Actual theme: The centenary of October
B.Yu. Kagarlitsky. Revolution as a tool for modernization.
The author considers the revolutionary events of 1917 through the prism of the world-system theory. The key attention is paid to the fact that during the revolutionary transformations of Soviet Russia it was possible to «disconnect» from the global process of capital accumulation.
Keywords: Modermisation, backwardness, world-system theory, industialisation.
N.A. Mogilevskiy. Revolution of 1917 in the school textbooks of the 1990-s.
Article is dedicated to the interpretation of the Russian revolution of 1917 in the Russian textbooks of the 1990-s. Author also analyzes the new approaches and new perspectives in the coverage of this topic.
Keywords: the revolution of 1917, teaching, history, school textbook, the 1990-s.
K. Pakhalyuk. Representations of the October Revolution in Soviet educational documentaries.
The author compares two documentaries (filmed in the beginning of 1930-s and in 1957) devoted to the October Revolution. The main stress is made on the development of the official narrative.
Keywords: October revolution, documentary, memory studies, cultural politics, propaganda.
P.G. Baranova, A.A. Trashchenko. The image of the October Revolution in the juvenile literature of 1920s and 1930s.
The authors undertake the analysis of prominent books for children written in the 1920s and 1930s. The article focuses on the features that characterize the way of shaping the image of the revolution of 1917 and a revolutionary in children’s minds.
Keywords: October Revolution, juvenile literature, ideology, communist values.
Shubin A.V. The power of the Soviets as a reality.
The article gives an analysis of the problems and contradictions that arose in Russia between the central government and local councils in 1918-1920.
Keywords: Soviet power, managerial activity, emergency powers, Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, essers.
History and Society
A.V. Juravel. Marx’s theory of formations and modernity.
The article describes the basics of Marx’s theory of formations which is triple in contrast to the «marxist-leninist». The secondary economic formation is the core of his idea. It is showed how Marx’s scheme can be applied in modern conditions.
Keywords: Marx, marxism, marxism-leninism, theory of formations, secondary economic formation, mode of production, globalism.
History from the family archive.
N.D. Postnykov. Chevalier of St. George’s arms Colonel of the 98th Yuryev Infantry Regiment Dmitry Nikolaevich Postnikov.
This article describes in detail one of the episodes of the First World War, in which Lieutenant Colonel D.N. Postnikov brilliantly showed his martial art.
Keywords: East Prussian operation, encirclement, breakthrough, St. George’s weapon, D.N. Postnikov.
I.P. Eremetova. Tasks for the Regional History Olympiad for pupils of V-VII classes.
Variant of regional subject Olympiad on history.
Keywords: оlympic games, Ancient world, Kievan Rus, period of feudal partition, Moscovite period, Russian Empire.
T.V. Koval, E.A. Kryuchkova, A.Yu. Lazebnikova, S.E. Dyukova. Interdisciplinary course «Ways of knowing».
The article presents the program of interdisciplinary course (module) for 10th-form students, created in accordance with the requirements of the National educational Standard to the educational programs of elective courses.
Keywords: school education, cognitive activity, interdisciplinary approach, ways of knowing, universal educational actions, methodological knowledge.
O.N. Machekhina. The relation of theory and practice in teaching history in the conditions of the knowledge society.
In the article the author brings up a question of transformation of the theory and practice teaching history at school in the conditions of entry of a civilization into society of knowledge. The author, representing, in his opinion, the most effective paradigm of the solution of this question.
Keywords: history, theory, practice, knowledge society.
I.I. Barinova. Education of a Citizen in a modern school.
The article shows the importance of forming a positive image of the country for educating a citizen in the process of teaching history and geography.
Keywords: education in the process of education, spiritual and moral education, positive image of the country.
Young scientists’ works
R.R. Nurislamov. Anglo-german relations in the context of the Civil war in Spain 1936-1939.
The article deals with the relations between Great Britain and Germany in the context of the initial period of the Spanish Civil War. The author concludes that the events in Spain made it clear that the Nazi radical foreign policy programme would run into insuperable contradictions with British interests.
Keywords: anglo-german relations, Spanish Civil war of 1936-1939, Non-intervention Committee, crisis of the Versailles system, Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis, origins of the Second world war.
A.E. Menshikov. Organization of educational work in the Socialist Academy of Social Sciences.
The article shows the reasons for the priority of the educational part of the Socialist Academy’s activity during the period of 1918-1919 years. The author analyzes the specificities of the practical work in the educational fields, the contents of the academic courses, academic teaching stuff and the main characteristics of the first recruiting students.
Keywords: ideology, Socialist Academy, educational work, agitation. СРС.
I.A. Potemkin. Police in the fight against violators of the «dry law» during the First World War.
The article reveals the activities of the police on the implementation of the anti-coalition campaign, the fight against violators of the adopted «dry law» during the First World War.
Keywords: the Police, the First World War, «dry law», crime, the Police Department.
I.A. Boldov. Orthodox church at the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries.
The article covers the events from the history of the Orthodox Church of the late XVI — early XVII century. in the period of the Troubles, the union of Brest. An assessment is given of the relationship between church and state.
Keywords: orthodoxy, catholicism, troubled time, patriarch.
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