Actual theme: New methodological approaches to organizing games in history lessons
M.V. Korotkova. Immersion method of history teaching: concept, teaching organization and examples.
The article opens series of articles about new forms of pupils play activities. The article is devoted to the problems of immersion game in different interpretations. Immersion game as new form corrects game theory — definition, signs, classification and methods of history teaching. The article discloses for example of immersion game. Using for this example immersion gaim permites on practice elements of immersion education.
Keywords: immersion, immersion game, immersion technology, virtual and supplementary reality, sensibility, immersion of history epoch.
Y.E. Verzilina. Interactive museum game «Day in the Zemstvo school»
The article is devoted to the problem of involving teenagers in the museum environment through the most effective method of working with the school audience — gaming. The author examines the game from the point of view of general and museum pedagogy, reveals the importance of its application in museum classes with teenagers. The article presents the author’s development of a program for the S. A. Yesenin Museum-Reserve in Konstantinovo, which includes writing and arithmetic lessons.
Keywords: museum pedagogy, museum game, museum lesson, interactive lesson.
V.B. Maslova. Methods of using new gaming technologies in classes with schoolchildren in the museum space
The article presents the experience of gaming activities in the museum space. The forms of interactive tasks are described using the example of a historical interactive program dedicated to the culture of Ancient Greece and a collection of paintings by Prince N.B. Yusupov, representing ancient subjects. The lesson will be interesting for history teachers as part of the lessons on the topic «Culture of Ancient Greece».
Keywords: antiquity, archaeology, vase painting styles, collecting, antique painting collection, heroes of the Trojan war.
M.S. Korovikova. Business game «Fashion of the era of Catherine II in Russia».
In this article, the author considers the business game as one of the types of involvement of high school children in the learning process, both at school and in the museum space. The article presents the author’s development of a program for high school students, which immerses participants in the fashion world of the Catherine II era.
Keywords: pedagogy, business game, history lesson.
History and Society
I.S. Ogonovskaya. Two tandems of M.V. Nechkina: co-authors of school textbooks on the history of the USSR A.V. Fadeev and P.S. Leibengrub (1960s — first half of the 1980s).
The article examines the activities of two creative teams of creators of school textbooks on the history of the USSR for grades VII-VIII in the 1960s — first half of the 1980s: M.V. Nechkina — A.V. Fadeyev and M.V. Nechkina — P.S. Leibengrub. The article shows the difficulties of the authors’ work on textbooks, the process of approving educational literature, and actualizes the problem of requirements for this type of educational publications.
Keywords: historical education, USSR history textbooks, M.V. Nechkina, A.V. Fadeev, P.S. Leibengrub, 1960s — first half of the 1980s.
S.E. Lazarev. The rebellion of Ivan Bolotnikov (1606-1607) in fine arts.
The article is the first to undertake an analysis of the content of works of fine art dedicated to the Bolotnikov Uprising (1606-1607). The author collected rich illustrative material in various museums and printed publications on the territory of our country and came to the following conclusions. A rise in genuine interest in this topic was observed among painters and sculptors at several turning points in Russian history. Firstly, at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, in the works of the Itinerant artists and the bearers of their traditions, who for the first time turned from abstract biblical and ancient subjects to dramatic events in Russian history and introduced them to the general population. Then came the period after the October Revolution of 1917, when Ivan Bolotnikov found himself in the pantheon of workers’ and peasants’ leaders, extolled as a fighter against tsarist tyranny and a defender of the rights of the common people. During the Great Patriotic War, his name raised the people to an uncompromising battle with the invaders. Finally, in modern Russia, which is in the process of forming value orientations, searching for new historical heroes and role models, the theme of the Bolotnikov rebellion has once again become extremely popular.
Keywords: Bolotnikov’s rebellion, «Antiquities of the Russian state», «Niva» magazine, fine art, «Pictures on Russian history», «Description of a journey to Muscovy», the Itinerants, monumental propaganda plan, sculpture, Time of Troubles.
M.A. Bychkov. The Danubian principalities in the foreign policy of Russia in the 17th century.
The article analyzes the development of diplomatic relations between Russia and the Danube principalities (Moldavia and Wallachia) in the XVII century. During this period, they were in the formative stage. Their rapid development in conditions when the principalities were in the center of political and military confrontation between the states of the region, when there was an active struggle between the lords and boyars in the principalities themselves, when the lords pursued a policy of maneuvering, was impossible. However, it was precisely the development of relations with Russia that became an opportunity for the Danube principalities to free themselves from the «web» of constant political instability.
Keywords: Wallachia, foreign policy, the Danube Principalities, Moldova, Russia, Transylvania.
T.A. Polkovnikova. Game of the Goose and Bilboquet: board games Russian emperors played in their childhood.
The author studies the board games for children commonly played in the Russian imperial family, gives specific types of the board games mentioned in the notes of S.A. Poroshin, the educator of Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich, describes board game rules and their features, highlights the reflection of the board games in Art, analyses the importance of the board games for raising children.
Keywords: game, board game, Game of the Goose, Bilboquet, raising children, the Romanov family.
N.A. Chikanova. Representations of revolutionary Petrograd in Stalinian cinema of the 1930s.
The article examines the problem of updating the image of St. Petersburg (Petrograd, Leningrad) in the Soviet worldview discourse. In order to identify the characteristics of the former imperial capital, the author turns to Soviet pre-war films dedicated to V. I. Lenin or related to him. The author has proposed a methodology for studying the dynamic visual images of the city based on the analysis of the historical, cultural, political and social attributes attached to it and the methods of their transmission to the viewer: close-ups and perspective plans, genre analysis and taking into account technical capabilities.
Keywords: architecture of St. Petersburg, mass performances, places of memory, V. I. Lenin, Leningrad, revolutionary Petrograd, political worldview, propaganda, sculpture of St. Petersburg, Soviet cinema, leniniana.
M.M. Panteleev. Jean Fontenoy: fascist for the sake of provocation.
The article analyzes the biography of the French journalist Jean Fontenoy, who held leftist views in his youth but later became a fascist and collaborator. The reasons and consequences of his evolution are revealed.
Keywords: Jean Fontenoy, fascism, France, collaborationism, journalism.
D.A. Fedorov. Ethnicity as a criterion for differentiation of students in social studies lessons.
The author presents some aspects of the results of the research conducted from 2019 to the present in one of St. Petersburg schools, aimed at studying the issues of teaching social studies to students from different ethnic groups. The author poses the key question of the article — whether ethnicity is a sufficient basis for building the concept of differentiated teaching of students in social studies lessons. According to the results of the study, the author finds that ethnicity alone cannot be a sufficient basis for the organization of differentiated teaching, but this factor should be taken into account in combination with others.
Keywords: methods of teaching social studies, teaching migrants, ethno-cultural barriers, differentiated teaching.
A.A. Samoylova. Gender play as a way of forming gender identity among students in history lessons.
The presented article is devoted to the problem of the formation of the gender identity of adolescents in history lessons. A new form of the game is being introduced into scientific circulation — gender. As an example of the implementation of the gender game, it is proposed to develop a lesson on the study of everyday culture of the era of Alexander III.
Keywords: gender game, gender identity, play activity, history lesson.
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