Actual theme: Professional pedagogical culture of a teacher of history and social science
E.E. Vyazemsky, E.V. Salina, T.V. Gudkova, Yu.V. Romanov. Professional pedagogical culture of a history and social studies teacher (to comprehend the experience of training teachers of history and social studies for a modern school at the Institute of history and politics of Moscow state pedagogical university).
The authors of the article consider current issues — what kind of history and social studies teacher is needed to work in a modern Russian school of the 21st century? What professional culture should a graduate of a pedagogical university have? The authors convincingly show that the integrative criterion of a teacher’s preparedness to fulfill his pedagogical mission is the possession of a well-formed professional pedagogical culture.
Keywords: professional pedagogical culture, requirements for the professional culture of teachers, history and social studies.
History and Society
I.S. Ogonovskaya. M.V. Nechkina – historian, teacher, author of school history textbooks 1930s – half of the 1980s.
The author of the article examines the work of the famous Soviet historian M.V. Nechkina in relation to school history education; shows the role of the scientist in formulating the main approaches to teaching history at school, in developing the concept of a school history textbook; examines the difficulties that textbook authors had to face; emphasizes the importance of joint work of professional historians and teacher-methodologists in preparing educational publications for schools; focuses on the active interaction of M.V. Nechkina with teachers and schoolchildren, with the editors of newspapers and magazines of pedagogical orientation, including the magazine «Teaching History at School».
Keywords: historical education, USSR history textbook, school, school reform of 1958, M.V. Nechkina, P.S. Leibengrub.
A.N. Aldashov, A.O. Ivanov, A.R. Shaislamov. Special military operation of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine (from February 24, 2022 to the present): historical and political aspects.
The article offered to readers is devoted to the history of russian-ukrainian relations and covers the period of the XIX — early XXI centuries. The article reveals in detail the reasons that led to the transformation of Ukraine into a state hostile to Russia, shows the origins and roots of ukrainian nationalism. The authors reveal the reasons for the special military operation that forced the Russian leadership to make this difficult choice. The article is intended for a wide range of readers interested in the history of our Fatherland.
Keywords: special military operation, ukrainian nationalism, Anti-Russia project, Euromaidan.
M.V. Semikolenov. Stages of the formation of serfdom in Russia: genesis and evolution.
Serfdom in Russia has a complex nature of origin and development caused by established political and social relations and was one of the elements of centralized power that took shape in the 18th century. into an absolute form of government. The legal registration of serfdom is associated with the cathedral code of 1649. In the 17th century. a social structure is emerging that determines the gradation of peasants depending on the rights given to them. In the 18th century serfdom is further strengthened, despite the understanding of the need to resolve this issue by almost all rulers. In the 19th century Attempts are being made to solve it, but the problem remained unresolved after the abolition of serfdom on February 19, 1861.
Keywords: peasants, serfdom, St. George’s day, the elderly, land, landlords.
V.S. Belgorodsky, S.G. Dembitsky, A.Yu. Gavrilov. Activities of the National commissariat of the light industry of the USSR in 1943 on organization of industrial production by industrial industries in the conditions of the turning point in the Great Patriotic war of 1941-1945.
This article is devoted to the reflection of the activity of the People’s Commissariat of Light Industry of the USSR in 1943 on the organisation of industrial production by the enterprises of the subordinate branch in the conditions of a radical turning point in the course of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). In this paper there are thoroughly considered and analysed the main directions of the People’s Commissariat’s work in this period, which included the provision of effective functioning of factories located in the regions of the country, the urgent problems that existed in this industry in this period and the ways of their solution are highlighted. A special place in the article is given to the characterisation of the activities of the People’s Commissar of Light Industry of the USSR S.G. Lukin and the Deputy Commissars, who in the difficult conditions of the war-changing year of 1943 heroically fulfilled their professional and patriotic duty to the struggling Motherland. The article was prepared on the basis of documents contained in the Russian State Archive of Economics, the State Archive of the Russian Federation and the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History, which had previously been classified as «top secret» or «secret». It is saturated with a large amount of factual material, including those introduced into the scientific discourse for the first time.
Keywords: Great Patriotic war, State Defence Committee, Council of People’s Commissars, People’s Commissariat of Light Industry, orders, instructions, factories, machinery, raw materials, rear, organization of production.
S.A. Razumov. Epistolary heritage of numismatist Sergei Ivanovich Chizhov: problems of study.
The article studies the methodological and source study aspects of the search, publication and analysis of the epistolary heritage of the outstanding Russian numismatist S. I. Chizhov (1870-1921). To date, 84 texts written by him from 1901 to 1921 have been discovered and published, which were addressed to U.G. Ivask, K.M. Paradelov, P.P. Shibanov, V.K. Trutovsky, N.P. Likhachev, A.V. Oreshnikov and other famous scientists. They contain valuable information about the numismatist’s research, his activities in the Moscow Numismatic Society, the formation of the library and collection of book symbols, his social circle and other topics. The article highlights three tasks that are currently relevant when studying the epistolary heritage of S.I. Chizhov: heuristic, archaeographic and cognitive.
Keywords: S.I. Chizhov, epistolary sources, numismatics, bibliography, archaeography.
A.A. Morozov. Formation of students cartographic skills: a systematic approach and the federal educational program of basic general education.
The article deals with some problems of reflecting the ideas of the systemic approach to the formation of learning skills in the new programme documents (The Federal Educational Programme for Basic General Education and The Federal Working Programme for Basic General Education in History) on the material of organization of work with a historical map. On the basis of the analysis of these documents, the author identifies a number of contradictions in the programme documents in the context of the implementation of the system approach, and suggests some possible directions for improving the quality of educational programmes.
Keywords: historical education, historical maps, cartographic skills, educational standard, history program.
O.Y. Strelova. Formation and diagnostics of science literacy up to date with regional history.
In continuation of the «methodological consultation» on the formation of functional literacy in courses on History, the author of the article offers a thematic case for the development of natural-science literacy of schoolchildren. It, like the previous ones, was developed on the basis of a textbook on the history of the Russian Far East and the principles of constructing FL- cases. It, like the previous ones, was developed on the basis of a textbook on the history of the Russian Far East and the principles of constructing FG cases. The comments show how the cognitive abilities of schoolchildren are diagnosed in each specific case and why a systematic approach to the design and use of FL-cases is important. The experience of creating NSL- cases with historical content, sources of information and cultural Texts, in integration with RL skills, confirms the value of functional literacy as a meta-subject and personal result of school education.
Keywords: science literacy, functional literacy, Cultural text (historical source), regional history, case study of the formation and diagnosis of science literacy.
V.S. Pikalova, D.V. Pikalov. Paintings in history teaching as a means of forming traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.
The article is devoted to the methodology of formation of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values in history lessons based on the use of paintings. The authors highlight general methodological approaches that reveal the potential of emotional and imaginative impact in the analysis of reproductions of paintings for the education of value and semantic attitudes. The article provides a practical example of a cognitive task for organizing group work when studying the features of a post-reform village in a history lesson in the 9th grade. Working on it will create conditions for the formation of such values among students as creative work, patriotism, the priority of the spiritual over the material and a strong family.
Keywords: traditional values, creative work, patriotism, priority of the spiritual over the material, strong family, visual education, post-reform village, teaching methods, teaching techniques.
E.I. Shchulepnikova, A.A. Emelianova. To study the social structure of the Russian city in the first half of the XIX century at school.
The article presents comparative statistical material that can be used (in the framework of practical classes, in Olympiad tasks, etc.) to expand, consolidate or verify students’ ideas about the social stratification of the Russian city in the first half of the XIX century. For students of Moscow and Tomsk, this material is also relevant as a regional component of historical education.
Keywords: social structure, Russian city of the XIX century, estates, burghers, class system.
Young scientists’ works
A.V. Cherepanov. Red Army soldier against the background of internal party discussions: a historical portrait of the second half of the 1920 s — early 1930 s.
This article attempts to characterize the portrait of a Red Army soldier against the background of the second half of the 1920s and early 1930s. This historical period has been studied much weaker than the period of construction of the Red Army during the Civil War or the second half of the 1930s. Within the framework of the publication, a unique material obtained by the author on his own is given — the personal file of political worker T.F. Kulinich. At different times, T.F. Kulinich held different positions and, having no education, made a good career in the Red Army until he was transferred to the reserve. A number of sources are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, which helps shed light on a difficult and little-known period in the life of the armed forces of the Red Army.
Keywords: into Red army opposition, intra-party discussions, political process, study of historical sources, teaching history in school.
A.O. Omarkanova. The formation of protest actions in the Russian-Kazakh borderlands in the 20-30s of the XX century: a socio-anthropological analysis.
The article covers the formation of protest actions in the border region of Kazakhstan (East Kazakhstan region) and Russia (Altai region) in the 20-30s of the XX century. The «phenomenon» of peasant protest as a «pattern» of total collectivization, types and forms of protest, scale and socio-cultural consequences were considered.
Keywords: Western Siberia, protests, types and forms of resistance, Kazakh aul, clan-hierarchical institutions, adaptive practices.
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