
Magazine’s content № 3 2011

Actual theme: To the 70th Annyversary of the Great Patriotoc War

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Y.A. Nikiforov, RF Subkhankulov. The myth of preemption German attack on the USSR.
Article assessed the motives of a sudden German attack on the USSR.
Keywords: Contemporary history, USSR, foreign affairs, soldiery, theory and methodology of history.

L.N. Lopuhovsky. What happened in Prokhorovka July 12, 1943?
Material focuses on the analysis of a tank battle in Prokhorovka.
Keywords: Contemporary history, USSR, soldiery.

V.E. Martynov. On the casualties of the USSR and Germany during World War II.
In the article (based on the archives) analyzes the human cost of the USSR and Germany during World War II.
Keywords: Contemporary history, USSR, soldiery.

N.I. Potapova. The Great Patriotic War (lesson-workshop using documents in class IX)
Methodological lesson and workshop for class IX.
Keywords: Contemporary history, USSR, foreign affairs, soldiery, educational activity.

D.I. Chernyakov. Historical knowledge of school policy the Nazis in the occupied territory of the RSFSR.
The questions of Nazi’s use of historical knowledge in school education for achieving their own aims in bringing up the youth in anti-Soviet and Nazi spirit are touched upon in this article.
Keywords: Contemporary history, USSR, education.

V.B. Perhavko. Andrei Rublev on the background of the era.
Historical and social scientific material about the life and work of A. Rublev
Keywords: Moscovite period, sentience, arts, person in history.

History and Society

V.B. Stolov. Fleet of Russian-Japanese war.
Article concerns main features of Russian fleet and its participation in Russo-Japanese War 1904–1905.
Keywords: Russian Empire, soldiery.


O.N. Zhuravleva. Formulating anti-corruption world outlook as the actual problem of renovation of education content.
The article is devoted to the relevant problem of renovation of education content. Youth anti-corruption education is a vital component of any anti-corruption strategy and can be integrated in school social subjects.
Keywords: domestic policy, law, manners, module.

Uniform State Exam

E.N. Belsky. Training on the history of 20th century for State Resultant Attestation in new form for 9th form.
In article presents the conception of training for State Resultant Attestation for 9th form (with examples).
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, Russian Empire.

S.S. Kinshin. Some features of the organization of work in preparation for the delivery of GIA.
Methodological material to assist teachers to deliver the GIA.
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, planning.

S.A. Fomin. Schemes and assignments on the history of Russia during the reign of Alexander I to prepare for Part C of the USE.
This methodical development targets on training of pupils for part C of Uniform State Exam. Author develops the model of training based on schemes with short text comments.
Key words: scheme, symbols, Russian Empire, Uniform State Exam.

A.Y. Morozov. Historical and geographical training in the history of unification of Russian lands around Moscow in the second half of XIV — beginning of XVI century
Keywords: Uniform State Exam, interdisciplinary connections.

Young scientists’ works

A.A. Simonova. The honoring of saint Nikolay Mirlikiysky in Ancient Russia
The author of the article investigates the reasons of extraordinary popularity st.  Nikola in Russia. During research it is found out that written sources and especially national Christian relics (stone icons) are connected with activity of the Irish missionary tradition which have extended the monasteries across all Europe.
Keywords: Kievan Rus, religion, icons.

A.V. Boyarchuk. The celebration of  Shrovetide in the second half of the 19th century
The article covers the most ancient Slavic holiday – Russian Shrovetide (Maslenitsa), rooted in pagan times. The celebration of Shrovetide in the Moscow province in 19th century was both agrarian-magic and carnival elements borrowed from the city.
Keywords: Russian Empire, manners, religion.

L.V. Silina. The Soviet press is controlled by the top party leadership (1950–1960’s).
Article devoted to the status of the Soviet press in 1950–1960.
Keywords: USSR, sentience, censure.

In Journal

  • News of Science

Опубликовано в Журнал в 2011 году.

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