues.

I.A. Mishina
Difficulties in education for democratic citizenship in Russia.
Article is devoted to the problems of education for democratic citizenship in Russia.

N.I. Shevchenko

Rule of law and democratic government (social studies lesson in class IX).
This lesson provides an explanation of the indivisibility demrkraticheskogo regime and the rule of law.

O.V. Kishenkova
Democracy and civil society in controlling and measuring materials and exam GIA on social science.
The article provides a material that can be used for training and monitoring of Uniform State Exam on social science.

History and Society

P.S. Stefanovich
“Feudalism“ in medieval Russia: a history of the problem.
The article deals with the issue of «Russian feudalism», i.e. with the applicability of the concept of feudalism to medieval Russian society.

I.A. Ustinova
Russian intellectuals of the XVI century.
The article tells about the famous scribes, builders, geography, and economists in Moscow State XVI. Who came out of mandative environment.

V.G. Burkov
F.I. Tiutchev – diplomat.
The author details the diplomatic activities of the famous Russian poet F.I. Tiutchev.

A.L. Nikiforov
The main problem of contemporary Russia.
The article drew attention to the most acute problem of moral decline in modern Russia and the possibility of philosophy in the fight against immorality.


E.V. Kipriyanova, E.P. Jakuba
Socialization of schoolchildren by means of historical education.
The article deals with the problems of humanities research, the content of the new social humanitarian knowledge associated with changes in historical scholarship.

E.A. Petrova
Teaching the topic «The Holocaust» in high school.
Teaching material is devoted to the teaching of the Holocaust in high school.

E.B. Dyakova

Training presentation for work on new educational standards, «Struggle of Russia with the Western invaders in the XIII-th century».
In the article demonstrates techniques for creating interactive learning prezentatsiina example lesson «Fight Russia to Western conquerors in the XIII century» of course «History of Russia» (VI class).

Uniform State Exam

A.Y. Morozov
Historical and geographical training in the Time of Troubles.
Geographically-oriented training in history.

A.P. Skorik
After Uniform State Exam – historical tales.
The author presents a selection of student responses to the absurd examination of, in his opinion, with the introduction of the Uniform State Exam.

Young scientists’ works

V.V. Dorzheeva
The traditional status of women of indigenous small nations in North-Eastern Russia.
Author of the article reviews different aspects of women’s status among indigenous small nations in Russian North-East in pre-Soviet period.

A.S. Kisliakov
Theoretical foundations for the study of the genesis of the national parties of the Russian Empire.
The author analyzes main ethno-political concepts for their applicability in the study of ethnic relations.

I.A. Sandalov
The honorary title of «Red Banner» in the Soviet system of awards (for example, internal forces).
In this paper the honorary name of «Red Banner» parts of the interior troops of the USSR.

In Journal

  • Open letter to the magazine;
  • Uniform state exam  in history – 2011: a sad laugh;
  • Possible new jobs for the uniform state exam and GIA historyand social studies;
  • Ordnance Survey of ugliness (about atlas «History of Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the XXI Century»).

Опубликовано в Журнал в 2011 году.

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