
Magazine’s content № 9 2012

Actual theme: Histiry of movie

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E.V. Volkov, A.I. Ushakov.
The civil war in the Soviet cinema era of Lenin and Stalin
The article analyzes the Soviet films on the Civil War.

M.V. Petukhova.
Political fragmentation in Russia (the lesson of learning new material in class VI)
The author proposes the development of a lesson based on a combination of various methods of teaching.


History and Society

S.V. Leonov.
Problem of the influence of Byzantium in the Russian history
The article is dedicated to the analyses of the Byzantine influence on the Ancient Russia society. It is investigated its scales and the role in the different spheres: orthodoxy, political, culture, economy, etc.

I.A. Novikov.
Iron and steel industry of the Southern Urals, a Russian state XVIII-XXI centuries
This article analyzes the development of the steel industry in the Southern Urals XVIII-XXI centuries.

E.M. Usmanov.
Khazar history in school textbooks
The author assesses the historical material on the Khazars in various textbooks.

N.S. Vatnik.
The highest show of students on the centenary of the Patriotic War of 1812
The article describes the circumstances of the show in Moscow Imperial parade pupils of secondary schools of Russia as an important part of the centenary celebrations of the Patriotic War of 1812.


P.E. Furen, J.M. Krainova, A.I. Shilin.
«The arrogant spirit humbled…»
The author presents a scenario-lesson study on the anniversary event in Russian history — the bicentennial of the victory of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812.

T.A. Magsumov.
The mark in the pre-revolutionary school
The article reveals the analysis of the mark system, and the experience of its replacement by testimonials on the materials of the pre-revolutionary commercial schools. Serious problems of the current marks, positive and negative sides of testimonials and the attempts of establishing contacts between family and school are highlighted.

Uniform State Exam

I.A. Arthasov.
KIM Uniform State Exam in history: the results of implementation of new quests and areas for further improvement
This article analyzes the performance of tasks on the history exam in 2012, as well as justifying the need for further modernization of the structure of the Uniform State Exam and the inclusion of new jobs.

A.Y. Morozov.
Historical and geographical training in the Decembrist uprising
Geographically oriented training to prepare for the Uniform State Exam and the GIA.

Today in magazine – Tomorrow in class

S.V. Dotsenko, T.V. Stahlbaum.
Virtual album «Field of Russian glory: Borodino»
The article describes the site on the 1812 war.


Young scientists’ works

A.R. Psihomahova.
Education reform in Russia as a factor of national intelligence in the Kuban and Terek
The article is devoted to the problems of integration of the inhabitants of the Caucasus society in the cultural space of the Russian state. Reform of education in the Caucasus taking into account the existing the ethnopedagogical structures, whose main task was the preparation of the national employees with the subsequent attraction of them to the Russian service.

P.G. Tkachenko.
The emergence and spread of «Russian» Protestantism Western orientation in southern Russia in XIX — early XX century
The article has been observed the subject of Russian protestant’s denominations genesis its root’s forms and directions. Although, author makes research the foreign confessions’ influence on standing Russian-origin protestant communities at XIX — XX centuries in Southern Russia.  

A.E. Chekalin.
Rhode princes Cherkassky in Russia sotsiogenealogichesky analysis
The article considers the social and genealogical the history of the princes of the Cherkasski XVI-XX century, their services and land ownership.


In Journal

  • Column editor in chief
  • «Admiral» — the pendulum of history
  • Check your knowledge easily! (Gauging Materials publisher «Waco»)
  • Science News

Опубликовано в Журнал в 2012 году.

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