
Journal’s content № 3 2021

N.N. Lazukova, D.V. Kuzin. About the Petersburg methodological school.
The article gives a general overview of the development of the Department of History Methods of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen.
Key words: history teaching methodology, methodological school, St. Petersburg..

Actual theme: Petersburg methodological school

D.V. Kuzin. Problems of formation of methodological knowledge in the works of St. Petersburg-Leningrad methodists.
The article reveals the process of formation of the methodology of teaching history as a field of scientific knowledge in St. Petersburg. Special attention is paid to understanding the structure and role of methodological theory.
Key words: methods of teaching history, methodological theory, methodological research, methodological discussion.

P.A. Baranov. Basic stages and trends in the development of the methodical service of the St. Petersburg school (1800-1990).
The main subject of the article is the formation and development of the methodical service of the St. Petersburg school. The author traces the trends in changing the content, forms and methods of methodical work, identifies the particular characteristics of the St. Petersburg methodical service.
Key words: methodical service, methodical work, methodical cabinet (methodical office), methodical association, up-skilling of teachers (further personnel training).

A.K. Nepomnyashchya, N.N. Lazukova. Experience in creating the first Soviet history curriculum.
This article examines the experience of the first Soviet history program, which was created by Methodists from Petrograd. This was an attempt to preserve the experience of studying history at school. The program expressed ideas about building school history courses that are relevant today.
Key words: activity method, expertise, continuity, curriculum, developing training.


N.N. Lazukova. Main Features and Peculiarities of the St. Petersburg Methodical system.
The article is devoted to the development of methods of teaching history in St. Petersburg from the Soviet period to the present day.
Key words: St. Petersburg School of Mmethods of Teaching History, continuity in the development of methodical science, modern methodological system of the Department, system-activity approach, methodological design.

O.N. Zhuravleva, T.P. Andreevskaya, T.I. Pashkova. History textbook as a methodological phenomenon: innovative activities of St. Petersburg authors
The article is devoted to an overview of the history textbooks of St. Petersburg (Leningrad) authors and the results of their activities on the development of the textbook ‘s methodological apparatus from the middle of the XIX century to the present.
Key words: school’s textbooks of history; the methodological potential of the history textbook; St. Petersburg (Leningrad) authors.

O.M. Khlytina. Historical versions and assessments: study options in a modern Russian school.
The article substantiates the value of studying contradictory interpretations of the past for the development of critical thinking among the students of the 21st century. In addition, it describes the experience of the Russian school in incorporating scientific versions and assessments of the past into the content of historical education. The question is raised about the appropriateness and methodological ways of organizing students’ understanding of the extra-scientific versions of the past that exist in historical memory (individual, group, collective).
Key words: historical memory, historical sources, historiographic materials, history lesson, learning history.

E.B. Dyakova. Using the presentation’s interactive potential in history teaching.
The article reveals one of the ways to form the student’s visual culture by means of educational presentations. The interactive visual space concept is proposed. The article considers the principles of design and using of presentation’s interactive visual space based on the technology of continuous cognitive activity of students. The article demonstrates the examples of interactive modules in educational presentations.
Key words: interactive visual space, technology of continuous cognitive activity of students, interactive modules in educational presentations on history.

O.A. Volgin. Developing student skills of audiovisual documents analysis in history teaching.
In the article we try to highlight some theoretical approaches to constructing the system of developing student skills of audiovisual documents analysis in history teaching at high school.
Key words: media education, medialiteracy, teaching history methods, informational skills.

A.H. Muzyukin. Experiences in developing visual skills in French history textbooks.
The article analyzes the experience of creating French history textbooks based on the technology of managing the process of forming student’s skills (competencies).
Keywords: french history textbooks, skill formation system, visual text, management of the process of forming skills (competencies), visual sources.

L.V. Iskrovskaya, R.A. Lozovaya. On the question of using memes as an unconventional means of teaching history.
The authors raise the question of the possibility of using memes as non-traditional means of developing critical thinking skills, and focus on the advantages and possible risks of using memes in teaching history.
Key words: visual meme, critical thinking skills, critical thinking development technologies, history teaching.

O.B. Soboleva, E.E. Ivanov, V.E. Malyugina. Teaching politics in schools in different countries.
The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of teaching politics in schools in different countries. The objectives of the study are: to identify the features of school political education, including its ideological component; possible grouping of countries by the main approaches to teaching politics; to determine best practices relevant to modern Russian schools. The research methods were the analysis of normative documents and textbooks on social science in different countries, and empirical modeling. The article presents foreign methodological developments that can be applied by domestic social science teachers.
Keywords: political education, social science education, civic studies, foreign education, post-Soviet education, school textbooks, textbooks on social science, methods of teaching social science.

E.V. Vanina. The Social Profile of a School Leaver: Materials for Social History Education.
The article is devoted to the problem of complex consideration of the results of historical and social science education, including the use of data from socio-pedagogical research.
Keywords: socio-pedagogical research, social portrait of the graduate, functional literacy, educational results.

O.B. Soboleva, K.A. Pavlenko, E.E. Ivanov, V.E. Malyugina. Using computer games to teach social studies.
The article is devoted to the problem of discrepancy between the didactic potential of computer games and their practical usage, as the least studied in teaching social science in Russia. The research methods were: analysis of domestic and foreign pedagogical literature, normative documents, computer games themselves and methodological developments on the topic; survey of teachers and students; search experiment and diagnostic testing.
Key words: social science education, learning tools, computer game, «serious» games, entertainment games, foreign learning experience, homework, visual potential, system-activity approach.

L.K. Ermolaeva, O.B. Ostrovsky, A.R. Demidova. About the concept of local history education of Saint Petersburg schoolchildren.
The article describes St. Petersburg concept of school local history education created by the efforts of the Department of methods of teaching history and social science at the Herzen pedagogical University and the Department of cultural education of St. Petersburg Academy of Post-Graduate pedagogical education. The author’s concept is based on the idea of ??D.M. Likhachev about local history as a «moral settlement» of the population that allows using the richest historical and cultural potential of St. Petersburg as one of the most important components of student’s personality development.
Key words: concept of St. Petersburg school local history education, historical and cultural heritage, local history, history and culture of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg self-identification, spiritual and moral orientation of schoolchildren, educational and upbringing potential of the socio-cultural environment of the city.

E.F. Gostev. Development of digital educational resources for the implementation of the national-regional component (common approaches).
The article discloses one of the options for implementing the national-regional component. It is proposed to create a bank of Digital Educational Resources (DER). Approaches to the development of digital resources, criteria for their selection for the bank, their adaptation are considered. Examples of such resources in training are demonstrated.
Key words: national-regional component, digital educational resources, local history.

Опубликовано в Журнал в 2021 году.

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